Blessing of the Sailor

Aye plenty of landlubbers here First Captain, of that I can plainly see. However they a useful bunch, and I could use their aide. So bless em if ye could be so kind, let em find their sea legs.

Blessing of the Sailor, a rather simple litany, yet one any smart Brazen Buccaneer keeps in mind when dealing with new deckhands.


Basic Effects: The targets become immune to the Sickened condition, and remove any instances of it. They gain resistance to Poison damage for the duration, and also suffer no negative terrain effects from any natural motion or any natural hazards on the deck of any boat, ship or other water-faring vessel.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Can now be up to five targets.

Tier III Effects: Can now be up to seven targets.


Your stomach, which was turning in knots for hours, leaving you green in the gills and hanging over the side of the deck, calms. Your legs like jelly from the pitch and roll of the deck and the ship's motion, unsteady and useless, suddenly feel...normal. Balanced. You can walk without gagging. You can breathe without feeling like your dying. As you are about to voice your thanks, the captain chuckles, with a wicked grin. "Good it took. That means ye can work, so 'ere boyo. Yer the new meat of the crew!" The large Tantur tossed you a bucket, and a handful of rags. "Warm salt water, wit' a wee bit of metal polish. The deck guns need a good cleaning at least weakly. Hope to it gubby, they won't scrub themselves!!!!"
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 11, Tier II: 16, Tier III: 21
Related Discipline
Prayer (Captain Black Jeremiah)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 28 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Applied Restriction
Targets: Up to three targets you can have join hands in a small circle.


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