Aqua Mirror

One of the finest defensive spell-forms of any of the Orders of magick, a reactive weaving that truly is masterful.


Basic Effects: Manipulating the forces of Uisce, following the paths you can identify to do so quickly and efficiently, you respond swiftly to an attempt to strike you, a sheet of calm water, almost as if a mirror, coming into existence in front of you. You must choose an alternative target whom would be in range and a valid target of the spell or the attack against you. That creature must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. Should they succeed, you still are victimized by the attack or spell, but have resistance to all damage from it. Should they fail, your chosen target instead suffers the consequences of this attack or spell, as they become the target of it. Until the start of your next turn after utilizing this spell-form, you gain +1 AS

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The AS boost becomes +3

Tier III Effects: The AS boost becomes +5.


Snarling viciously, believing the moment of victory upon him, Gruckmuk thrust his spear at the blue robed woman with growling fury, the gnoll determined to slay the magister. Much to his shock and horror however, he found himself confused, as a sheet of water rose in front of her, and he felt himself pivot, his spear biting home in the side of a fellow gnoll's rib cage!
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 14, Tier II:19, Tier III: 24
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Reaction (To being the target of a spell or an attack)
100 feet
Applied Restriction
Special: The attack or spell must be redirected in such a way that is appropriate. For example, you may not direct a melee attack to strike someone 50 feet away from you and your assailant.


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