Brawler-Pathfinder 2e Conversion/Homebrew mix madness

As noted previously, any and all 'professions' are meant to act as classes and are in fact meant to be more or less (perhaps with some minor balancing tweaks necessary depending on opinion) to be compatible and comparable to Pathfinder 2e, utilizing more or less that rule set's skeleton, albiet with a few bones missing, a few added that don't belong, however those become more and more obvious and easy to adjust for in either direction as we continue on. In the case of the Brawler however, unlike our friend the Braserker previously, we reach our first class/profession where the Focus system, the one core part of PF2e I have not decided to faff about with homebrewing for directly (though note its existence on the Braserker Profession) is rather central to the class this would overlay most instinctually with. The monk. The Brawler is a different spin on the idea of a fisticuffs sort of individual with their own unique power they can tap into which whilst having obvious comparables, will swiftly show a difference in game philosphy slightly to the base structure of 2e. That is not to say that I believe that this could not be manipulated to simply be an acceptable homebrew class or provide some interesting homebrew options for the monk. However any crossing over would need to address the elephant in the room of Vitae versus Ki/Focus and figure out how they think best to address that issue, but I digress. Let us introduce the Brawler

Some folks make their living in the sand circle, others make it in far harsher conditions. But those whom choose to learn and master using the body as a weapon are among some of the most unique combatants in all of Valerick. But among those exist a unique group of individuals seemingly able to tap into something that is internal. It is not magick or divine prayer, though it can manifest in ways that may seem as such, but it is all internal. Tapping into something within themselves, something most knowledgeable individuals call 'Vitae'. Vitae is sort of the energy of the body and soul as one, and whether it be through years of study and commitment, or just innate talent, or somewhere in between, there exist a unique group of individuals, those generally referred to as brawlers, whom can tap into that potential to turn their own body into a powerful and devastating force. Whether it be those driven by faith tapping into their Vitae with holy fervor, those whom study and master emulating beasts in nature, those whom manifest their own focus in strange and esoteric ways, or even the powerful and overly stubborn drunks brawling in taverns all over Valerick, all brawlers have one truth in common. The body is a weapon, a powerful one that can be wielded to great effect.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Strength or Dexterity, Brawlers get to pick.

Hit Point Progression: Brawlers are hardened by their lifestyle and method of fighting. They start play with an additional 6+Constitution Modifier hitpoints added to their maximum total with their racial total at 1st level. Every level after first, they gain 1d12+Toughness Boost to their maximum HP.

Initial Proficiencies

Brawlers start play with the following proficiencies. Everything else is untrained unless it is acquired some other way, though your Specialization Path selection may add to this list in some cases.

Perception: Brawlers begin play Trained in Perception.

Saving Throws: Brawlers start Trained in all six saving throws. Reminder that the additional three simply represent the three missing attributes. Power=Strength, Logic=Intelligence and Ego=Charisma.

Skills: Brawlers begin play trained in a number of skills equal to 4+their Intelligence Modifier.

Attacks: Brawlers start play Expert with weapons of the Melee (Brawling) family, and Trained with Melee (Basic Hand Weapons).

Defenses: Untrained in all Armor, Trained in Unarmored Defense.

Profession (Class) DC: Brawlers start play Trained in Brawler DC.

Profession Progress Table

Level Skill Progression Points Profession Abilities Brawling Damage Boost
1 - Ancestry and Background, Vitae Pool, Specializaiton Selection Package, Brawler Feat 1d6
2 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if you using them) 1d6
3 1 First Barrier Towards Perfection, General Feat, Manna-Forged Strikes 1d6
4 - Unarmored Movement +5 feet, Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 1d6
5 1 Attribute Growth, Unarmored Expertise, Alertness, Ancestry Feat, Barrier to Perfection 2d6
6 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 2d6
7 - General Feat, Master Striker, Barrier to Perfection 2d6
8 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 2d6
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Fists of Iron, Brawler Expertise, Barrier to Perfection 3d6
10 - Attribute Growth, Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 3d6
11 1 General Feat, Unarmored Mastery, Barrier to Perfection 3d6
12 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 3d6
13 - Ancestry Feat, Barrier to Perfection 4d6
14 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 4d6
15 1 Attribute Growth, Barrier to Perfection, General Feat, Legendary Striker 4d6
16 - Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 4d6
17 1 Barrier to Perfection, Ancestry Feat, Fists of Destruction 5d6
18 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 5d6
19 - Attribute Growth, General Feat, Shattering Perfection's Barrier 5d6
20 1 Brawler Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 1d12

Brawler Basic Features and Base abilities

This section like with all professions will detail the basics of the above table, explain the few shared abilities noted in the table, most of which will swiftly become clear are tied to saving throw, attack or defense or class DC proficiencies increasing. They will be listed by the level they are acquired and naturally will state that within their description.

Ancestry and Background: As with any character, at first level you gain the benefits/traits and other effects of your Ancestry and Background, and as always at first level you acquire your starting Ancestry Feat.

Brawling Damage Boost: This is a scaling bonus die across all levels, which represents how much damage your unarmed strikes do. This is also the damage dice you use for any melee weapons you have equipped of the Brawling family, unless that weapon's damage die would be larger.

Vitae Pool: As a Brawler you gain a special resource pool known as Vitae. This pool is equal to your 2*your Wisdom Modifier+your Brawler level. Your Vitae is used to activate and pay for a variety of the feats you can acquire through the stages of Brawler and your Specializations, as well as having some Feats that are tied to you keeping at least 1 point in the pool, granting a small passive benefit. Some might also be maintained stance like effects that cost Vitae over time to keep active. Vitae naturally can only be recovered over a full rest (so by overnight rest/daily preparations for 2e folks. You need to take the full sleep). At first level a Brawler starts with two of the three basic Vitae based abilities listed below;

  • Striker's Accuracy:
    Traits: Vitae, Brawler
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Brawler
    So long as you have 1 Vitae left in your pool, you are at +1 to attack rolls with unarmed strikes and Brawling weapons. This becomes +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level.

  • Brawler's Brutality:
    Traits: Vitae, Brawler, Maintained
    Cost: 1 action to activate or deactivate, Costs 1 Vitae/round at the beginning of your turn to keep active, costs 1 Vitae to activate.
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Brawler
    By paying the activation of 1 Vitae, and using 1 action you can slip into a more offensive stance, shifting away from your natural balanced stance. You take a -1 to AC when fighting like this, but gain +2 to your damage with all Unarmed and Brawling weapon attacks. This becomes +3 damage at 8th level and +4 damage at 16th level.

  • Bob and Weave:
    Traits: Vitae, Brawler, Movement
    Cost: 1 Vitae, is a Reaction
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Brawler
    This is a unique reaction for Brawlers they may activate when being attacked or caught in the AOE of some sort of damaging effect. They temporarily double their Dexterity Modifier for the purposes of determining AC and Reflex Saves, though this only lasts for the current creature's turn. This reaction has the Movement trait because you can only activate it if you took at least one Stride or Step action during your last turn in combat.

Specialization Selection Package: At 1st level a Brawler must select their Specialization, the background to their martial arts or fisticuffs prowess. Like every profession (Class) in Valerick they have four specialization paths and they all offer access to additional unique feats, as well as offering a unique starting benefit upon selection. These specializations oft represent something unique about the Brawler, be it how or where they learned to fight, or some sort of unique thing about them in a metaphysical sense, or perhaps even offering a potential explanation for the source of their strange Vitae, this unique power they possess. These don't really have a great analog in the Monk class directly, but their stances and those feat paths may be your best comparison for Pathfinder 2e. So noted below are their four Specializations, and what they offer the Brawler at first level;

Elemental Fist

Vitae is a strange thing indeed, and in some it manifests as a unique tie to the Aethyr, but one that does not work like those whom would weave spells, nor wield the power of any of the flows of manna as a great power. Instead they seem a beacon, a conduit, their Vitae manifesting itself as elemental energy and phenomenom. Those like this so suffer a level of mistrust and sometimes even persecution, but they do not show up to Aethyr Sight, nor to any testing or trial one might attempt to identify one with magickal talent, despite seeming to be a funnel and conduit for magick effects.

Second Sight: An Elemental Fist Brawler like any being Touched by Arcanis has the Aethyr Sight Feat automatically at 1st level. This is limited to the Arcane and the Occult

Elemental Connection: This is a passive feature, not a feat, just tied to the Specialization, for the Elemental Fist. This decision influences the rest of their feats and abilities they will potentially choose to gain as they acquire brawler levels. Upon selecting this Specialization Path they pick one of the eight manna flows, noting its elemental damage type. This has no direct effects yet, without any of the appropriate feats, however it is a choice the Brawler needs to lock in upon Specializaton selection. Consult the small table below for a refresher of the eight types of manna/damage type tied to them;

Manna Flow Elemental Damage Type
Doitean Fire
Uisce Cold
Domhan Thunder
Aeir Lightning
Dulra Poison
Meanma Radiant
Scath Psychic
Lobhadh Necrotic

You also select the parameters of your connection, which has no effect on the feats that will be available to you, but does decide one of their traits. They will either have the Arcane or Occult trait, depending which sort of backdrop you wish to flavor your Touch of Arcanis as, is it the more primal direct connection to an elemental flow of creation, or something more eldritch, strange and occult in its nature.

Blessed Fist

There are some whom hold some sort of faith, and though the specifics such as which of the Ascended they worship, do not matter, those whom are a Blessed Fist seem to manifest aspects of the strength of the faithful and the charity of the faithful, able to not just harm, but through their Vitae, also heal. It is a strange phenomenom to be sure. They seem particularly adept at fighting beings of the darkness, undead and voidlings in specific, able to manifest their Vitae uniquely in methods to combat such beings.

Blessed Brawling Talent: As a Blessed fist, upon selecting this Specialization your unarmed strikes and brawling weapon attacks gain the Holy Trait, but you can choose to surpress this trait by spending a free action on your turn every round if you wish (so if for some reason you find yourself in a fight with a creature that has the Holy trait itself).

Primal Fist

Some brawlers learn their craft and hone it studying nature, beasts in the wild, embracing the best teachers of unarmed and close quarters combat, the great predators and beasts of the world, learning techniques and developing movements and methods to emulate such creatures. They fight like wild beasts, yet with the cold cunning of apex predators.

Animal Aspect Talent: At 1st level, you choose one of four basic styles. You may discuss with your GM if you wish to perhaps come up with another based on a different sort of beast, Each style has its own progression from this point forward, and they each provide a passive effect at first level. These styles are;

  • Bear: So long as you have 1 Vitae left in your pool, on a critical hit, your target must roll a Power Save against your Class DC. If they fail, they are Stunned (1) for 1 round.

  • Tiger: So long as you have 1 Vitae left in your pool, on a critical hit, your target must roll an Reflex Save against your Class DC. If they fail, you may declare you have initiated grapple and they become restrained, the Escape DC is your Class DC.

  • Wolf: So long as you have 1 Vitae left in your pool, on a critical hit, your target must roll a Power Save against your Class DC. If they fail, they are tripped and are now prone.

  • Viper: So long as you have 1 Vitae left in your pool, on a critical hit, your target must roll a Fortitude Save against your Class DC. If they fail, they are afflicted with the Toxic (1) condition.

As of 10th level this base benefit is applied to all hits not just critical hits.

Tavern Champion

Some brawlers learn and hone their craft in the sand circles and backroom rings of taverns across Valerick, loving and feeding off the braying of crowds desiring blood and violence, and learning to fight in back alleys, bar brawls and other chaotic, and busy environments. Mastering improvised weapons, feeding off the fear of others, their own persona and reputation, as well as the excitement of large groups, they are a tough sort.

Skills: Tavern Champions in addition to the normal Brawler skill proficiencies, select either Bribery, Diplomacy, Deception or Intimidate to be Trained in at 1st level.

Improvised Weaponry So long as a Tavern Champion has 1 Vitae left in their pool, they count any improvised weapon they choose to use as a weapon of the Brawling Family

These are the Four Focus Paths for the Brawler, their base benefits, a little lore blurb. Moving forward the rest of the base Brawler traits, abilities and benefits.

Brawler Feats: At 1st level, and every even level thereafter, Brawlers select a class Feat from their class feat options as appropriate for their level (or a lower level feat from the list they'd gained access to previously but didn't take).

Skill Feats: These are not a thing I considered really trying to grow or add to, or even include directly in Valerick, though I'm sure some of the new skills such as Drive or Pilot, or Sail or the like could have feats made for them. So at base this suppliment simply either assumes only base 2e skill feats are available or that tables will cook up their own as they desire them (which is what I do as a GM). If you are using Skill Feats, as per normal PF2e, you get one at 2nd level and every two levels after that.

General Feats: You can find additional Feats/Talents here that would fall into this category, along with the plethora of them that exist within Pathfinder 2nd Edition as a base game. You get one of these at 3rd level and every 4 levels after that as a Brawler.

Manna-Forged Strikes: At 3rd level, your natural mystic power begins to flow even into your fists and weapons that fight your style of combat. Your unarmed and Brawling weapon attacks count as magick for purposes of overcoming any damage resistance, so long as you have 1 Vitae in your pool.

Barriers towards Perfection: At 3rd level You select 1 of the six saving throws (Power, Reflex, Fortitude, Logic, Will, Ego) to become Expert Proficiency with. You repeat this process at 5th level, then 7th, then 9th, then at 11th. At 13th level, you select one of the five you have at Expert and become Master Proficiency with it. At 15th level you select another of the saving throws you have at Expert and become Master Proficiency. Then at 17th level you repeat that once more.

Unarmored Movement: At 4th level, so long as you are unarmored, you can move more swiftly than most increasing your movement speed by 5 feet. This becomes 10 feet at level 8, and increases by 5 feet at every four levels thereafter.

Attribute Growth: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (until 19th level when you get it at level early) you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. The attribute you picked as your Key attribute (Strength or Dexterity) also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Unarmored Expertise: At 5th level you become Expert Proficiency in Unarmored Defense

Alertness: At 5th level Brawlers become Expert in Perception

Master Striker: At 7th level, a Brawler becomes Master Proficiency with weapons of the Melee (Brawling) family and with unarmed strikes.

Fists of Iron: At 9th level, your Vitae continues to have unusual side effects. Your unarmed strikes and any strikes you make with Melee weapons in the Brawling family as if they were made of any and all of the following for the purposes of harming creatures or getting through resistances;

  • Blessed (Holy) or Cursed (Unholy) metal

  • Any of the Elemental Touched metals of which there are eight

  • Fellwreath

  • Silver

Brawler Expertise: At 9th level the Brawler gains Expert Proficiency in Brawler Class DC.

Unarmored Mastery: At 11th level the Brawler gains Master Proficiency in Unarmored Defense.

Legendary Striker: At 15 level the Brawler gains Legendary Proficiency with Unarmed and Melee (Brawling) weapons.

Fists of Destruction: At 17th level the Brawler's unarmed strikes and their attacks with Melee weapons of the Brawling family now also count as Tacturnium (Adamantine for you PF2e folks).

Shattering Perfection's Barrier: At 19th level the Brawler truly shatters the glass ceiling. You select 1 of the 3 saves you have at Master Proficiency and it becomes Legendary Proficiency.

Brawler Feats

This is not meant to be an extensive list, and though there are obvious house rules at play, this entire exercise with some balancing and fiddling of course, should in theory be able to mesh and add some options to the Monk as homebrew. There might be some need to adjust certain numbers or convert between Vitae and Ki, however in theory it should not be a large amount of effort.

The Ol' One-Two

Feat 1

Traits: Attack, Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler
Cost: 2 Vitae

A classic of fistfighting and brawling strategies, leading with your weaker strike to make them more vulnerable to your dominant strike, you've perfected this simple but effective trick. By paying the Vitae and two actions, you make two Strikes, however you invert them, making the first strike at the Multiple Attack Penalty as if you had already attacked once this round. Unless this attack critically misses, it doesn't need to hit for damage to be beneficial, and in fact will not be adding any modifiers to damage unless it critically hits, it will merely be rolling dice. However unless it critically misses, the target becomes flat-footed to the second attack, which is made at your full bonuses and includes your modifiers to the damage. The second strike of this can be subjected (combined with) up to one other single action Vitae strike that the Brawler has available to them (such as Brutal Blow for example, which would work technically because it is your second attack of the round) by simply paying the Vitae cost before beginning to make the attacks and declaring that intention. However the benefits of such an effect only apply to the second of these two strikes, the one made with full bonuses. Should you make any other attack in the round after this, it will be at the full -10 (-8 if Agile) penalty.

Fisticuffs Footwork

Feat 1

Traits: Vitae, Movement, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler
Vitae Cost: 1

Part of any fistfighter's early learning is either how to take a hit, which is generally less formal and more a development of necessity, or learning the fundamentals of good footwork. Whether through more formal training, or perhaps deciding they would rather avoid the punches than just tank them with their face, they quickly mastered staying light on their feet, staying fast and loose. As a Reaction, so long as you can see your attacker and the method of attack being attempted, you may pay the Vitae and simply Stride up to 10 feet in any given available direction. You can pass through spaces occupied by allies, but not enemies. Your reaction lowers the success of the attack by 1 step (so if it was a critical it becomes a regular hit, if it was a regular hit, it becomes a miss, etc.). Furthermore this interrupts any attempt to continue striking at you in melee, if that was what was happening, as you would no longer be in melee range of that creature. This can also work on ranged attacks, though this does not have the added benefit of stopping them from continuing to target you unless you manage to get behind cover. This ability can also be utilized in response to area of effects such as bombs and magick, allowing them to step their own success on the save to avoid such things up 1 step.

Elemental Force

Feat 1

Traits:Vitae, (Appropriate Element), (Appropriate Tradition), Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler

The manifestation of the Touch can occur in many different ways, and this simple manifestation is the first taste of how that might look. Do you whisper to yourself, seeming to talk to voices that aren't there, manifesting the elemental force through strange hand symbols and odd whispers in languages you do not even fully understand, or do you simply center the mind and allow the energy to flow through you, allowing yourself to be a conduit, a highway for primordial elemental force. Whatever the method, so long as you have 1 Vitae in your Vitae pool, every time you declare you are making a strike with a melee weapon in the Brawling family, or an unarmed strike, you can choose to have the attack deal its ordinary damage, or alternatively you may have it instead deal the type of energy damage as appropriate for the element you selected when you took the Elemental Fist Specialization.

Blessed Palm

Feat 1

Traits: Holy, Vitae, Brawler, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist Brawler
Cost: 2 Vitae

A Blessed Fist will inevitably discover many interesting abilities on their own pursuit of Perfection, and the first is a simple, but powerful boon. If they focus their Vitae strongly, they can actually clear the mind, clot open wounds, lift a friends courage, and more. With a simple touch they may remove instances of almost any given condition, or repair Persistent Damage of any base elemental type, as well as Bleed. However such an ability is not static. This ability requires you to spend 1, 2 or 3 actions. The more actions you spend the more help you can be. You reduce any one negative condition that the target has (excluding Dying, Wounded and Curse) by 1 for each action spent. If removing persistent damage you reduce it by 1 for 1 action, by a roll of your Brawling Damage Dice for two actions, or you just completely neutralize it regardless of the size/amount for 3 actions.

Of Fang and Claw

Feat 1

Traits:Brawler, Versatile, Unarmed
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler

A Primal Fist is simply and instinctually a more capable wielder of their body as a weapon. Their unarmed strikes gain the Versatile Trait, able to deal Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage as they choose whenever they are making a Strike with them.

Always the Scrapper

Feat 1

Traits: Brawler, Fortune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae

You've always been a natural born Scrapper, able to hit harder than people thought, always more game than opponents would give you credit for. Maybe your small, slight of build, perhaps you once used to be soft spoken, without weight of any reputation. However that scrappy spirit is always with you. Whenever you make a successful strike with an unarmed strike or a Brawling family weapon, you may spend 1 Vitae before you roll the damage dice, and if you do so, you roll damage twice and take the higher result.

Brutal Blow

Feat 2

Traits:Attack, Brawler, Press, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler
Vitae Cost: 1

By paying the Vitae cost, and 1 action, the Brawler pushes forward with their advantage, sensing there is opportunity. This attack not only has the Press trait, but must be made against a target you have already attacked this round. If this attack hits, you deliver a brutal blow, perhaps you drive your elbow into their jaw and teeth, perhaps you catch them with their guard dropped and hammer a straight hard jab into their nose, crunching it flat. Whatever way you flavor it, you inflict a brutal blow, that leaves them bleeding and broken. They not only take ordinary damage from the blow, they also are inflicted with persistent bleed damage equal to a roll of your Brawler Damage Die. If you score a critical hit the bleed is NOT doubled. If you miss the attack, you inflict them with Frightened (1) even though you deal no damage, as they realize how close they came to getting their bell absolutely rung, and coming to the realization/being reminded that you are dangerous. If you critically miss, you gain no benefit

Sand Circle's Own Luck

Feat 2

Traits: Brawler, Fortune
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler

Brawlers will oft claim its all skill and training, but behind closed doors, amongst training fellows, coaches, fellow fighters they always admit that some of it is always sheer luck. The Brawler Gains the Sand Circle's Own Luck. This is a triggered effect, almost as if an enchantment upon the Brawler, but not magick in any precievable or interactable way, it simply The first time every day they roll a critical failure/miss they reroll that attack/skill check/saving throw, whichever it might have been, automatically taking the new result. At 10th level this ability will be triggered 1/hour, and at 20th level it becomes 1/minute.

Blasting Strike

Feat 2

Traits: Open, Brawler, (Arcane or Occult), Attack, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler
Cost: 2 Vitae

Tapping into the strange elemental connection they have, the Brawler may, by spending the Vitae required, take 1 action to make a single unarmed or brawling weapon melee attack against a target. Upon impact the attack deals an additional 1d6 of the appropriate elemental damage for the element they picked, and this damage actually erupts outward from the striken target in a 15 foot cone. Any target other than the creature you struck that is in the area of that cone must attempt a saving throw of the noted appropriate type in the small reference table provided below, making the save against your Class DC. The saving throw functions as mostly a basic save, so critical success is no damage, Success is half damage, failure is full damage, however besides taking double damage, critical failure comes with something a little extra for victims to worry about, which is also in the table below.

Damage Type Saving Throw Save Critical Failure Effect
Fire Reflex Afflicted with Persistent Fire damage=number of damage dice of the blast
Cold Fortitude Afflicted with Slow (1)
Thunder Power Knocked Prone
Lightning Reflex Stupified (1)
Poison Fortitude Afflicted with Persistent poison damage=number of dice rolled for the blast damage.
Radiant Will Afflicted with Dazzled
Necrotic Will Afflicted with Drained (1)
Psychic Logic Afflicted with Confused (1)

The damage of this ability increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 12th level and 4d6 at 18th level. Also worth noting the target you physically strike with a blow does take the damage but does NOT make a saving throw, instead if you critically hit them with the attack you apply the Critical Failure save penalty from the table above.

Disrupting Strike

Feat 2

Traits: Divine, Attack, Vitae, Brawler, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist Brawler
Cost: 2 Vitae

A Blessed Fist may not pray nor fully understand the power that flows through them, but they learn to tap into parts of it easily enough. By paying the Vitae cost, a Brawler may spend 1 action to make a Disrupting Strike with any unarmed or brawling melee attack. They roll the attack as normal. If they critically miss, naturally nothing happens. If they miss they instead of dealing any damage merely throw the target off balance, applying a -2 AC penalty for the rest of the turn to that target. On a successful hit, besides dealing ordinary damage they inflict Stupified (1). If they score a critical hit they inflict the target with the Silenced Condition until the beginning of the Brawler's next turn.

Bestial Hide

[Feat 2

Traits: Brawler, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler

A Primal Fist seems to be altered by their Vitae, this natural, almost beast like force, even when not directly wielding or expending it in many cases, and this is one such case. So long as they are Unarmored and have 1 Vitae in their Vitae pool, a Primal Fist has a Natural Armor score of 1, meaning they gain a +1 to their Unarmored Defense armor score. Furthermore this becomes +2 at 6th level, +3 at 12th level and +4 at 18th level.

Put on a Show!

Feat 2

Traits: Open, Attack, Brawler, Vitae, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae

A Tavern Champion garners their power from the thrill of observation, from the thrill of the showmanship of a good bout, and they embrace that well with this feat. This feat grants them the Showstopper blow, a special strike they may declare. For 2 actions and by paying the Vitae cost they make a melee attack against a target with an unarmed strike or a Brawling weapon. This means they get to add their Charisma Modifier to their attack and damage rolls for this attack (note that if they have a negative modifier for some reason this will not reduce these rolls, the lowest they can be is 0). So long as the attack hits, until your next turn all your allies gain a morale bonus to attack rolls against that creature equal to your Charisma Bonus.

Brawler's Initiative

Feat 4

Traits: Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler

So long as the Brawler has 1 Vitae in their pool and was not caught unaware/surprised, they also add their Dexterity Modifier (minimum 0) to whatever check they roll for Initiative.

Stunning Blow

Feat 4

Traits: Brawler, Vitae, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae

For 1 action and spending the required Vitae you attempt to land a Stunning Blow on your target with an unarmed or brawling melee attack. So long as you land the attack, the target must make a Fortitude Save against your Class DC. Should they critically fail, they become Stunned (3). If they merely fail they become Stunned (1). If they succeed they become Slowed (1) for 1 round. If they critically succeed they suffer no conditions.

Energy Resistance

Feat 4

Traits:(Arcane or Occult), Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler

As their skill grows, so to does their Touch seem to swell. So long as an Elemental Fist has 1 Vitae in their Vitae Pool they gain Resistance to their chosen energy type equal to 1/2 their Brawler level. If they have no Vitae left, this resistance simply becomes 1. At level 9 it becomes 2 and at level 18 it becomes 3.

Vitae Recovery

Feat 4

Traits: Healing, Divine, Vitae, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist Brawler
Cost: Variable Vitae

This ability is quite the unique application of Vitae from the Blessed Fist, and works in quite a unique fashion. They must make two decisions which greatly impact the effect of this ability. The first is how much Vitae they wish to sink into this, they may sink a maximum equal to their Brawler Level Vitae into this. The second thing they need to choose is if they are utilizing the single action version, the two action version or the three action version of the ability which each have different effects. The amount of Vitae spent determine the amount of points of healing (or the number of dice being rolled for the three action version.) The one action version simply heals a single target allied creature within 20 feet that you can see for an amount of hit points equal to the Vitae spent+your Brawler Level. You can target yourself with the single action version. The two action version heals every creature you consider an ally within a 20 foot emanation of you for an amount of hit points equal to the Vitae spent+your Brawler level. The three action version kicks this up a notch, providing the same 20 foot emanation to heal yourself and all allies, however you roll d4s equal to the Vitae spent and add your Brawler level.

Lesser Animal Aspect

Feat 4

Traits: Brawler, Vitae, Concentrate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler
Activation Cost: 1 Vitae
Maintained Cost: 1 Vitae/round at start of your turn

At the cost of 1 action, the Primal Fist can tap into their animalistic side, activating part of their buried animal aspect. For as long as they choose to keep this active, paying the cost as a free action at the start of their turns, they gain benefits based on the animal aspect they choose when selecting their Specialization Path;

  • Bear: +2 Strength Score (so modifier goes up by 1)

  • Tiger: +2 Dexterity Score (so modifier goes up by 1)

  • Wolf: +2 Wisdom Score (so modifier goes up by 1)

  • Viper: +2 Constitution Score (so modifier goes up by 1)

Taunting Bravado

Feat 4

Traits:Auditory, Open, Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae

A Tavern Champion understands that a brawl is as much fought with the mind and the mouth as it is with the fists and the footwork. They understand implicitly the value of trash talk, of bravado and intimidation. So long as they target a creature they dealt damage on their previous turn, they can utilize this ability. By spending the appropriate Vitae and one action they activate Taunting Bravado. They pick one of the three skill checks to utilize to set the DC for this ability, and the choice of skill also alters the effect of the Taunt. The creature must roll an Ego Save. This ability deals 2d6+Charisma Psychic damage as a base effect, or half that on a successful save. On a success or critical succes, they ignore the other effects (and on crit success obviously take no damage). On a failure they take full damage and are Taunted by you. What this means is on their next turn, regardless of risk assessment or the danger involved, they must engage with and target you with all hostile effects they are going to attempt (attacks, spells, etc). On a critical failure, if Deception was chosen, they take double damage and are also Stupified (1). If Diplomacy was chosen they take double damage and the Taunted effect now lasts for rounds=1/2 your level. If Intimidation was chosen, they take double damage and now are afflicted with Frightened (1), focused on you, but are also, conflictingly, still taunted by you on their next turn.

Rapid Reactions

Feat 6

Traits: Brawler, Divination, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Brawler's Initiative Feat

A Brawlers Vitae can seem to empower them and make them quicker and more reactive than the average person. So long as they have 1 Vitae in their Vitae pool, they may take an extra Reaction every round. This does stack with the General Feat Step Aside.

Graceful Drop

Feat 6

Traits: Brawler, Manipulation, Primal, Flowing
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Fisticuffs Footwork Feat

A Brawler eventually can even learn to exert impressive control over their own body's momentum even when falling. They count any freefall or sudden drop as 5 feet/Brawler level less than it actually is.

Lesser Elemental Strider

Feat 6

Traits: (Arcane or Occult), (Appropriate Elemental Trait), Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae

You can spend 1 Vitae and 1 action to focus your connection and energy, imbuing yourself with elemental power. You reduce any terrain effects tied to your elemental affinity by 1 step. This includes difficulty, hazards, persistent damage (which you reduce by 1 or 1 dice as appropriate for how its structured). This effect lasts upon you for 1 minute.

Lesser Energy Absorbing

Feat 6

Traits: (Arcane or Occult), (Appropriate Elemental Trait), Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler with Energy Resistance Feat
Cost: 2 Vitae

As a Reaction, an Elemental Fist Brawler whom is being effected by some source of elemental damage that matches up to their affinity they took at first level may spend 2 Vitae and attempt to Absorb some of the energy. They divide the damage they would have taken after applying their resistance and the result of any saving throw if that applied, by 2. They may split that number however they wish between hit points, temporary hit points, and Vitae. They then recover the amounts chosen of each. After that they take the remaining elemental damage as normal.

Shifting Beast Spirit

Feat 6

Traits: Primal, Vitae, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler
Cost: 2 Vitae

Upon selecting this feat, a Primal Fist feels an evolution within them, gaining a unique ability tied to their primary animal aspect the one they choose at first level when they selected the Specialization, as detailed below in the bullet list. As well, the passive they gained at 1st level, no longer is tied to them keeping 1 Vitae in their pool, it becomes permanent. They now also select another of the 1st level animal aspects to gain its 1st level passive, though this one remains tied to Vitae being in their pool. The new unique abilities are listed below, they all cost a single action to activate initially;

  • Bear-Powerful Strikes:
    Traits: Primal, Brawler, Vitae, Concentrate, Stance
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler who choose Bear at first level
    Cost: 2 Vitae to activate, 1 Vitae/round at beginning of turn to maintain

    Embracing the aspect of the bear, you let the primal strength surge through you, as you seem to swell your muscles straining against your skin. You do not physically increase in size, but your unarmed and Brawling melee attacks count as coming from a Huge size creature now, complete with 5 foot reach. For the duration of the stance your unarmed and brawling weapon attacks only deal bludgeoning damage, however you also roll two damage dice for these attacks.

  • Tiger- Rend and Tear
    Traits: Primal, Brawler, Vitae, Concentrate, Stance
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler whom selected Tiger at level 1.
    Cost: 2 Vitae to Activate, 1 Vitae/round at start of turn to maintain

    Letting the ferocious predator loose a little, you shift your stance, letting your Vitae funnel to your finger tips, crackling forth as almost silvery claws. Your unarmed strikes, with your fists must deal slashing damage when in this stance. However they now inflict Persistent Bleed damage equal to 1/2 your Brawler level.

  • Wolf-Pack of One:
    Traits: Vitae, Primal, Brawler, Concentrate, Stance
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler whom selected Wolf at level 1.
    Cost: 2 Vitae to activate, 1 Vitae/round at start of turn to maintain.

    Altering how you fight, moving swiftly and strategically like a wolf, you know how to give yourself the advantage of many even with the numbers of one. So long as you have moved at least ten feet since you last attacked, you count the target of your melee attack with brawling and unarmed weapons as flat footed, and you add an extra roll of your Brawling Damage Dice to the damage against flat footed targets. Furthermore so long as you have moved at least 10 feet before the attack, you can attempt a Trip check with every successful melee attack with unarmed or Brawling weapons as a free action, and you roll it at the same attack penalty as the attack was. These trips do not affect your Multiple Attack Penalty Counter.

  • Viper-Fangs of the Serpent
    Traits: Poison, Concentrate, Primal, Vitae, Brawler, Stance
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler whom selected Viper at level 1.
    Cost: 2 Vitae activation, 1 Vitae/round at start of turn to maintain.

    Altering your stance, you raise your hands, first and second fingers together and your Vitae seems to manifest around them like the needle sharp fangs of a deadly viper. You can only make unarmed strikes with your hands in this stance and they must deal Piercing damage. However they also deal additional Poison damage equal to an additional roll of your Brawling Damage die.

Some call it a Curse

Feat 6

Traits: Stance, Brawler, Divine, Concentrate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist
Cost: 1 Vitae and a Free Action to activate. 1 Vitae/round at start of turn to maintain

No one said divine power was always a blessing, nor indeed always from kind, goodly or forgiving gods. A Blessed Fist with this feat can shift their own internal power, tapping into the darker sides of divinity, of the omniscient behind the power, and for the duration of the Stance, they count as Unholy, and their strikes with Brawling and Unarmed attacks gain the Unholy trait. In addition when not in this stance, not only their weapons count as a Holy, but so do they.

The Thrill of the Crowd

Feat 6

Traits: Brawler, Vitae, Stance, Concentrate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler who has Put on a Show Feat
Cost: Costs 2 Vitae to activate, takes 1 action to activate and 2 Vitae/round at start of turn to Maintain

This feat has a passive benefit to start with, whenever the stance is not active, so long as the Brawler has 1 Vitae in their pool, they get to add their Charisma Bonus to their Armor Score as a Deflection Bonus, their reputation and force of personality keeping them safe. However this unlocks the Thrill of the Crowd stance. Once activated, for as long as it is maintained, the Tavern champion feeds off the presence of an audience, regardless if they are drunkards, monsters, bandits, fellow party members, or adoring fans. They gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each other creature within 20 feet of them, so long as those creatures are not both blind and deaf.

Brawler's Focus

Feat 8

Traits: Activity, Regroup, Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler

Anytime your party wishes to initiate the Regroup activity (think of this as short rests for people familiar with 5e) You may spend one of your two Regroup tasks to recover some of your Vitae, though you could in theory spend both. However whilst doing this brief meditation you cannot be interacted with in any way. No spells, no medicine checks, nothing. Any slight interaction would ruin the restorative meditation. You recover 1d6+1/2 your Brawler level Vitae.

Brawler's Recovery

Feat 8

Traits: Vitae, Brawler, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler
Cost: 1 Vitae/Instance of Condition for every condition you are purging. 1 Action/Condition you are purging

With great focus and commitment a Brawler can simply seem to purge themselves of most negative conditions. This works for everything but Wounded, Dying and Unconscious. This also works on Persistent Damage, with an 'instance' being measured as 2 points of persistence damage. You always round up to establish the Vitae cost for persistent damage (so removing 5 costs 3 vitae, as does removing 6.)

Savvy Sand Circle Veteran:

Feat 10

Traits: Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with the Sand Circle's Own Luck Feat

The Brawler is a savvy veteran of many bouts, and truly can fight with the grey, as they say. They choose one of their three mental stats (Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma) and add its modifier as a permanent morale bonus to their Armor class, so long as they are unarmored. This choice is permanent

Elemental Shroud

Feat 10

Traits: Brawler, Vitae, (Elemental Trait as Appropriate), (Arcane or Occult)
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler with Blasting Strike Feat
Cost: 2 Vitae

You may take 2 actions and spend the appropriate Vitae to activate Elemental Shroud. A cloud of elemental energy seems to swirl and form around you, seeming to come from your body. This shroud will last 1 minute. Anyone who attempts to make a melee attack against you takes 1d8+1 of the appropriate elemental damage. At 15th level this becomes 2d8+2 and at 20th level it becomes 3d8+3.

Spiritual Striking

Feat 10

Traits: Divine, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist Brawler

Your unarmed strikes and melee attacks with Brawling weapons count as Ghost-Touched, that is they can hit ethereal creatures.

Animal Aspect

Feat 10

Traits: Primal, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Lesser Animal Aspect

Your Lesser animal aspect now boosts the appropriate attribute by +4 and also grants you the benefit of your secondary aspect, the +2, should you have one.

Forever the Performer

Feat 10

Traits: Vitae, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler

Fighting in front of crowds is equal parts combat and showmanship. You'd never develop a winning reputation or a profitable brand if you had no personality. So long as their is 1 Vitae in their Vitae Pool, they add their Charisma Modifier (minimum 0) to all saving throws.

Deflect Blows:

Feat 12

Traits: Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Fisticuffs Footwork Feat
Cost: 2 Vitae and Reaction

By now a Brawler is truly a champion in the arts of combat. By spending a Reaction and 2 Vitae when the target of a melee attack they may roll an attack roll of their own at their full bonus instead of letting the attack hit their AC. If the roll critically above (so a natural 20 or beating the roll of the attack by 10, also the attack can't have been a natural 20 against them elsewise they simply normal succeed) the attack roll number, they block, deflect and avoid the entire attack, getting to roll their Brawling damage dice and deal that much bludgeoning damage to their attacker. If they merely roll higher than the attack roll, but not by 10 or more and there were no critical hits involved, then you block, deflect and counter the attack, but only deal half damage. If the rolls are tied (or the attacker was a critical but the Brawler rolled equal to the sum total or more than it without a critical hit) then neither character takes any damage, but they both become grappled, as they bind up with each other. If the brawler failed, they take half damage from the attack. If they critically failed they take full damage (if they critically failed on a critical hit, they still take critical damage).

After this complex tangle of limbs, blades and whatever other melee weapons might be involved, if the clash ended with a positive outcome for the Brawler, they can move as if having activated Fisticuffs Footwork if they so wish. A positive outcome is success or critical success, a break even is still considered not enough, as both parties become grappled in that outcome.

Increased Brutality

Feat 12

Traits: Brawler, Vitae, Attack, Press
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler who has the Brutal Blow Feat
Cost: Same rules as Brutal Blow

This feat is an augment upon Brutal Blow, and first of all, the persistent bleed damage now gets multiplied as well on a critical hit when determining its value. Furthermore, you now inflict Frightened (2) on a miss, because of your heightened Brutality. If you hit, you choose to inflict either Sickened (1), Enfeebled (1) or Clumsy (1) based on how you assault them. Perhaps you hammer them in the stomach and ribs so hard they cough up blood and vomit, perhaps you instead with a trench knife stab low, tearing into their thigh muscle or hamstring brutally. Maybe you simply kick them in their sensitive bits should they possess them. However you describe it, you inflict one of the above conditions. On a critical hit, the value of that condition becomes (2)

Energy Absorbing

Feat 12

Traits: (Arcane or Occult), (Appropriate Elemental Trait), Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist who has Lesser Energy Absorbing Feat

This is an upgrade for the Lesser Energy Absorbing reaction. Instead of the complex dividing as they deem fit of only 1/2 of the damage they'd take, the Brawler now gets to simply split up the full damage they would have taken after resistance and saving throws and instead split that number as they wish between HP, temporary HP, and Vitae, gaining the amounts of each that they choose, and taking no damage. The price of this reaction increases by 1 Vitae.

Advanced Shifted Aspect

Feat 12

Traits: Attack, Brawler, Vitae, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Shifting Beast Spirit

First of all, the Brawler can now choose to go into the stance tied to their second choice of animal aspect they made when they took Shifting Beast Spirit, though this does not allow them to utilize its new action here, nor utilize the action of their primary spirit in the wrong stance.

When in their primary aspect's Shifting Beast Spirit Stance, the Brawler gains access to a unique action. Each action is detailed below;

  • Bear-Mauling Rush
    Traits: Movement, Attack, Brawler, Open, Bear
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Be a Primal Fist Brawler with the Advanced Shifting Aspect Feat and the Primary Aspect of Bear in the Bear-Powerful Strikes stance.
    Cost: 3 actions and 2 Vitae.

    By spending all three of your actions on a turn and 2 Vitae, you may rush up to your movement speed in a ferocious all out charge, however you must end the movement adjacent to a creature you will be making melee attacks against. You make two melee attacks with unarmed strikes or brawling weapons against a target, however the normal Multiple Attack Penalty does not apply in any way (neither does agile). Instead the first attack is at +2, the second is at your normal bonus. If they both hit, you simply attack again without using any further actions, this time at a -2. You continue this pattern if this third attack hits, attacking again at -4 and so on and so forth, until such a time as you miss an attack. At the end of this your turn is immediately over, regardless if you are Quickened or the like, and you gain Fatigued (1) until the end of your next turn, and you cannot activate this ability whilst fatigued. The movement of your charge will provoke opportunity attacks should you leave the range of an assailant capable of making such attacks.

  • Tiger-Hunter's Pounce
    Traits: Movement, Vitae, Attack, Brawler, Tiger
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Tiger as Primary Aspect
    Cost: 2 Vitae and 1 Action, must be in Tiger-Rend and Tear stance

    By spending 1 action and 2 Vitae, you embrace the feline nature of your Vitae, Pouncing upon a target. This has a 20 foot range, and initiaties melee with the target. Upon declaring a target within 20 feet, you make two strike attempts at your full bonus. If both hit you deal damage as normal (or critical if you score a critical hit with one or both) and then deal another instance of your Brawling Damage Die as the Rake of the Pounce attack. If both attacks were criticals, apply the critical modifier to the Rake as well. You may only Pounce 1 time in a round and this ability only counts as using an Attack type action once for the point of calculating Multiple Attack Penalty.

  • Wolf-Intimidating Howl
    Traits: Auditory, Mental, Vitae, Brawler, Wolf
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Wolf as Primary Aspect.
    Cost: 2 Vitae and 2 actions, must be in Wolf-Pack of One stance

    Letting out a howl that seems of not one but a dozen creatures, you allow the feral hunter's song of the wolf to wash over your foes all around you. Any creature hostile to you within 100 feet that can hear must attempt a Will Save against this ability, the DC is your class DC. On a critical Success, a creature is immune to this ability for a full day. On a success they take half damage and are Frightened (1). On a failure they become Frightened (2) and take 3d6+Brawler Level Psychic damage. On a critical failure they become Frightened (3) and take double damage.

  • Viper-Adder's Kiss
    Traits: Poison, Viper, Mental, Brawler, Vitae
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Viper as primary animal aspect
    Cost: 4 Vitae and 2 actions. Must be in Viper-Fangs of the Serpent Stance.

    For the price and actions listed, you strike like a death adder, swiftly making two melee attacks with unarmed strikes. These strikes deal no damage with dice directly, dealing only your strength modifier as piercing damage. The rest is Persistent Poison damage and as the toxins enter their body, the target also has to roll a Fortitude Save against you Class DC. If they critically succeed, they merely recieve half the persistent damage you would have assigned. If they are merely successful, all the damage is assigned properly. If they fail, they also are afflicted with Slow (2) and Drained (1). If they critically fail they are affected with Paralyzed for one round and Drained (2) as well as seeing the persistent damage number you rolled becoming double what you rolled.

A Bigger Venue just means a Better Show!

Feat 12

Traits: Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler with Thrill of the Crowd Feat.

This is an augmentation for the stance provided through Thrill of the Crowd. Instead of 20 feet, the emanation becomes 40 feet.

Falling is just Faster

Feat 14

Traits: Brawler, Manipulation, Flowing, Primal
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Graceful Drop Feat

This improves Graceful Drop so that its now 10 feet/level.

Elemental Strider

Feat 14

Traits: (Arcane or Occult), (Appropriate Elemental Trait), Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist Brawler with Lesser Elemental Strider

This augments the Lesser Elemental Strider ability, increasing its duration to 10 minutes and decreasing environmental effects by 2 stages.

Blessed Body

Feat 14

Traits: Divine, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist Brawler

The Blessed Fist Brawler is truly blessed. They are immune to mutative effects of any kind, as well as diseases and the Sickened condition.

One with the Beasts

Feat 14

Traits: Primal, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Advanced Shifting Aspect

During your daily preparations each day, you can choose between your two chosen animal aspects which one will be the dominant one for that day.

Now its my Turn

Feat 14

Traits: Vitae, Attack, Brawler, Mental, Emotion
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion with Put on a Show Talent
Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Reaction

A Tavern Champion is truly a master of the performative and the manipulative. As a reaction by spending 1 Vitae when you are struck by a melee attack, as long as you can see your assailant you lock eyes with them. A slow smile creeps across your face, as you seem not to feel the blow, perhaps even pulling them closer by the weapon, such as a sword stuck in your flesh. You laugh bold-facedly at them, cracking your knuckles, as you let them know "Now its my Turn." You roll an intimidation roll as an attack. If you critically succeed they take double damage and are Frightened (3). If you merely hit them but do not crit, you deal 5d6+Brawler level psychic damage and inflict them with Frightened (2). If you 'miss' you still deal half damage and inflict them with Frightened (1). If you critically miss, you are not terror or awe-inspiring at all, likely to injured to sell it, and gain no benefits.

Swift Combination

Feat 16

Traits: Brawler, Attack, Vitae, Press
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with The Ol' One Two feat
Cost: 2 Vitae per strike you wish to take, maximum of three. 1 Action.

Pushing a percievable advantage you throw caution to the wind, letting your Vitae run wild. You take a -1 to your AC for each attack you choose to pay for, and must choose how many you will pay for before rolling them. They are locked in at whatever your current Multiple Attack Penalty is. These attacks all count as one instances of damage for purposes of Damage Resist of any kind. However you also only add any static bonuses to damage (runes, attributes, modifiers, any other buffs) once total, as you give up some power for sheer speed, trying to bury your opponent in blows. You can only activate Swift Combination 1/round.

Advanced Blast Strike

Feat 16

Traits: Open, Brawler, (Arcane or Occult), Attack, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist with Blast Strike

This is an augment for Blast Strike. Its now a 30 foot cone or it can be a 60 foot line. Furthermore the blast creates notable terrain difficulties that you get to ignore entirely but no one else does as appropriate for the element as noted in the small table below;

Element Terrain Effect
Fire The ground is on fire
Cold A layer of ice coats everything
Thunder The ground is heaved and cracked, with fissures and cracks to trap feet
Lightning The ground is live with electricity (environmental damage for travel)
Poison Clouds of poison gas that'll deal 1d6/4 brawler levels engulf the areas
Radiant The ground is illuminated in pure spiritual light, revealing any hidden creatures touching it, and any hidden doors or pressure plates.
Necrotic The ground is barren, rotting, and corrupted with death. Living creatures moving through here take 1d6 Necrotic damage/10 feet.
Psychic A hallucinegenic fog engulfs the area, any creature within or passing through it every immediately gains Frightened (1) condition with the target being everything outside the fog. This condition will stack

Blessed of Mind

Feat 16

Traits: Mental, Brawler, Vitae
Source: Adventures of Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist with Blessed of Body Feat

So long as the Brawler has 1 Vitae in their Vitae Pool, they are immune to any mind altering effect, including charm effects, dominates, or any such other effects that are hostile that would rely on the mental condition to alter how they behave. If their Vitae Pool is empty they still roll with Fortune, rolling twice and taking the best.

Hidden Aspect, Eagle

Feat 16

Traits: Vitae, Eagle, Brawler, Stance
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Primal Fist Brawler with Advanced Shifting Aspect
Cost: 1 Vitae Activation, 1 Action, 1 Vitae/round at start of turn to maintain

This is a unique hidden stance that the Primal Fist can discover deep within themselves, built of their own confidence and instinct. This Stance can be active with other stances, for it has but one passive effect and interferes not with focus on other stances as it lacks the Concentrate trait. When activated, the Brawler's Vitae seems to take shape from their back, shining and brilliant into the shape of the plumage of an eagle or some other great bird of prey. They gain a fly speed equal to their movement speed for as long as they wish to maintain the stance.

Master Showman

Feat 16

Traits: Brawler, Rare
Source: Adventurers in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion with Now its my Turn

Your attacks roll an extra damage die for all damage they deal against targets you've frightened.

Lightning Combination

Feat 18

Traits: Brawler, Attack, Vitae, Press
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Swift Combination

You can now make a maximum of six attacks with the Swift combination ability, however should you do so you become afflicted with the Fatigue (1) condition.

Perfect Puncher

Feat 18

Traits: Brawler, Rare, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler

A Brawler with this feat is a true master of the unarmed craft. So long as they have 1 Vitae in their pool, they roll all unarmed strikes treating the Multiple Attack Penalty scale as only 2 less than it is (so -5 is -3, -4 for agile is -2).

Perfect Brawler

Feat 20

Traits: Brawler, Rare, Vitae
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Brawler with Perfect Puncher feat

A Brawler with this feat has ascended the pinnacle in martial arts. They apply the benefit of Perfect Puncher to melee attacks with weapons of the Melee (Brawling) family.

Controlled Blast

Feat 20

Traits: (Arcane or Occult), (Appropriate Element), Brawler, Vitae, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Elemental Fist with Advanced Blast Strike
Cost: 1 Vitae per person

Controlling the elemental chaos of your strange gift has always been the hardest struggle, directing it with finesse and care. Even now it is a great effort, however you have figured it out. Whenever you activate your Blast Strike, you may pay 1 extra Vitae per person you wish to protect from the initial blast and its after effects. This only protects them from this particular blast and its after effects. If you intend to use the ability a second time, you'll need to protect them a second time.

Palm of Life

Feat 20

Traits: Rare, Divine, Vitae, Brawler
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Blessed Fist
Cost: 10 Vitae, takes 1 minute

You have tapped into the odd source of power, this strange spark of the omniscient within you, to its zenith. You can manifest your Vitae in a fashion that can only be considered truly a divine miracle. You spend the listed Vitae and time, and touch a creature that has died within no more than a week. The body must be reasonably intact (no missing head, the usual). The GM then rolls a flat Charisma check in secret for you against a DC of 10+1/every time the target has ever been officially dead. If things went well, they should return to life. If things go poorly well, who knows what happens. You may only attempt to use this feat 1/day.

Stance Shifter

Traits: Stance, Rare, Primal, Brawler
Source: Adventures of Valerick
Access: Primal Fist with Advanced Shifted Aspect Feat
Cost: 1 Vitae and a Free Action

Once per turn you may simply shift from one of your stances to the other as a free action for 1 Vitae.

Are you not Entertained!?


Feat 20

Traits: Brawler, Mental, Auditory, Visual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Tavern Champion Brawler with put on a show
Cost: 2 Vitae

Whenever you lay an enemy low, you may make a free Demoralize roll against every creature that is hostile towards you that can see and hear you within 100 feet. You do this at your full attack bonus and this Demoralize roll is not considered to have the Attack trait and inflicts Frightened (1) on everyone it successfully effects, Frightened (2) on anyone it critically affects.

Cover image: Belle Gull by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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