Banishing Bomb

A hissing, crackling sound very much unlike the typical audible thunder of a regular explosive, but as it burns and fizzles, throwing the obsidian shards in a burst around it, a blinding radiance fills the area, one that seems to react very violently to the reality altering presence of extra planar beings.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

CN: 20, Tier II; 25, Tier III; 30

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

Base Effects: 10 foot blast radius, Dangerous (1). Targets caught within the blast take 2d10 Radiant Damage, and if they are extra-planar beings, they must make a Fortitude Save. If they critically fail they are banished. If they fail they take full damage and are Blinded (2). If they succeed they take full damage and Blinded (1). If they critically succeed, they merely take full damage. Natives to the plane you are on take 2d6 Radiant damage. They do not get banished on a critical failure, they are just afflicted with double damage and Blind (2). If they fail they take full damage and Blind (1). If they succeed they take half damage, critical success takes no damage.

Rank II Effects: Damage increases to 5d10 Radiant Damage, or 5d6 Radiant Damage for targets native to this plane

Rank III Effects: Continual Banishment: Any extraplanar creature that has taken damage from this must resist the banishing effect at the beginning of each of their turns until they are healed back to full HP.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 1 ounce of Smokepowder

  • 1 ounce of holy water

  • 1 ounce of obsidian shards (Rare)


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