Blessing of Beasts

"Master of the Hunt, I beseech you now,
With true intent and purpose, for we find ourselves in need.
I, your humble packmate and kindred need your aid now,
We need the aid of the true hunters of the wild,
those whom we learn so much from.
The bear, great and mighty,
The jaguar, swift and deadly,
The wolf, canny and wise.
Grant us now this boon I plead.
Grant us now the blessing of Beasts.


Basic Effects: Calling upon the blessing of the Master of Beasts and the Apex Predator, you imbue yourself and your chosen allies with the power and energy of the greatest hunters within the natural world. You all gain 2 of the following four benefits; +2 to Power, Agility, Toughness or Sagacity until the blessing fades.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Radius becomes 20 feet, and you all gain +2 to attack and damage rolls.

Tier III Effects: Radius becomes 30 feet, and you all gain +10 feet movement speed.


Vashni parried the orc with his tulwar sloppily, falling back another half step. "Damn it Marik, a little help!" the Mogol warrior called out to his traveling companion. The large tattooed priest was sitting behind the three friends, head bowed, praying, no weapon in hand as per usual. Vashni glanced back, ducking just in time not to lose his head to the orc's vicious axe, his larger opponent bearing down on him. As he sprung forward from the crouch, Vashni felt the power suddenly surge through him then, even as he felt more than heard a bestial, almost bear like snarling roar from all around him, feeling the energy surge from his priestly companion and into himself and his friends. His focus tightened, his muscles bulged, and when he met the orc warrior now, he was on even terms in measure of strength and speed. Vashni grinned at the beast then, chuckling as he spit out a tooth and a bit of blood from an earlier blow that the beast had landed with its hefty axe haft. All things equal, the mogol sword master had no fear of losing to such a low skill opponent. "Now its my turn, filthy beast." he snarled, lunging forward with new divinely inspired power, speed, and ferocity.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 15, Tier II: 20, Tier III 25
Related Discipline
The Huntmaster's Faithful
Related School
Prayer (Boran the Bloodhound)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Self, 10 foot AOE
Applied Restriction
Targets: Any targets you deem non-hostile within range.


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