
A relatively simple spell-form, with an interesting duality within its options of execution. Diamond magisters are well tuned to the emotional pulse of those around them, and know well how to play upon them, manipulate them, and ultimately work that pulse and energy within other creatures.


Base Effects: Weaving the Diamond currents, you bring the energy of spirit together and manifest one of two possible effects. You must choose in which fashion you were weaving this spell-form, as it is a symbol that can communicate two possible ideas, depending which way you align it. Agitation or Relaxation, that is a choice you must make.

Agitation: Your chosen targets must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail they become Confused (1) as they grow agitated with everyone and everything around them with no real explanation why, and this lasts for the duration. If they succeed they take 2d6 radiant damage as they shake off the influence, having to resist the sudden surge of aggressive spirit mana that rushes into them.

Relaxation: Your chosen targets must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail they become Slow (1) as they grow lethargic, their body relaxing, their muscles releasing with no real explanation why, and this lasts for the duration. If they succeed they take 2d6 radiant damage as they shake off the influence, having to resist the sudden wave of lethargic, relaxing soul energy that begins to embrace and engulf them.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Inflicts Confused (2) or Slow (2), or damage increases by 1d6 as appropriate.

Tier III Effects: Radius increases by 10 feet, and you may target up to three creatures.


Evelyn moved out at the behest of the officers, seeing immediately where the problem elements of this little protest were. She nodded to her police escort, motioning to them to get into position, as she began weaving the necessary spell-form. Though upset and angry, clearly able to rile up a small crowd that was growing slowly, and she could read the intent. However they did not have the force of will to resist her will and her spell, as they seemed to calm down mid speech, without real explanation, and as the officers approached, they moved to flee...but were moving slow enough that a brisk walking pace was all that was required to apprehend them.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 15, Tier II: 20, Tier III: 25
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
200 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A 20 foot radius in range, up to two creatures you wish to target.


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