Carlyle's Commanding Orders

Barking orders with the power of your ego as if a long forgotten famous general, you seek to forcibly influence behaviors of those around you.


Perform TN: 15, Tier II; 20, Tier III; 25

Performance Time: 1 Action

Duration: Instant, lasting 1 round

Range: 60 feet

Target: Up to two creatures in range of your choice.

Base Effects: Barking a simple order as if an ornery military officer, you push your ego upon your targets, giving them a simple command like the examples listed below;

  • Freeze: The effected targets will not move on their next turn.

  • Drop/Disarm: The effected targets will drop whatever they are holding.

  • Kneel: The effected targets will drop to their knees. This will count as gaining the Prone condition.

Naturally you may workshop other ideas with your GM these are just some simple and common examples. The targets may attempt a Persona Defense Test. Should they succeed, they do not have to give in to the command, but take 1d6 psychic damage to resist.

Tier II Effects: You may effect up to four creatures within range, and the damage dealt to those whom resist is now 2d6 psychic damage.

Tier III Effects: You may effect up to six creatures within range, and the damage dealt to those whom resist is now 3d6 psychic damage.


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