Braserker- Pathfinder 2e Conversion/Homebrew mix

As always these are not meant to be played alongside Pathfinder 2e classes directly, but you could add features and feats/talents, and even perhaps with some twisting and altering, the Focuses (or some of their abilities and such) to the appropriate comparable class. In the case of the Braserker this would be the Barbarian. Skill Feats are not fully included on the table since at base there are no new skill feats in Valerick and the game can be played without them, but if you are using them and melding this into that part of PF2e rules they follow the ordinary every even level from 2nd level onwards. As you also may notice, Focus points are gone in Valerick, if you wish to utilize them, lean more to base 2e and simply borrow feats from here and add them to the appropriate balancing as you and your GM deem fit where required. It may also be worthy of note that I have six saves, PF2e have 3. This is personal preference and a homebrew addition to how I the creator of Valerick run my games, making the necessary alterations within the rule set to make this function, as I do like the concept of each attribute having a defensive roll or save if you will, so we can diversify the ways PCs can be expected to be assaulted by supernatural effects, spells and the like. They are kind of self explanatory by name. Power=Strength, Logic=Intelligence, and Ego=Charisma. So with the massive disclaimer that will be present on every class out of the way, let us begin with the Braserker!

There are many sorts of warriors or fighters, people whom make a living through martial prowess, but within those, well there are a group whom hold a unique niche. Braeserkers are generally not as technically sound in their combative ability as more formally trained folks, and are more disorganized, wild, and generally chaotic in the way they fight. But they seem able to tap into something unique, something beyond training. Most refer to this as 'Fury'. It is a mixture of powerful emotions, usually anger or anger adjacent, adrenaline, and some sort of subconscious beast like instincts. They are ferocious combatants, capable of things seemingly impossible. Some can ignore the most grevious of wounds, some seem capable of breaking magick itself. Mouth foaming zealots, seemingly having their Fury blessed by the gods, or cold predatory instincts of masters of the wilderness, hunting the most dangerous creatures they can find to please their ancestors.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: The base key Attribute for Braserkers is Strength, though the Wylder Focus Path does allow you to alter this choice if you wish.

Hit Point Progression: Braserkers start play with 6+Toughness Boost wounds added to their racial wounds at 1st level and for every level they gain they increase their maximum wound total by 1d12+Toughness Boost.

Initial Proficiencies

Braserkers start play at first level with the following proficiencies. Everything else is untrained unless you acquire it some other way, though your Focus path selection may also add some to this initial list.

Perception: Braeserkers being as Expert in Perception.

Saving Throws: Braeserkers begin as Expert in Power, Trained in Reflex, Trained in Fortitude, and Trained in Will. They are untrained in Ego and Logic.

Skills: Braeserkers start play Trained in Athletics as well as 3+Intelligence Modifier additional skills.


Braserkers start trained with any and all melee weapon families, as well as Slings.


Braserkers start play trained in Unarmored Defense, Light Armor, and Medium Armor.

Profession (Class) DC

Braserkers start trained in Braserker Class DC.

Profession Progress Table

Level Skill Progression Points Talents/Feats Gained Extra Fury Dice
1 - Ancestry and Background, Fury, Focus Selection, 1 Braserker Feat 1d4
2 - Braserker Feat/Talent, 1 Skill Feat (if using) 1d6
3 1 General Feat, Force of Personality, Battle-earned Prowess 1d6
4 - Braeserker Feat/Talent, Skill Feats (if using) 1d6
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Instinctual Reflexes 2d6
6 - Braeserker Feat/Talent, Bloody Veteran 2d6
7 1 General Feat, Force of Will, Instinctual Awareness 2d6
8 - Braeserker Feat/Talent, Mastery of Steel 2d6
9 1 Ancestry Feat/Talent, One with Anger 3d6
10 - Attribute Growth, Braserker Feat, Tough like Bear 3d6
11 1 General Feat, Tough as Nails 3d6
12 - Braserker Feat/Talent, Master of Fury 3d6
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Strong like Ox 4d6
14 - Braserker Talent/Feat, Improved Instincts 4d6
15 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat/Talent 4d6
16 - Braserker Feat/Talent, Body of Steel 4d6
17 1 Ancestry Feat/Talent, Paragon of Violence 5d6
18 - Braserker Feat/Talent, Limitless Strength 5d6
19 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat 5d6
20 - Braserker Feat/Talent 5d6

Braserker Basic Features and Base Abilities

This section like with all professions will detail the basics of the above table, explain the few shared abilities noted in the table, most of which will swiftly become clear are tied to saving throw, attack or defense or class DC proficiencies increasing. They will be listed by the level they are acquired and naturally will state that within their description.

Ancestry and Background: As in Pathfinder 2e at base, any first level character applies the necessary changes based upon their Ancestry and Background, gaining any necessary abilities and such right off the hop. They also get their first Ancestry feat, though not listed.

Costs 1 action to fly into a Fury
Traits: Braserker, Concentrate, Mental, Emotion

This is the Braserker's defining ability of course, and they get it from 1st level. As noted flying into a Fury takes 1 action. Once in a Fury, you gain +2/5 Braserker levels (minimum +2) to all Strength and Constitution rolls, including saves, skills and attacks (but not damage rolls). Furthermore you recover 2+1/2 your Braserker level hp every round at the beginning of your turn, and your melee attacks deal extra damage equal to the Fury Die for your level. Whilst in a Fury you are at -4 to all Intelligence based rolls, including skills, saves and any other d20 roll Intelligence applies to. You are (unless via means like the Zealot) unable to cast spells or call upon prayers in any way even if you somehow have that capability. A bout of Fury lasts 6 rounds (one minute) maximum but can be ended early as an action. When it ends, a Braserker gains the Fatigued (1) Condition for 1 minute. Braserkers can utilize 3 bouts of Fury (so 18 rounds) a day. This number increases to 6 bouts (36 rounds) at 7th level and 9 bouts (54 rounds) at 14th level.

Focus Selection: At 1st level every Braserker must select their Focus. These focuses will unlock some new feats they could potentially access beyond the generic ones shared by all Braserkers, along with providing a benefit and what is known as an anathema. Basically an anathema is a broad sort of rough list of things that if you do, you sort of lose touch with your inner rage and inner self. Its counter to the person you are and how you fuel this power deep within you, and acting in such ways costs you some access to those powers and feats with the Focus name as a trait until such time as you take a day of downtime to recenter and realign yourself, make right with yourself and your anger why you had to act in such a way. These are comparable to Barbarian Instincts so depending how much or little of the stuff here you want to use or stuff you want to cross over, that's something to consider. You could potentially (likely with some mild edits) include these as their very own Instincts as homebrew, if you wished. Like most every profession in Adventures in Valerick they have four Focus Paths Available, noted in brief below;


Amongst the various kinds of Braserkers, perhaps the one most well known are the battle-ragers, absolute vicious combatants, utterly wild and violent, crazed warriors whom will throw themselves boldly or foolishly at the largest foes on any given battlefield. They push themselves to the brink in their battle fervor, and somehow just keep going.

Anathema: A Battle-Rager lives to fight and fights to live. You simply cannot turn down a challenge to any sort of contest of physical violence and strength, be it arm wrestling or a fight to the death. You also cannot abide being taunted or insulted, and feel that anything short of fists or steel are an inappropriate answer to such things.

Traits: Reaction, Emotion, Mental, Fury, Braserker
Battle-Ragers have true bloodrage of the ancient legends flowing through their veins. When in a Fury, if they would drop to 0 hit points, instead this triggered Reaction activates. The Fury does end, however they immediately heal for 1d10+1/Braserker level, and they do not at any point fall unconscious or suffer a wounded condition or fall prone when they hit zero, this is immediate their adrenaline simply pushing them through the pain. This reaction can only trigger if they are actively in a bout of Fury. The Fatigued (1) condition they gain for the end of a Fury bout also becomes permanent, unremovable by any means but a Rest (so full 8 hours, daily preparations all that for PF2e folks).


Mage-Breakers are a rarity, a strange abnormality in most cultures and species, most commonly seen amongst Dwarves and most common on the continent of Durol, though they can be found in other lands. They are born with a fundamental biological opposition to the forces of the arcane being exerted upon and around them on some level, and those whom can tap into and wield this strange mutative quirk.

GM NOTE: as stated this Focus Path is rare. So your GM has the express right to say they aren't down with you utilizing this Focus Path.

Anathema: Whilst you hate not those cursed with the Touch of Arcanis, you trust them at your peril, and you trust not at all arts Arcane or Occult. Monsters and creatures with such powers are to be eradicated on sight, failing to do so goes against the very fundamentals of what and who you are.

Second Sight:
Traits: Visual, Arcane, Occult
Mage-Breakers are the odd type of rage fed warrior whom are born with the most mild touch of Arcanis, yet are hateful of magick. They gain the Aethyr Sight Talent for Arcane and Occult.


Not all Braserkers function with anger and fury like a fire in their belly, ripping and tearing their foes up close. A select few, their fury manifests as an ice cold, deathly calm, empty, emotionless void, where killing becomes second nature, and it does not seem to effect them anymore. They do not have the same sensibilities or views as others, that cold empty fury changing the fundamental approach.

Anathema: Fighting 'fair' or 'with honor' is a fools concept and only a fool would behave as such. There is no difference in satisfaction or honor between killing an enemy from a distance or in close combat. Only fools not worth knowing would argue otherwise.

Additional/Changes in Initial Proficiencies: Wylder's begin Trained in Stealth. They also remove Melee (Polearms) and Melee (Great Weapons) from the list they have proficiency of trained with but add Ranged (Crossbows) and Ranged (Firearms) instead.

Key Attribute Shift: A Wylder can choose to change their Key Attribute from Strength to Dexterity.

Ice Cold Killer Feat
Traits: Fury, Emotion, Mental, Braserker
Wylders function very differently than their kindred Braserkers when they go into a Fury. They swap Strength for Dexterity in all text tied to their Fury and any Fury abilities. Any abilities from any Feat they pick up from the Braserker Feats progression that reference 'Melee Attacks' now instead state 'Ranged Attacks' and any that reference 'an adjacent creature' now reference 'a creature within 30 feet.'


A zealot is unlike any other braserker, for they are driven by faith. Righteous anger given form, they are an unstoppable force, seeming blessed by some diety or another. They wield their fury as a holy force of retribution, even calling upon their deity for boons and recieving them.

Diety: A Zealot must pick a diety, one of the nine Ascended Dieties that make up Valerick's Pantheon.

Anathema: A Zealot does not have anathema like other Braserkers. They follow a stricter code, the Tenets provided in their Calling Tradition and rules in particular. So a Zealot of Sir Kartheart would have to follow the Laknoth doctrine of the Shields of Suranth for example.

Skills: A Zealot, upon selecting this Focus, immediately becomes trained in the appropriate Prayer (Diety) skill for their choice of Diety. Their rank of training in this skill increases to Expert at 7th level and Master at 14th level.

Calling: Because of the above information it is important to note this Braserker Path gets casting. Divine only, and they can only cast, or as its known on Valerick, Call, upon the prayers they know when in Fury. Their scaling is extremely limited, they know but 2 divine cantrips and may learn but 1 Prayer from the list for their chosen diety Prayers The master lists of which can be seen at the Prayers link provided, and scrolled through via category of based on diety. This prayer can only be called upon at Tier 1. At 6th level and every six levels thereafter they may learn another Prayer from their appropiate list. At 8th level they now attempt to Call upon these Prayers at Tier II, and at 16th level they now attempt to call upon them at Tier III naturally.

Righteous Fury: A Zealot's fury is fed by their faith and belief. As such their extra Fury Damage stops being the same damage type as the weapon but instead becomes Radiant Damage.

These are the Four Focus Paths for the Braserker, their base benefits, a little lore blurb, and their Anathema. Moving forward the rest of the base Braserker traits, abilities and benefits.

Braserker Feats/Talents: Starting at 1st level, and then again at every even numbered level thereafter you do gain a Braserker Profession Feat of appropriate level qualifaction (or lower than you can always go back and select a feat you didn't take previously if you wanted it). These are meant to be additonal 'Barbarian' Feats for those whom wish to instead try and add Valerick like a supplement to base PF2e rules.

Skill Feats: These are not a thing I considered really trying to grow or add to, or even include directly in Valerick, though I'm sure some of the new skills such as Drive or Pilot, or Sail or the like could have feats made for them. So at base this suppliment simply either assumes only base 2e skill feats are available or that tables will cook up their own as they desire them (which is what I do as a GM). If you are using Skill Feats, as per normal PF2e, you get one at 2nd level and every two levels after that.

General Feats/Talents: You can find additional Feats/Talents here that would fall into this category, along with the plethora of them that exist within Pathfinder 2nd Edition as a base game. You get one of these at 3rd level and every 4 levels after that as a Braserker.

Force of Personality: At 3rd level Braserkers become trained in Ego Saves

Battle-earned Prowess: At 3rd level Braserkers become Expert with all melee weapon families. The Wylder is an exception, and naturally scales their two ranged families with this in place of the two Melee families they lose.

Attribute Growth: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (other than 19th when you get it a level early) you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Strength Attribute also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Ancestry Feats: In additon to the Ancestry Feat you start with, as with Pathfinder 2e base rules, you get a new Ancestry Feat at 5th level and every four levels after that.

Instinctual Reflexes: At 5th level the Braserker becomes Expert in Reflex Saves.

Bloody Veteran: At 6th level the Braserker becomes Expert in Fortitude Saves.

Force of Will: The Braserker's anger imbues them with a mighty stubborn mind. They become Expert in Will Saves at 7th level

Instinctual Awareness: At 7th level the Braserker becomes Master rank in Perception.

Mastery of Steel: At 8th level Braserkers become Master rank with all Melee weapon families. Wylders naturally do not with the two melee families they gave up, instead becoming Master rank with the two Ranged families they gained instead.

One with Anger Embracing their Fury more fully, Braserkers become Expert in Light Armor and with their Class DC at 9th level

Tough like Bear: The Braserker becomes Expert in Unarmored, and as long as they are wearing Light Armor or are unarmored, when in a Fury, they get a morale bonus to their AC equal to their Constitution Modifier. This is acquired at 10th level.

Tough as Nails: They become Master rank with Fortitude Saves at Level 11.

Master of Fury: The Braserker becomes Master Rank in their Class DC at Level 12.

Strong like Ox: The Braserker becomes Master Rank in Power Saves at level 13

Improved Instincts: The Braserker becomes Legendary in Perception at Level 14

Body of Steel: A Braserker becomes Master rank in Unarmored at Level 16

Paragon of Violence: At 17th level the Braserker has ascended to the pinnacle of their instinctual abilities in the arts of violence. They become Legendary proficiency with all melee weapon groups. The Wylder naturally does not with the two families they give up instead becoming Legendary proficiency with the two appropriate Ranged Families.

Limitless Strength: At 18th level the Braserker's Strength truly knows no bounds. They achieve Legendary proficiency with Power Saves at 18th Level.

Braserker Feats

This is not meant to be an extensive list, and though there are obvious house rules at play, this entire exercise is meant to allow relatively easy transition into any Pathfinder 2e game as homebrew suppliment for the Barbarian, adding to its options. This is why there will be few feats overall than some might expect.

Violent Assault

Feat 1

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker Feat

A Braserker with this feat knows and understands the mission, they know what their Fury is meant for. When in a Fury, they may decide at the start of their turn as a Free Action to declare they are launching themselves into a Violent Assault. All your melee attack rolls for the round have +2 to attack and damage rolls for the turn, but then for the rest of the round anyone attacking you has +2 to their attack rolls against you, as you throw yourself into the fray with wild abandon and complete lack of concern for defense.

Quick Loader

Feat 1

Traits: Braserker, Emotion, Fury, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Wylder Braserker

A Wylder very quickly learns to tap into their adrenaline and fury in a unique way. When in a Fury, they reduce the Reload time of any ranged weapon of the (Firearms) or (Crossbows) group by 1 action, to a minimum of a Free Action.

Shield of the Righteous

Feat 1

Traits: Divine, Fury, Braserker, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker

From the beginning, a Zealot knows where they get their power from, and are gifted extra protection for their faith. So long as they are in a Fury, they gain a +1 Divine Bonus to their Armor Score. This becomes +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level and +5 at 20th level.

Deny the Witch!

Feat 1

Traits: Fury, Emotion, Mental, Primal, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Breaker Braserker

Early on, the unique source of a Mage-Breaker's power and fury has a noticeably unique effect. When in a Fury, they gain +1 AC and +1 to saving throws against any spell, effect or ability with the Arcane or Occult traits. This becomes +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level and +5 at 20th level.

Fury Over Fear

Feat 2

Traits: Mental, Fury, Braserker, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

Fully embraced by the Fury which drives you, a Braserker is completely immune to the Frightened Condition if they are in a Fury. Furthermore, if they enter a Fury whilst already under the effect of the Frightened Condition, they shed all instances of it at the end of their current turn.


Feat 2

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Emotion, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Battle-Rager Braserker

A Battle-Rager has embraced their eagerness for battle, and event the mere prospect of gets their heart pounding and their adrenaline pumping. So long as they are not considered Surprised, upon being told to Roll Initiative a Battle-Rager with this Feat may give up their reaction for the first round of combat and start the fight immediately in a Fury.

Burning Fury

Feat 2

Traits:Fury, Braserker, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

Anger has a lot of power, and upon selecting this feat, a Braserker has come to understand and realize a very useful one. When they are in a Fury, Braserkers are immune to the Poisoned Condition, their blood simply running to hot, their adrenaline to powerful. They also gain Resist=1/2 their Braserker level to Poison damage.

Shield-Cracking Blow

Feat 4

Traits: Attack, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker
Special Note: This would and could be a Focus Point ability in base Pathfinder 2e if you intend to use the Focus Point system, it would make sense.

Taking this feat, a Braserker shows they are not just unthinking rage machines. Their brutality is instinctual, tactical like any great predator, and they are capable of reason and more nuanced strategy than simply hit it until it dies.. For one action, the Braserker attempts a melee attack against an adjacent creature with a shield, except they are not trying to hurt the creature. They are trying to destroy the shield. If they score a critical hit, they ignore the hardness of the shield and deal it double damage. If they score a regular hit, they ignore the hardness of the shield and deal regular damage. In both cases even if the shield is not destroyed all its protective benefits are reduced by 1. If they miss, they still deal 1/2 damage to the shield and ignore hardness, but do not reduce its protective benefits unless it breaks. If they critically miss, they deal no damage and gain no benefit. A braserker can only make one such attack a round. If the shield is magickal, this strike cannot break it unless your weapon is a magick weapon of equal or greater item level.


Feat 4

Traits: Attack, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

1/round when in Fury, before making a melee attack roll, they may spend an extra action to declare it an Armor Breaking blow. If they do so and the attack hits, instead of applying their Fury Damage Dice roll as a bonus to damage, they reduce the armor bonus of the targets worn armor (or Natural Armor) by the amount rolled. This reduction is not a permanent break, and can be fixed by spending 1 action on an object interaction (or medicine for Natural Armor) action. The target rolls a against your class DC using Crafting or Medicine as appropriate. If they critically fail, the damage is permanent until they can take a day to fix it/heal it. If they fail, no change. If they succeed they only fix half the damage. If they critically succeed they fully fix the damage. This strike is only half as effective against enchanted armors or Natural Armor bonuses that are tied to the magical nature of a creature. This strike can only lower the AC bonus of a creatures armor/natural armor to 0, it cannot make it a negative number.

Anger and Loyalty

Feat 4

Traits: Braserker, Attack, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

When in a Fury, a Braserker is certainly not mindless, and it heightens all their emotional states and feelings, including strong ties of love and loyalty. They gain the Loyalty Strike reaction. If an ally whom the Braserker can see is attacked or otherwise harmed by a creature the Braserker can reach in melee, they may utilize their reaction to make a Strike at their full bonus against the offending creature.

Swift Fury

Feat 6

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Emotion, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

Learning to tap more swiftly into their anger, a Braserker can now go into a Fury as a Free Action, provided they can pass a Flat DC 12 check. If they fail then they merely consume 1 action as normal. There is no critical success or critical failure outcome to this check.

Sudden Fury

Feat 6

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Emotion, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Battle-Rager Braserker
Note: This could also make sense as a Focus activated ability if you are using the Focus Point System

A Battle-Rager lives for battle, and their excitement at its prospect is uncontainable. Whenever they take damage from a weapon attack, should they have a bout of Fury available, they may immediately fly into a Fury as a Reaction. This does not consume their reaction for the round.

Magick Fueled Fury

Feat 6

Traits: Braserker, Arcane, Occult, Fury, Emotion, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Breaker Braserker
Note: This could also make sense as a Focus Activated Ability if you are using the Focus System.

By this point, a Mage-Breaker is more aligned with their emotions, with this power and anger inside them, and coming to better understanding of its power. So long as they have a bout of Fury available, a Mage-Breaker may throw themselves into a Fury as a Reaction the instant they are affected by any spell of an Arcane or Occult tradition. This does not consume their reaction for the round.

Silent Fury

Feat 6

Traits: Fury, Emotion, Auditory, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wylder Braserker

Wylder's are not like their counterparts in many ways and this is one. Most braserkers in one way or another are loud when they fly into a Fury. It could be enraged shouting of threats. It could be warcries to a god. It could be excited taunts and threats, eager for battle. It could be curses upon the foulness of magick. The Wylder however is different. They need no psyching up, no yelling, no shouting, no nothing to tap into their adrenaline. It is deathly quiet, silent. They may fly into a Fury even when hiding or attempting to be Stealthy without affecting their efforts in any negative way.

Divine Hatred

Feat 6

Traits:Divine, Fury, Emotion, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker
Note: This could also be a Focus ability/feat if you are utilizing that part of Pathfinder 2e.

Part of being a Zealot is trusting the fire, the well of righteous fury within you, and a fine example is within this very ability. You may not understand the details, nor even be fully aware of why your so inspired, however should you ever be within 30 feet of a creature of the Faellen, Kindred, Voidling, Restless Dead, or Wyrid types, you become immediately aware of it so long as you have a Bout of Fury available to you, and you may choose to fly into a Fury as a Reaction. However this does not consume your reaction for the current round of combat.


Feat 8

Traits: Movement, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

Very few of the abilities of the Braserker are not tied directly to their well of emotion, however this is in fact one of them. A Braserker with this feat has learned to move fast and strike hard. Whenever they take a Stride Action, so long as they commit that their next action is going to be a melee attack, they gain +10 feet to their movement speed.

Excessive Violence

Feat 8

Traits: Fury, Braserker, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker and have the Violent Assault Feat

Whenever you declare a Violent Assault, you now gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to +4. The bonus other creatures get to attack you for the round does not change.

Battle Hymns

Feat 8

Traits: Divine, Braserker, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker
Note: Alternatively if you do not wish to run the extra skills and the magick system of Valerick, these sorts of effects and spells make excellent targets for Focus Point system, of course.

Having ascended to a bit more understanding of where their well of emotion and power comes from, and perhaps having a deeper understanding and acknowledgement of the role faith plays in their power, the Zealot may select a second Prayer from the appropriate list for their Diety to learn. In addition they now attempt to call upon these powers at Tier II as a baseline instead of Tier I. A reminder of course that they may only utilize these prayers and cantrips when they are in a Fury.

Blot out the Pain

Feat 10

Traits: Braserker, Fury
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Battle-Rager Braserker

Eventually some Battle-Ragers find another level to their rage, excitement, and lust for battle. A Battle-Rager with this feat, when in a Fury, Reduces all incoming physical damage by 1/2 their Braserker level, to a minimum of 1.

Furious Loyalty

Feat 10

Traits: Mental, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker, must have Anger and Loyalty Feat

Some Braserkers learn to tie their fury and anger to the loyalty they hold to their companions and those they love. This loyalty eventually becomes so strong that it protects them in some unique ways when in a Fury. When in a Fury, a Braserker gains a bonus of +1/2 their level to resist any magickal or supernatural effects with the Mental, Emotion or Manipulate traits meant to charm, dominate, suggest or otherwise influence how they might behave. Furthermore any attempt to order them to directly harm or oppose anyone with a blood relation, or anyone they've known and expressed friendship towards for more than 2 years, or anyone with a closer relationship such as an oathsworn sibling or lover, immediately breaks the effect upon them, they snap out of it, though they do gain the Stunned (1) condition as they come out of it, which will fade at the end of their next turn.

Interruptive Strike

Feat 10

Traits: Braserker, Arcane, Occult, Fury, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Breaker Braserker with the Anger and Loyalty Feat

The Mage-Breaker can utilize a special alternate reaction in the same vein as Anger and Loyalty in that it is a different circumstance they may make an opportune strike at an opponent. Should anyone within their reach for a melee attack be attempting to maintain (so spend an action to keep active) or weave (cast) a spell of the Arcane or Occult traditions, they know because of Aethyr Sight and they may Strike at them with a melee attack at their full attack bonus. If they critically hit the target, the maintained spell simply fades, or the caster simply critically fails the cast, and in both cases they must roll a Minor Miscast. If they successfully hit the target, they merely fully interrupt the action and the maintained spell fades or the spell-weave fails and fizzles, but there are no other negative consequences. In both these cases you deal full damage. If you miss, you still deal your Fury Damage Die in damage and if they were attempting to cast a spell, apply that number as a negative to their Spell-Weaving roll. If you critically miss, you full on whiff and nothing happens. This reaction is available to you only when in a Fury.

Radiant Strikes

Feat 10

Traits: Divine, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker

The Zealots will be gifted true light, its radiance a blight upon their foes. A Zealot with this trait, whenever they land a critical hit with a melee attack whilst in a Fury, they inflict the Blinded condition upon the target until the end of their next turn. Whilst in a Fury they may also choose to have all the damage their melee attacks deal be radiant damage, not merely the Fury Dice damage.

Rapid Assailant

Feat 12

Traits: Fury, Attack, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

By spending two actions, a Braserker may declare they are making a Rapid Assault attack. They can make two melee attacks that do not suffer from Multiple Attack Penalty, but do count towards it (meaning if they wish to attack with their third action it would be -10 or -8 if Agile), however these attacks must be against two different targets.

Furious Instincts

Feat 12

Traits: Braserker, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wylder Braserker

Wylders are a unique breed of Braserker, focused on being swift, brutal and silent. Whenever they have to roll initiative they get to add their Dexterity Modifier to the roll, even if they were Surprised. They are also cannot be made flat-footed by mundane means (flanking, ambush, surprise, etc) when in a Fury, only by means such as being prone, stunned or otherwise afflicted with some sort of debilitating condition.

Brutal Assault

Feat 14

Traits: Braserker, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker with the Excessive Violence Feat

The effects of Violent Assault are increased to be a bonus equal to +6. The bonus other creatures get to attack you increases from +2 to +3.

Scriptures of Battle

Feat 14

Traits: Divine, Braserker, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker with War Hymns Feat.

Upon reaching this new level of enlightenment and understanding of their unique emotions and power, a Zealot may select another Prayer from their diety's list to learn.

Whirlwind Strike

Feat 14

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Battle-Rager Braserker with the Rapid Assailant Feat

Taking the thrill and love for violence even further than most, Battle-Ragers are known for their reckless abandon, and no technique they may possess, no tactic they may use, shows that better than the Whirlwind Strike. Whilst in a Fury for three actions a Battle-Rager can take up to one Step, and make a single Melee Attack against any creature they were adjacent to before the step, and become adjacent to after the step. If they are using a weapon with the Reach trait, then they may attack anyone who was within their melee range before and after the step once each. Multiple Attack Penalty does not apply to these attacks, though they do count towards the tally (so if you somehow have a fourth action available through haste or other means, and you made four attacks with this ability and wished to attack again, it would be at -20 or -16 for Agile weapons.

Rage Bound Loyalty

Feat 16

Traits: Braserker, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker with the Anger and Loyalty, and Furious Loyalty Feats

Intrinsically those you care about are so important to you, and you are so aware of your own destructive capabilities that you refuse to risk turning on your friends. When in a Fury you are just flat immune to mind manipulation effects from anything such as charm, dominate, suggestion or other such effects. When not in a Fury you are still at a bonus of +1/2 your Braserker level on saving throws against such effects.

Silencing Blow

Feat 16

Traits: Attack, Braserker, Fury, Arcane, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Breaker Braserker
Note: This would perhaps be another great target for the Focus Point system, though it might already kind of exist within Pathfinder 2e.

A Mage-Breaker learns how to really tap into their disruptive capabilities when in a Fury, able to forcibly attack and potentially sever a creature's connection with the Aether, something requiring extremely powerful magick or divine power to undo, and at least a full day. Spending three actions, the Mage-Breaker makes a single melee attack at a creature that is capable of casting/weaving spells of the Arcane and/or Occult traditions. So long as they hit, the target must attempt a Fortitude Saving Throw against the Braserker's Class DC. If they critically succeed, they suffer no ill effects. If they merely succeed, they may still attempt to cast magick, however they are at a permanent -2 to any spell-weaving roll they make to cast until they can seek appropriate treatment for this grevious spiritual injury. On a failure they become Silenced for one round and are at -4 to all Spell-Weaving rolls. If they critically fail they are Silenced and cut off from spell-weaving until they can seek that complex spiritual healing and treatment.

Double Strike

Feat 18

Traits: Braskerer, Attack, Fury
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker

This is really a sign of a Braserker's mastery of their Fury and the bursts of Adrenaline it gives them. So long as they are in a Fury, if the first action of the round that a Braserker declares is an unaugmented (so activating no extra abilities or special types of attack) melee attack, they make two melee attacks for the price of onel, though both must be against the same target. Multiple Attack Penalty does not apply to the second of the two strikes, and the two strikes only apply 1 instance of the Multiple Attack Penalty to the rest of your turn (so if you wished to attack a third time on your second action it would only be -5).

Cleansing Fury

Feat 18

Traits: Arcane, Occult, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Breaker Braserker

By this point a Mage-Breaker is basically at zen, is one with their strange mutative ability. When they are in a Fury, they reduce all incoming damage from any spell, effect or attack with the Arcane or Occult traits by 1/2 their Braserker level. Furthermore, no spells, abilities or conditions inflicted by such abilities or spells, nor any persistent damage, can afflict them for longer than a singular round of combat, as their essence and fury simply strips it all away.

Violent Dismissal

Feat 18

Traits: Divine, Primal, Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Zealot Braserker with Scriptures of Battle Feat

Reaching the apex of their power, a Zealot can tap into the divine power they can call upon in a new and unique way, one not requiring prayer, and one that holds great power. At the cost of two actions and access to one of their Divine Prayers for the day, they may attempt a Violent Dismissal Action. They make a Melee attack agaisnt a target Voidling, Restless Dead, Faellen Kindred, or Wyrid type creature. If they hit, that creature must make a saving throw of the Zealot's choice (1 of the six attributes) against the Zealot's Class DC. If they critically succeed nothing happens. If they Succeed, they take extra radiant damage equal to the Zealot's level. If they fail they take extra radiant damage equal to three times the Braserker's level. If they critically fail, they are simply dismissed, destroyed, unmade by a burst of wrathful and holy energy and light, either returned to the Void, or their body rended of its necrotic form, the entropy released, or their twisted mutated form shattered and what was left of their soul snuffed out, burned away by the brilliance of the divine energy rather than let it be drawn into the Void. A Zealot can only attempt a Violent Dismissal 1/minute.

Endless Fury

Feat 20

Traits: Braserker, Fury, Emotion, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Braserker, must have a base (unaugmented by items or magick only by feats and Attribute Growth) Strength of 28.

You have a dark secret, deep within you, something so few will ever understand. It grants you great power but requires great discipline. It is simple to say yet complex to imagine. Your Fury is no longer something you need to draw upon, it no longer requires effort, it You are always in a fury. Even at seemingly your most relaxed, exhibiting control that will never be truly appreciated, you are always in a Fury, the adrenaline never slowing, never stopping. Only when asleep or unconscious do you count as not under the effects and benefits of your Fury. No longer can it end, no longer can you only tap into it for short amounts of time. You are one with it.

Violence is the Answer

Feat 20

Traits: Fury, Braserker
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Battle-Rager Braserker

A Battle-Rager is a true master of battle and combat, living for the thrill of it, practicing it, dreaming of it. They become masters of battle. On critical hits with melee weapons they roll quadruple damage dice instead of double. On all melee attacks with any weapon they now roll double damage dice for base hits instead of normal damage dice. This bonus only applies whilst they are in a Fury.

Kill Shot

Feat 20

Traits: Fury, Braserker, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Wylder Braserker

Your empty cold fury, your lack of emotion towards death and violence knows no real limit to its efficiency and commitment. When in a Fury you may spend three actions to declare a Kill Shot. You make a ranged attack with a weapon you are at least Master Proficiency with. You roll damage (or critical damage) as normal, except that this shot does NOT have to be within 30 feet to qualify for your Fury damage Die. If you hit with the attack and the target is alive/susceptible to death effects, they must roll a Fortitude Save against your Class DC. If they critically fail, they simply die on the spot. If they fail, they fall prone, straight to Dying (2). If they Succeed they fall prone and Unconscious, your shot placement sending them into shock. If they critically succeed they merely become Frightened (1).

Cover image: Coris Alrimac Baraz-Barak by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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