Blessing of Creation

I seek the blessings of the brilliant, of the inventive, of innovation. Bless my mind with the flow of ideas and understanding, brilliance and logic. Allow this craftsmens tools to be well guided, to collaborate with masters of their craft long departed.

Litany of Creation


Basic Effects: You can create any mundane item of Small or smaller size. The object is as real and tangible as one might imagine, but only so long as it stays within 100 feet of you. The instant it moves beyond that distance, this prayer ends and the object fades away.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may create up to Tier I magick items, and the size of the object may be up to Medium.

Tier III Effects: You may create up to Tier II Magick Items and the size of the object may be up to Large.


Feeling the creative energy within your mind as you pray, the whispers of men and women more skilled than yourself guiding you, your simple tools do far more complex work than you could ever guide them to do naturally, as you swiftly, inhumanly swiftly, go about a task that most would at minimum need a workshop to complete, and create a quality piece of work. You live the process, yet to you, it feels natural, not as fast as it may look to onlookers.
Material Components
Some sort of raw materials appropriate to the object you wish to make (Iron, Smokepowder, Brass and Ash or Elm for a firearm for example)
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 17, Tier II: 22, Tier III: 27
Related Discipline
Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand)
Effect Duration
Maintained, 7 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Self, special
Applied Restriction
Special: The item does not have to stay in your possession, it can be passed on to an ally though if it is ever brought beyond 100 feet from you, the prayer ends and the object disappears.


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