Blessing of Knowledge

I seek passage for the mind, to wander the libraries of the Divine Workshop! I seek to be allowed to peruse the knowledge stored there of ages past and present! I request entry as one of the Thunderhand's faithful, to be allowed to peruse the shelves of knowledge. Permission to search for answers to a specific question, a specific query that has been biting within my mind, to put to rest this nagging question. Allow me this boon, allow me this chance to expand my knowledge, I implore you.

Litany of Knowledge


Basic Effects: Upon calling this prayer, you may ask any one question or query and recieve an honest and rather full answer, something of a small doctoral thesis. The answer will be quite specific, and limited to the specific subjectivity of your query, but it will be full bodied and thick with useful information. Beyond that, for the duration, you count as at least Tier 1 (Trained) with all Lore Skill families.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You get to ask two questions and count as at least Tier 2 (Well-Trained) with all Lore Skill Families for the duration.

Tier III Effects: You get to ask three questions and count as at least Tier 3 (Journeyman Training) with all Lore Skill Families for the duration.


Your mind wanders as you pray, your subconscious taking a flight of fancy. You see an infinite library, well lit, busy, workshops and research desks all about, countless figures working, theorizing, talking. You wander the endless aisles, moving from book to book, never seeing the titles, yet knowing which will hold the answers you seek as if guided by an unseen force. In this trance like state, others watch your eyes moving rapidly, your lips moving, but no words spoken. When you come forth from this brief trance, a smile cannot help but slip onto you face, as suddenly knowledge that you sought but did not have rushes through your mind.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III: 24
Related Discipline
Prayer (Cormaq Thunderhand)
Effect Duration
Instant, 1 hour
Effect Casting Time
1 minute


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