A Fond Farewell

A seemingly friendly, quite kind and sweet toned solioquy, a farewell speech of a kind as if to a lost love or dear friend, which allows a manifestation of one's ego in a nonvisual way.


Perform TN: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Performance Time: 3 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 hour

Range: 10 feet

Target: Yourself and up to one other creature in range you choose.

Base Effects: As you say this fond farewell, a heartfelt, if sarcastic, goodbye to those around you, you and your chosen target begin to fade from sight, becoming invisible to the eye. You will stay as such when moving, or taking any non aggressive actions. If you do anything that attempts to deal damage to another creature or object, or in any other way negatively impact any other creature or object with something such as status effects or conditions, you will be revealed.

Tier II: You may effect yourself and up to two other creatures in range you choose.

Tier III: You may effect yourself and up to four other creatures in range you choose.


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