Blackout Bomb

A pop and a hiss, strange black haze filling the air, a smoke of the deepest most opaque dark that one could imagine. No light penetrates it, yet shapes and shadows seem to dance within it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 18, Tier II; 23, Tier III; 28

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

Base Effects: No initial damage, Dangerous (1). Upon use a cloud of pure Onyx smoke envelopes an area in a 10 foot radius area surrounding where you threw it. This cloud is no mere smoke cloud, due to the nature of the onyx manna and the inky substance interacting in the sudden release of the smokepowder cooking off. The cloud is completely obscuring, it can't be seen through, counting as total cover. It is entirely blinding, even with Darkvision, seeming to block all sight beyond it. The space enveloped by this cloud counts as difficult terrain, taking double the movement to cross, because one can't see. Furthermore, if a creature begins their turn within the cloud, they must make an Logic Save. If critically failed, they gain Confused (2) condition and take double damage. If failed, they gain the Confused (1) condition, and take 2d8 psychic damage, falling prey to auditory and visual hallucinations as their mind tries to fill in the gaps left by losing one of their primary senses, but does so with zero context clues. A successful test takes full damage but ignores the condition. A critical success takes half damage and ignores the condition.

Rank II Effects: Damage increases to 4d8 psychic damage. Affected Area increases to a 15 foot radius. Becomes Confused (2) for regular failure and Confused (3) for critical failure.

Rank III Effects: Damage increases to 6d8 psychic damage. Radius becomes 20 feet. Inflicts Confused (1) even on regular success.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 2 ounces of Smokepowder

  • 2 ounces of Squid Ink

  • 1 ounce powdered Onyx (Rare)


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