Blessing of Performance

A gift of entertainment, an offering of performance. A story-teller, an orator, a weaver of tales. Allow me to enthrall, to entertain and amuse. To teach through art and to empower through tales. A little moment of respite, whilst we catch our breath, a small story of the road, empowered to aide. A simple gift to request this day.

Prayer of the Tale-weaver


Basic Effects: When you and your companions are in the midst of a Regroup you may choose to use this prayer. If you do so besides any Hit Dice used to recover, they all heal for 1d4+Persona Boost Wounds, and remove one lingering condition or injury if applicable. No creature (not even you) can benefit from this prayer more than once between rests.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase healing to 1d8+Persona Boost, and they may remove up to two lingering conditions or injuries.

Tier III Effects: Increase healing to 1d12+Persona Boost, and they may remove up to three lingering conditions or injuries.


There is magick in a well told story, and through the prayer to the god of the roads, the god of entertainment and performance, you tap into it a little bit in this time of need for you and your companions. As you impart upon them a brief story from previous travels of your own, or perhaps others, divinely inspired within you, you and your allies feel the warm embrace of the god of the road, his empowerment flowing through you all.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 14, Tier II: 19, Tier III 24
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
AOE centered on Self, 20 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Targets: They must be in range, non-hostile, and able to hear you.


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