Adjudicator's Command

Empower my voice with your finality, with the essence of a verdict, a proclaimation, a statement of fact and law. I ask now empower my presence and power, allow me the strength of persona, the impact to issue an undeniable command and order, upon the authority of the Divine Judge, upon your authority. Bless this humble servant in this moment, I civilly request.

Prayer of Authority


Basic Effects: You bark out a simple and powerful command, to be heeded without question, via divine force, to a target. The command has to be a simple one, three words or less. The target may attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail, they concede to the order, having gained the Frightened (1) Condition, and for the duration will continue conceding to and following the order, though they may attempt the Persona Defensive Test at the end of each of their turns. If they succeed the test, they take 3d6 psychic damage but resist or are freed from the effects of the command, and do not gain the Frightened (1) Condition.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The command can be five words long, and directed at up to 3 targets in range.

Tier III Effects: The command can be up to seven words long, and directed at up to 5 targets in range.


As you finish the prayer, seeking empowerment, guidance, and most importantly, permission, you feel the welling of air in your lungs, as you breathe in deeply. The bark of an order that leaves your lips is a loud, strong, harsh, yet fair one, of a level and dangerous tone. A true authoritative order, one whom upon the sound of it rides divine powers to compel. Your target's eyes widen, they are shaken and struggling.......
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 18, Tier II: 23, Tier III: 28
Related Discipline
Prayer (Deat-Kra)
Effect Duration
Instant, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: 1 creature in range that you can see.


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