Blessing of Love

Bless this couple now, bless their house, bless their bed, bless their desire for a family. Lady of Love, lady of Leaves, allow the blessing of their love to take seed.

Litany of Love


Basic Effects: So long as the two named participants are capable of doing so, are compatible to produce offspring (no you can't do this with an animal, and it certainly wouldn't work between say a dwarf and a Tantur) and have the necessary biological components available to them (so a pair of women would need a donor for specific material, for example, or a pair of men would need a willing third party female volunteer who wants to carry the baby), if they make love upon the bed so blessed within the time frame of the prayer's duration, they have a 75% chance to concieve a child.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Will last 21 hours, 100% chance to concieve, 25% chance of twins

Tier III Effects: Will last a whole day, 50% chance of one baby, 50% chance twins.


The priestess long gone, you and your lover tumble into bed, passion and romance thick in the air. This is different, you've always been passionate, yet this time...there is more. There is a permanence to this, a feeling beyond just pleasure, a feeling Of the future. Of great promise. Every moment, electric, every touch, and kiss a jolt of fire and romance and promise. Maybe it isn't just faith, maybe there is magick to it as well? Whatever it is, it feels beyond words.
Material Components
A lock of hair from each of the couple, and a handfull of rose petals.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 18, Tier II: 23, Tier III: 28
Related Discipline
Prayer (Talia)
Effect Duration
14 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: A couple's bed or sleeping area.

Special: Only works if you have both party's consent, your call to the Goddess will otherwise invoke the Ire of the Gods.


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