Booming Bombardment

A quick toss of a tankard, its strike ringing out throughout the whole tavern, as the victim of the throw suddenly slumped, eyes lolling back, jaw slack.


Perform TN: 16, Tier II; 21, Tier III; 26

Performance Time: 1 action

Duration: Instant

Range: Self

Target: 1 throwable object or weapon in your hand.

Base Effects: Transfering the sheer desire of your own powerful ego into this weapon or object, it begins to almost vibrate with stored energy from your own command and desire. When you throw it, it shrieks forth, and hits its target with a thunderous crash, a burst of energy that actually swells out from the target in a five foot burst in every direction. Your target takes ordinary weapon damage when hit, and on top of that takes 1d8 thunder damage and gain the Deafened (1) condition. Any other creature within five feet of your target must make a Toughness Defense Test, and if they fail, they too take 1d8 thunder damage and become Deafened (1). Should they succeed, they take half damage do not gain the deafened condition

Tier II Effects: Damage becomes 2d8 thunder and inflicts Deafened (2) condition.

Tier III Effects: Damage becomes 3d8 thunder and inflicts Deafened (3) condition.


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