Aethyric Mending/Primordial Awakening

The Aether weeps, the world bleeds. Lady of Leaves, Mother of all, use me as your conduit. Allow me to be the connection, to let your power and magick flow into the Veil, to mend, and to heal. I accept the risk, I accept the danger, for whilst the world bleeds, none are safe.

Prayer of Dreams


Basic Effects: You must make a Toughness Defensive Test. If successful, you survive this ordeal relatively intact. Should you fail, you take 10d10 damage (of no type, so unresisted in any way). Regardless of the result of this Defensive Test, you lower the level of Wounding in the Aether by 1 step. This would mean a World-Wound becomes a Weeping-Wound. A Weeping Wound becomes a Scar upon Reality, and a Scar upon Reality is immediately healed.

This prayer can also be used to undo a Rite of Becalment of equal or lesser Tier, though when used in this way the very rare times it has ever been used in such a way, it is often referred to as Primordial Awakening. Utilizing it this way sees you take 5 points of damage for every week the target has been Becalmed if you fail the Toughness Defensive Test. Should you attempt to use this at a Tier lower than the Rite of Becalment that was used, you take double that damage if you fail the Defensive Test, or the normal amount for a success. Furthermore you fail to undo the Becalment.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You now risk taking 15d10. Regardless of the result of this Defensive Test, you lower the Wounding in the Aether by 2 steps. You can now attempt to undo a Tier II or lower Becalment.

Tier III Effects: You now risk taking 20d10. Regardless of the result of this Defensive Test, you lower the Wounding in the Aether by 3 steps. You can now attempt to undo a Tier III or lower Becalment.


As the winds howl, and radiant light rips through you, the world around screams, the Void unwilling to release its grip. You feel it beating, like a drum, trying to tear down and rip your soul asunder. The raw power, the raw chaotic energy of the impure, formless, amorphious mess that is corrupted essence of magick assaults you and your mental fortitude, your faith. You can not bend, cannot break, for it will consume you.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 32, Tier II: 37, Tier III: 42
Related Discipline
Prayer (Talia)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Special: The range is yourself and it radiates outwards however far is necessary to cover the scope of the Scar or World-Wound in question.

Cover image: Aethyric Mending by Keon Croucher was the input operator, using discord account drizzt1034, in Midjourney. I merely gave it prompting, it compiled the visual result.


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