Lunar Sisters Calendar

Current Date - 3rd of Ryion, 543 RoU


Based on the celestial movement of Cyan and Saphra, the Lunar Sisters Calendar used the two Moons Cyan and her smaller sister Saphra to track Months and Years.

The Governing Celestial Bodies and their Phases

  • Astra (Star) - From Star Rise to Star Rise is 24 hours, which is used to measure each day.
  • Cyan (Large Moon) - Cyan's Phase is used to measure months. It takes 20 days for Cyan to complete a full Phase, which is how long a month is.
  • Saphra (Small Moon) - Saphra's Phase is used to measure years. It take 240 days or 12 of Cyan's Phases for Saphra to complete a full Phase, which is how long a year is.
In Summery
  • 24 Hours in a Day.
  • 20 Days in a Month.
  • 12 Months in a Year or 240 Days in a Year

Time of Day Breakdown

Astra Rise starts the Day at 0000 and Astra Set is 1200
  • 0000 - 0600
  • Starts with Astra rising in the East.
  • Customary to start the day at Astra Rise with a hearty breakfast and start your day.
Mid Day
  • 0600 - 1200
  • Starts when Astra is directly center in the sky.
  • Customary to enjoy a small meal. Most work is done at this time.
  • 1200 - 1800
  • Starts at Astra Set, when it dips behind the horizon in the West.
  • Customary to enjoy a dinner and a drink or two with family and friends and prepare for night.
  • 1800 - 2400
  • Starts when the Moon Saphra is directly center in the sky.
  • Customary for people to be sleeping.

Months and Seasons

  • There are 4 Seasons and 12 Months.
  • The Year Starts in Darasil and ends in Mothos.
  • Months are Darasil, Ryion, Elsin, Arbus, Setris, Udall, Alher, Odell, Zelan, Etar, Miris and Mothos.


Darasil - Ryion - Elsin

Arbus - Setris - Udall

Alher - Odell - Zelan

Etar - Miris - Mothos


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