Blessing of the Roads

Breathe deep the air, crisp and free,
feel the wanderlust and curiosity rise within thee.
Road-weary, dusty and tired,
We need a safe and comfortable place to retire.
A simple clearing, tucked away perhaps?
Or a cave, or creekside bank would do.
Anywhere with water, and ideally some food.
May Feyheart guide me now, to a place such as this,
For me and my companions, without a rest, will be sorely amiss.

Roadside Resting Hymn


Basic Effects: You are guided to a place within an hour's travel from you that could make a reasonably safe and secure place that makes camp, that would also provide for any needs of you and your companions. If you need water, you will be guided to a creek bank or to a small pond. If food could be a concern, perhaps you find a small clearing where amongst nearby woods and undergrowth are some wild berry bushes. If seeking shelter from weather, perhaps a cave or rocky overhang you can tuck yourselves under. This place will be reasonably safe, though in most cases not guaranteed, it will be off beaten paths and game trails enough to lower any risk of being interrupted drastically. It is a place to take a rest, to properly sleep, recover, patch up any injuries, fill your bellies, before continuing onwards. Anyone resting a night in such a camp also even heals one injury overnight as if by magick or divine will.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Chances of being interrupted are lowered even more drastically, and anyone resting a night in this camp can heal up to two injuries overnight.

Tier III Effects: It is impossible to be interrupted or discovered, you can rest easy. Anyone resting a night in this camp can heal up to three injuries.


Your mind suddenly becomes almost singularly focused as you finish calling upon this prayer, and to others around you, you may seem distracted and inattentive. The truth, of course, is you are extremely focused, heavily so, almost compelled to be, feeling the divine energy and power course through you, guiding you, tugging you in a specific direction, a place to safely rest.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III: 31
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
Maintained, 10 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Self, Special
Applied Restriction
Special: Upon successfully calling upon this prayer, you seem to enter a sort of active trance, still able to talk and respond to people, but your focus is flighty, its distracted, as you are kind of driven by the divine guidance of Feyheart and wish to keep moving to reach the destination.


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