
All the world a workshop, and all objects but an engineer's touch from automation. I beseech they, Divine Engineer, grace this humble servant with that touch now, for I require an assistant. So allow me to awaken the innate automation within this object, as we know does exist in all things with but a slight modification or two. By the Thunderhand's, grace my tools and ability with this boon, I humbly request.

Prayer of Automation


Basic Effects: For the duration, you gain control of the object, which has animated in a method most appropriate. Perhaps a coatrack's wooden leg has split into three, and now allow it to scramble along. Or a handcart can now balance and drive itself. By whatever methods make the most sense for the object, it can move and has attacks and abilities as appropriate (your GM should inform you of these things) and you have control of it. It does not enter initiative in its own, its turn is a part of your turn, that you control.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Object can be of Large size or smaller.

Tier III Effects: Object can be of Huge size or smaller.


Feeling the divine energy crackling through your tools, feeling the guidance in your mind, your hands, as the voice rings in your mind, instructing you to the finer points of such a craft, such a melding and altering of material, you set to work, swift, simple movements, a tap of a hammer here to channel power and resonance, a twist of a wrench there, in just such an odd angle as to loosen a lug, let drop a strut or allow some cogs to spin more freely. Whatever swift and sudden changes you make, some true Divine Power flowed through them, as the object shudders to life, and you feel your own will connected to the very existence of it. An automaton, under your command.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 19, Tier II: 24, Tier III: 29
Related Discipline
Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 10 minutes
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Applied Restriction
Target: 1 inanimate object, of Medium size or smaller.


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