Blessing of Stars

I cannot see the night sky in light, so I ask now for you to guide my eyes Feyheart, and bless your humble servant with the simple but necessary knowledge now of which direction your guiding star would be in.

Litany of Guidance


Basic Effects: You know which direction is South immediately, as you orient to where Feyheart's guide, the southern star would be in the sky. Or if it is not south because you are on a different Plane of Existence, you establish which direction it is.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You also establish what time of day and year it is.

Tier III Effects: You also know and can tell exactly what plane of existence you are on, if it is not the Material Realm


As you finish this simple prayer, you begin to slowly rotate and pivot in place, not really fully aware what you are doing but following the guidance of a force almost like an invisible hand, guiding you along until you know you are facing the correct direction, even though you cannot see the South Star. You know, with divine inspired certainty.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 9, Tier II: 14, Tier III: 19
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 action


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