Baris' Biting Ballad

"Less a threat than a gnat, you truly believe you can fight back. You are weak, frail and slow, and could never truly be a worthwhile foe."


Perform TN: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Performance Time: 1 Reaction

Duration: Instant

Range: 60 feet

Target: 1 creature in range that is attempting an attack, skill test, prayer roll, spell weaving test, or defense test.

Basic Effect: In tune and tempo, a quick and witty ditty, you force your ego to manifest upon your target in a fashion meant to impede and hinder them. You reduce their roll by 1d4+ your Persona Boost. Furthermore you may gift yourself or any ally in range the Momentum on their next instance of an attack, prayer roll, spell weaving roll, skill test, or defense test, whichever one comes up first for them.

Tier II Effects: You now reduce the roll by 1d8+ your Persona Boost.

Tier III Effects: You now reduce the roll by 1d12+ your Persona Boost.


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