Blessing of Death

Those whom die, be them man or beast,
Deserve to be sure they may rest in peace.
Boran, master of the hunt, I plee with thee,
Guide this soul to where they may rest in peace.


Basic Effects: If an undead, the touched creature must attempt a Persona Defensive Test, and if they fail, they are immediately destroyed, the soul of what was the living being freed from the grasp of undeath, no longer being used to hold together the physical body. This ravaged soul will rejoin the Aether, under Boran's divine protection, to be guided to its proper resting place. If the undead entity succeeds its test, the creature takes 3d6 radiant damage.

Used upon a corpse, this blessing insures the sanctity of death, insuring the body cannot be used, the soul cannot be ensnared, and that the soul is protected on its journey to whatever realm is its destiny. The creature can no longer be returned to life, nor can the corpse be brought back as any kind of undead creature, nor can it be possessed.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The target corpse may have been dead up to 1 month, or a target undead creature may be up to EL 10, and now takes 5d6 radiant damage if successful on the Defensive Test.

Tier III Effects: The target corpse may have been dead up to 1 year, or a target undead creature may be up to EL 15, and now takes 7d6 radiant damage if successful on the Defensive Test.


Ragnar felt the tears trying to form in his eyes as he looked upon the pitiful creature his brother Lorgir had become. This hallowed out, starving ravenous corpse of a beast, barely recognizable as what it once was. A ghoul, a blasted undead. There would be time for dears later of course, not now when he and his companions were under attack by a small pack of the ravenous foul creatures. Muttering a prayer to the Master of the Hunt, he felt the blessing flowing through him, as what had once been Lorgir closed in on him, leaping forward, claws extended, jaws opening unnaturally wide revealing the mutated shark like teeth. Ragnar held his ground, even as they both tumbled to the stone floor of the ancient crypt, finishing his prayer and feeling the power flow from his hand into the cold empty chest. The beast spasmed, unable to swipe or bite at him, and for the briefest moment its ravenous visage shifted, Lorgir coming through. The beast snarled, but Ragnar could hear the guttural attempt at words beneath it. "Thank-you brother. I am sorry." before the body twitched but once, and stopped moving, the foul curse of undeath lifted, as Lorgir's soul was freed from it. As he rose ready to move to aid his companions as best he could, Ragnar allowed himself a breath and the beginnings of tears. He would need to mourn well this night. His twin brother deserved a proper send off."
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 16, Tier II: 21, Tier III: 26
Related Discipline
Prayer (Boran the Bloodhound)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Applied Restriction
Target: Must be a creature that has been dead for no longer than a week, or an undead creature with a EL (Encounter Level) of 5


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