Blessing of Peace

The gift of calmness, of peace. To relax the mind, to temper rage, sorrow or anger, to garner control back. To shake off fear or panick, confusion or worry. To take a deep breath, refocus, and find center. To find peace. Allow my voice to be the guide to me and my compatriots, Deat-Kra. In your infinite wisdom, I implore thee, allow me to gift them a small taste of the Divine Calm.

Litany of Peace


Basic Effects: All creatures in the affected area, including yourself, immediately remove up to one instance of the Confused or Frightened conditions. Any creature in any sort of heightened emotional state, such as a Fury, must attempt a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail, they are soothed and calmed, that state coming to an end. If successful, they take 2d6 psychic damage, but are otherwise not effected.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Radius increases by 10 feet, and can remove up to (2) instances of the Confused or Frightened conditions.

Tier III Effects: Radius increases by 10 feet, breaks any Charm or Dominate effect.


As you call to the Divine Judge to bring order to your court, and calmness to all around you, you feel the soothing touch of his divinity, that stern but fair guiding hand reining in your own zeal and fervor, even as you watch the same effect washing over all around you, the tone of your immediate surroundings changing quite rapidly.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 22, Tier II: 27, Tier III: 32
Related Discipline
Prayer (Deat-Kra)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Self, 20 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Target: Yourself and all creatures within the affected area.


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