
One of the many truly complex spell-forms in possession of the Diamond Order, though simple in its mission, complex in its execution. The ability through the sheer force of will of the essence and spirit of reality, of Valerick itself, to forcibly push out an invading being or creature to the reality from whence it came.


Base Effects: Weaving an extremely complex warding symbol of Arcanis in the Aether upon the target, you attempt to force their very essence from this reality, if they are a creature not meant to be here. Your target must attempt a Persona Defensive Test, and should they fail, they are immediately banished. Should they succeed, they take 8d6 radiant damage.

Voidbane If your target is a Voidling creature, they attempt the defensive test against the momentum.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may target two creatures in range.

Tier III Effects: You may target three creatures in range.


Jacob dived aside, the Diamond Magister trying to keep his distance from the Blood-Seeker, the Nightmare of Wrath lashing out, engaging his allies. Muttering and gesturing, a look of extreme focus on his face, Jacob felt sweat beading as he brought together an extremely difficult spell-form in the Aether. Immediately drawing the attention of the foul beast, it turned its focus, intending clearly to leap and close distance on the Magister. Jacob was not a religious man, but he whispered something akin to a prayer as he finished the spell-form, wishing and begging Meanma to work. As the creature leapt, its blade raised, mere feet from Jacob, black smoke bellowed from its form, as it bled, froze, swearing violently in its foul broken tongue, until it faded from sight, banished from the Material Realm.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 29, Tier II: 34, Tier III: 39
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
150 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A creature within range. If it is not an extraplanar creature, the spell-form will simply do nothing.


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