Blessing of Destruction

To create something more, sometimes destruction is a paramount and necessary task. So it is now, most honored Engineer. I believe there is great value in the breaking down of this object to its natural components. For I believe those natural components can be put to better use. I beseech thee boldly, requesting this gift, so that those raw materials may be used again, reborn as something new and something more than as they exist in this moment.

A passage of the Rite of Destruction


Basic Effects: If the object is inanimate, and of an appropiate size, you return it to its base components, of appropriate weights and volumes, in containers as necessary. However this prayer can be used on animated objects and constructs. In those circumstances the creature rolls a Persona Defensive Test. If it fails, it is broken down, destroyed. If it is successful, it merely takes 3d8 untyped damage, ignoring any and all resistances or immunities.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The object in question can be up to Medium size, can be up to a Tier I Magick item, and the damage increases to 4d8.

Tier III Effects: The object in question can be up to Large size, and can be up to a Tier II Magick Item, damage increases to 5d8.


Feeling the discordant powers of the smithy hammer trembling through your very bones, the Rites on your lips, your resolve steeled, you reach out and touch the object, allowing the Divine Power to pass from yourself into the item in question. A cracking, a rending, a horrendous noise that echoes, a flash of orange and red. As your vision returns, where there was once an item, now remains but raw materials, returned to its most base form by your diety's will.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 19, Tier II: 24, Tier III: 29
Related Discipline
Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: One non magick object of Small size or smaller


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