A Seven of Sixes

"Well, a fellow of the coin, a fellow follower of the master of luck and game. Thing is I don't recognize you, and you seem nervous. Hands sweating, eyes darting. Is something wrong brother, this is a house of god, a place of sanctum for those such as us. What ails you, why do you not roll your Die with me whilst we say a brief prayer, perhaps it will help you relax. Unless of course there is a reason you refuse to produce and show your holy token. Perhaps because you did not know of the secret about the die we carry?"

"N-no-no of course I know, yes just let me, here it is."

A priest of Varis Tomain and a thief fool enough to try conning their way into a church's treasury by pretending to be of the cloth.

The Seven of Sixes is a holy symbol and token, the talisman worn by those of the Gambler's Faith. Followers of Varis Tomain all recieve one, those of the cloth recieve one of gold and with silver inlayed numbers, whereas Templars recieve one of Silver with gold inlayed numbers and copper toned edges. These beautiful six sided die look as normal as normal can be, an idea those of the faith do not attempt to counter the idea of. However these tokens are not merely pendants or symbols, but holy focuses for the prayers of the truly faithful. These tokens are only handed out to priests and templars, not mere squires or scribes, only those whom are so blessed as to be touched by Tomain's Divine Power, able to call upon it.

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If you ain't cheating you aint playing: The Seven of Sixes gets its name due to the uniqueness of its connection to the faithful whom own and wear them. Those of Tomain's blessing whilst muttering any simple prayer, will roll the die and no matter how it falls, the face that it shows when one Prays in any way when rolling will show the impossible result of a 7. It is through this method, a security method, that the faith of Tomain avoids cons and trickery, individuals pretending to be of the church, no matter how skillful the disguise, simply cannot falsify such a result. It is a combination of feeling the brief spark of divine presence and the fact that once it is picked up and inspected, the numbers will show the proper 1-6 on the six faces, that help with this security measure and help make it effective.

Cover image: Lucky Dice by Keon Croucher, using Inkarnate


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