Chemist-Homebrew/PF2e hybrid-esque thing

So this is the first 'spellcaster' and oh boy is that term used loosely, that I'm covering here in this weird mishmash of Pf2e conversion/homebrew of Valerick. As with all the professions they'll have four specializations tho some of these will likely look more familiar, however more important will be the switch in the chemicals themselves and the twist on the entirety of that system because this homebrew setting doesn't utilize spell slots, nor does it utilize the Focus Point system, though it does utilize the conceptualization of Daily Preparations which play a key role for the Chemist and other professions like the Tinkerer more than any other, though some few professions and specializations like the Primal Fist Brawler do also have an ability or two which interact more directly with that as well. However for reference, if it wasn't obvious, the Chemist should more than likely overlay well with the Alchemist, and with some mild to moderate tweaking in either direction depending if wishing to run a straight PF2e game in Valerick, or allow PF2e content in a game using the homebrew twists upon things I'm putting together, no matter which way we lean, ideally the things presented here should be reasonably malleable to purpose. So without further ado, let us meet the Chemist

As Valerick moves into a more scientific and industrial era, the sciences have found themselves growing in usefulness, and one field in particular that has seen a boom in growth is chemistry. Chemistry has evolved from the days of back alley medicine, or occult alchemy within a traditionalist magick like culture, into a front line science. The chemical industry, from medicines to explosive, from bio-mechanics to toxins, has grown, and there are many whom take more than a passing interest in the chemical sciences. Chemists come in all shapes and sizes, and there are many fields. The strange and esoteric studies of Bio-Engineers, as they fiddle with mutagenic substances meant to temporarily alter the humanoid physiology and bio-chemistry in wild and unique ways. The Bombers, making all manner of powerful and wide ranging explosive compositions. The Pharmacists, practicing medicines in fashions that go beyond organized doctor and hospital guilds, going back to the roots, with potions, salves, and other such formulae. Or the Toxicologists, applying their understandings of toxins, poisons and venoms to everything from working for police, to the black market, to even monster hunting. Whatever sort of chemistry takes their interest, there are many chemists whom are 'hands on types', enjoying adventure or explorations, seeking and studying rare ingredients and chemical compounds.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Intelligence is the Key Attribute of the Chemist

Hit Point Progression: Chemists start the game with 4+their Toughness Boost wounds added to their maximum at first level and they add 1d8+Toughness Boost every level after 1st to that total

Initial Proficiencies

Chemists, like all professions, start play with certain proficiencies which will be listed below. Anything not listed, unless you get it from your ancestry or background, you start with nothing else.

Perception: Chemists start Trained in Perception

Saving Throws: Chemists start with Expert training in Logic Saves, as well as being Trained in Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Saves. They begin play untrained in Power and Ego saves.

Skills: Chemists start play with Trained in Crafting (Chemistry) and also in another 3+Intelligence Modifier skills.

Attacks: Chemists start play Trained with Melee (Basic Hand Weapons) and Melee (Brawling) as well as the Ranged (Explosives), Ranged (Firearms) families

Defenses: Chemists are actually more used to wearing the bulk of rather moderate sized armors and such than people would think, given the sort of thick aprons and gloves and other gear some might wear when indulging in their sciences. Chemists start play Trained in Unarmored Defense but also in Light and Medium Armors as well.

Profession/Class DC: Chemists start Trained in Chemist Class DC.

Profession Progress Table:

Level Skill Progression Points Profession Abilities Concoctions Formulae Known
1 - Ancestry and Background, Stims, Study Specialization Selection, Formulae, Chemist Feat 2
2 1 Chemist Feat, Skill Feat (if using) 3
3 - General Feat, Confidence is Key 3
4 1 Chemist Feat, Skill Feat, Explosive Compound Expertise 4
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Workshop Workouts 4
6 - Alchemist Feat, Skill Feat 5
7 1 General Feat, Iron Body, Chemical Scarring 5
8 1 Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 6
9 - Alertness, Swift Reflexes, Ancestry Feat, Chemical Expertise 6
10 1 Attribute Growth, Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 7
11 1 General Feat, Mastered Mind 7
12 - Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 8
13 1 Ancestry Feat, Armor Expertises, Explosives Mastery 8
14 1 Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 9
15 - Attribute Growth, Chemical Mastery, Untaintable Body, Evasive Practices 9
16 1 Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 10
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Mind of a Titan 10
18 - Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 10
19 1 General Feat, Light and Unarmored Mastery 11
20 1 Attribute Growth, Chemist Feat, Skill Feat 11

Chemist Basic Features and Abilities

Besides their unique class feats and the like, as well as general and skill feats, like any Profession the Chemist does gain other features and the like by level, though these are mostly in regards to their proficiency level in various things. These basic features and abilities that every Chemist gets are detailed below;

Ancestry and Background: You gain the basic attribute boosts and penalties as well as the basic traits, effects, benefits and everything else of your Ancestry, Heritage and Background. You also get your first level ancestry feat, though not directly listed.

Stims: Chemists are known for teh wide variety of strange and effective substances they can make and will often carry. A large part of this reputation comes from their Stims, these odd regeants they carry, that they whip up during Daily Preparations. These chemicals seem inert, yet when the Chemist goes to utilize them, to stick someone with them, they swiftly either mix something else into them, agitate them with air, with a bit of water, or whatever else. They do something swiftly to them to kick start some kind of chemical process. During daily preparations they will whip up some of these basic stimulants and the necessary additives, making a number of doses equal to their Intelligence Modifier+1/level. They may take any number of forms, and actually aren't always the strange injector, tho are always delivered via touch. Some may be salves or creams, others powders to be inhaled, others a fluid shot to be drank. At first level, the Chemist selects two of the three basic stims. Note they don't prepare these as written below, the chemicals are inert until activated, meaning you only need to choose which stim your activating when you are using it on someone. Using a Stim, whether on yourself or someone else, is always 1 action

  • Recovery Stim: This stim activates and runs its course the instant its used. The target recovers 1d8+1/Chemist Level hp. This increases to 2d8+1/Chemist Level at 6th level, then to 3d8+1/Chemist Level at 12th level and 4d8+1/Chemist level at 18th level.

  • Ironhide Stim: This stim lasts for 1 hour and a target under its effect cannot benefit from another Ironhide stim. The target gains a +1 natural armor score as their skin temporarily toughens up as if Iron, yet somehow maintains its elasticity. This increases to +2 at 6th level, then to +3 at 12th level and +4 at 18th level.

  • Swiftfoot Stim: This Stim lasts for 1 hour and the target under its effect cannot benefit from another Swiftfoot Stim. The target gains +10 feet of movement speed, seeming to just move more catlike, with more grace and finesse. This increases to +20 feet at 10th level and +30 feet at 20th level.

Study Specialization Selection: Like most professions (with but four notable exceptions in Warrior, Priest, Templar and Magister) in Valerick, the Chemist has 4 fields of study and must select this Specialization path at first level. These study specializations will effect which feats they can access as they level up, as well as which type of Concoctions they can utilize learn from via leveling up, and each one comes with immediate effects upon character creation as well worth noting. These four Specialization paths and their initial benefits are noted below.


Amongst the fields of the emerging chemical sciences, the one that is at perhaps the most cutting edge of the broader field is that of mutagenics. This focus within the field of chemistry focuses on ways to push, pull, alter and manipulate the humanoid body, mind and biomechanics in temporary and often somewhat transmutative fashions using bizarre chemical mixtures, powders and solutions that are to be imbibed by a target to provide their effects for a short period of time. These potent chemical agents are very potent, with most individuals only capable of having one effecting their person at any given time, for anymore than that often can begin to risk blood toxicity, septic shock and even death.

Concoctions: A Bio-Engineer chooses all their Concoctions from 1st level on from the Mutagenic Compounds list of options detailed under the Concoctions Section in the Magick and Faith chapter.

Bio-Mechanic Understanding Talent: Bio-Engineers are well studied and versed in the nature of the abilities and traits of creatures strange, terrifying and wonderful. Any time they would be rolling Recall Knowledge on a creature, they are treated as Trained in the appropriate Specific Lore for that creature.


Amongst the field of chemical sciences, one of the most well known and loud, is the science of explosives and combustibles. This field naturally, is a more aggressive science and field of study within the chemical sciences. Working with such volatile ingredients and chemicals also comes with all manner of risks. It is not abnormal for experts in the explosives field to be missing a finger or two, or to have a fully prosthetic hand or something of that nature. Hard lessons are the hallmark and stamp of becoming an explosives expert.

Concoctions: A Bomber chooses all their Concoctions from 1st level on, from the Explosives list detailed under the Concoctions Section in Magick and Faith.

Bomb-Maker's Reactivity: Bombers have a natural instinct for being....let us call it Twitchy. They always seem a bit on edge and ready to react at a moments notice, be that to run, hit the dirt, or otherwise avoid some sort of sudden and volatile reaction or force. They reduce incoming damage from any Area of Effect spell or object like a bomb by 1/2 Chemist level (minimum 1)


The science of pharmacuticals, be it in back alleys or elite instuitions, in a herbalist's garden, or a large and busy hospice, is perhaps the oldest field within the chemical sciences, or at the very least a close second perhaps to toxicology. A pharmacist is a student of medicine and chemical healthcare, seeking new ways to help people recover from injury, aches and pains, and even loss of mental capacity, such as dementia. Whether for profiteering or for philanthropic reasons, they are the pioneers of medicine, the ones advancing the field.

Concoctions: A Pharmacist chooses all their Concoctions from 1st level on, from the Potions list detailed under the Concoctions Section in Magick and Faith.

Anti-Contagion Stim: A Pharmacist has an additional Stim option available to them from first level. The Anti-Contagion, a stim that immediately cures the target of one illness/disease, provided it is not a magical illness or disease. If it is, then you roll Logic to see if your stim had the right mix of ingredients and stimulants to overcome the illness's transmission DC. This is a mere pass or fail roll.


Back alley dealers, forensic scientist, or enthusiastic eclectics, those whom study the world of poison and toxins are a colorful and interesting bunch indeed. Experimenting with things that cause painful death will most definitely color one's personality.

Concoctions: A Toxicologist chooses all their Concoctions from 1st level on, from the Poisons and Toxins list detailed under the Concoctions Section in Magick and Faith.

Anti-Toxin Talent: A Toxicologist has an additional Stim option available to them. The Anti-Toxin, a stim option that immediately removes the Poisoned condition and/or neutralizes Poison Persistent Damage up to your Intelligence Modifier+Chemist Level still affecting the target.

These are the four Study Specializations for the Chemist. Their base ability, their specific concoction lists, and a bit of a lore blurb. Moving forward the rest of the Chemist benefits, features and traits.

Formulae: You begin play knowing 2 formulae from your profession list. How this works is that during your daily preparations, you prepare your concoctions based on your formulae, rolling Crafting (Chemistry) against the DC for the Tier you can make/wish to make. At first level this is naturally only Tier I. You get to do this for each Formula you know once each. You will never fail to make at least 1 of each Concoction, even if you critically fail during daily preparations, it only counts as a regular failure, meaning you only made one dose of that concoction. On a success you make 2 doses of that concoction. On a critical success you either make both Doses at 1 Tier higher, or you make 2 extra doses (you could also make 1 dose at a tier higher than two doses at the lower tier). You roll 1 craft check for each formula you know. These compounds are made with time and care and unlike those you might whip up in the heat of the moment at later levels with some feats, these remain stable until the next time you settle in for a rest and daily preparations.

Chemist Feats: At 1st level and every even level after that, the Chemist selects a new feat appropriate to their level from their Profession list. Alternatively they can always select a feat from a lower level list they didn't take earlier that they desire as well.

Skill Feats: Basic Pathfinder 2e, these function as one might expect, gained every 2nd level.

General Feats: These also function as they do in PF2e, gained at 3rd level and every four levels after that.

Confidence is Key: At 3rd level Chemists are used to dealing with stigma, and given they are tradespeople in a sense, need to have some level of ability to deal with people. They become trained in Ego Saving Throws.

Explosive Compound Expertise: At 4th level Chemists become Expert Proficiency with weapons of the Firearms and Explosives Ranged Family.

Attribute Growth: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Intelligence Attribute also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Workshop Workouts: At 5th level a Chemist is so used to running about a shop, moving their crates and materials around, assembling and disassembling complex setups for various studies and concoctions, that without realizing it they've improved their general health and fitness. They become Trained in Power Saves.

Iron Body: At 7th level they gain Expert proficiency with Fortitude Saves

Chemical Scarring: At 7th level they gain Expertise in Unarmored Defense, having already scarred themselves many times from chemical burns and the like, their pain threshold is just higher than most peoples.

Alertness: At 9th level their Perception becomes Expert

Swift Reflexes: At 9th level they become Expert in Reflex Saves

Chemical Expertise: At 9th level they become Expert in Crafting (Chemistry) if they are not already, and they now brew their concoctions for Daily preparations at Tier II as base for the point of rolling their craft checks. This also means that on a failure/critical failure instead of merely making one dose at Tier II they can choose to make two Tier I doses if they would prefer. They also become Expert in Chemist Class DC

Mastered Mind: At 11th level they become Master Proficiency in Logic Saves.

Armor Expertises: At 13th level they gain Expert Proficiency in Light and Medium Armors

Explosives Mastery: At 13th level they become Master Proficiency with any weapon in the Ranged (Explosives) family.

Chemical Mastery: At 15th level, if they haven't already, their Crafting (Chemistry) skill goes up to Master rank. They now brew their chemicals for their daily preparations at Tier III, and if they critically succeed they just make four doses at Tier III. If they fail/critically fail, they can choose to only produce 1 dose at Tier III, or two doses at Tier II, or four doses at Tier I. They also become Master Proficiency in Chemist Class DC.

Untaintable Body: At 15th level they become Master proficiency in Fortitude Saves

Evasive Practices: At 15th level they become Master proficiency in Reflex Saves.

Mind of a Titan: At 17th level they become Legendary Proficiency in Logic Saves

Light and Unarmored Mastery: At 19th level they become Master Proficiency in Unarmored Defense and Light Armor.

Chemist Feats

Though the conversion might be rougher than a martial, it also shouldn't be as rough as full casters will be. However this list is not meant to be 100% comprehensive. This is meant to be a sort of homebrew alteration/providing some homebrew options for the Alchemist class in PF2e as well, if you choose to use the base rule set with none of the added homebrew rules such as the extra saving throws, the resource systems like Stim, the removal of Focus Point system. Ultimately even with those differences the goal is that ideally conversion between one and the other should not be extremely difficult to balance.

Rapid Chemistry

Feat 1

Traits: Chemist, Common, Chemistry
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

By spending 1 action and rolling a Craft (Chemistry) check against the Crafting DC of the concoction a chemist can attempt to whip up a dose of any concoction who's recipe is on their Formulae list. On a critical failure they simply fail and the ingredients are wasted. On a failure they make the chemical but if they end their turn without using it, it denaturalizes, the volatile compound losing all effects it would have bestowed. On a success it stays good for 1 full round (until the end of their next turn). On a critical success you make it one Tier higher than the tier you mix at normally, though it still is only good for 1 full round before it simply breaks down and is worthless.

Chemical Additive Stim

Feat 1

Traits: Stim, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

This is another stim option, and this one is not utilized on a creature but on one of your concoctions. You may spend one action to add this stimulant to a concoction. The chemicals you add cause a swift and noticeable chemical reaction, as the compound rapidly changes. This stim allows you to turn one Concoction you know into any other concoction of equal tier you know the formula for.

Chemical Resistance:

Feat 2

Traits: Chemical (Alchemical for PF2e), Chemist, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

A Chemist very quickly in their career will either succumb to their own foolishness or become resistant/learn to use proper protective equipment to protect themselves. They reduce any damage taken from any source with the Chemical (Alchemical) trait by 1/2 their Chemist level.

Glorious Science!:

Feat 2

Traits: Chemical, Chemist, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

Chemists are naturally well versed in their disciplines and as such it should come as no surprise they are also excellent at reverse engineering chemical compounds. So long as they can take 10 minutes uninterrupted, a Chemist never need roll a check to identify any Chemical Concoction, so long as it was brewed by someone of equal or lesser level than them. They identify the compound, its effects, potency (Tier) and even reverse engineer its formula, which they may add to their Formulae List.

Multi-Disciplinary Student:

Feat 4

Traits: Chemistry, Chemical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist with Glorious Science! Feat

A Chemist with this Feat is a connesseiour of sorts, and is definitely not opposed to dabbling outside their discipline. During their daily preparations they may choose one formula they know outside their main discipline to also roll a Craft check for. They are incapable of critically succeeding this roll, they cannot produce extra doses nor can they produce doses at a higher tier. The single or two doses of this chemical they make based on this pass or fail roll also cannot be altered with any of their abilities such as Chemical Additive Stim, without other feats to allow them that multi-disciplinary knowledge.

Bio-Organic Shift

Feat 4

Traits: Chemist, Chemical, Mutagen
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer Chemist

A Bio-Engineer with this feat has figured out ways to handle the delivery and potency of these powerful chemicals, their mutagens, to make them less harsh on the humanoid body. Instead of the listed damage dealt to the consumer of your Mutagenic Compounds, they only deal 1d4 poison damage to any creature that consumes them.

Controlled Chaos

Feat 4

Traits: Bomb, Chemical, Chemistry
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bomber Chemist

Some call you mad, and they might not be entirely wrong, however you do exhibit impressive control in your explosive compounds, seeming to design them for close usage. Your bombs are no danger to you, you seem able to shift them whilst prepping their fuse and such to insure the blast is mildly shaped, so that you can be in the area of effect yet not be caught in the blast itself.

Mind-Tap Stim

Traits: Stim, Healing, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Pharmacist Chemist

This grants the Pharmacist an additional Stim option. Mind-Tap, a chemical agent that when injected will immediately relieve a target of one of the following conditions; Charmed, Confusion, Frightened, or Stupified.

Poisoner's Kiss Stim

Feat 4

Traits: Stim, Poison, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Toxicologist Chemist

This feat grants the Toxicologist an additional unique Stim though this one operates a little bit different than the rest. This is a melee touch attack that uses Dexterity, not Strength. It does not count towards Multiple Attack Penalty, though if you already have a Multiple Attack Penalty active it does apply to this attack. If successful you deal 1 point of Piercing damage and 2 points of Poison damage to the target with the syringe and injection itself, both of which ignore any resistances (not immunities). Once injected the target must make a Fortitude Save against your class DC. On a critical success, they are fine. On a success, they gain Weakness (1+your Intelligence Bonus) to Poison for 1 minute. On a failure this becomes Weakness (1/2 your Chemist level+Intelligence Bonus) to Poison for 1 minute. On a critical failure this becomes Weakness (Chemist Level+Intelligence Bonus) to Poison for 1 minute.

Crammer's Delight

Feat 6

Traits: Chemist, Stim
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

This is an additional Stim option, however it can only be used on creatures capable of speech. What this does when delivered is for one hour, the affected individual has +2 on any Lore checks or Recall Knowledge secret checks.

Mutative Regression Stim

Traits: Mutagen, Stim, Chemist, Occult
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer Chemist

This is an additional Stim option for the Bio-Engineer and it has a potent and powerful effect. This stim can only be used on someone suffering a corrupted mutation. Once administered that individual will need to make a Fortitude Save against your class DC. If they critically fail they pain of the process sends them into shock and they fall Unconscious and to Dying (2). If they merely fail they fall unconscious but stable, however they cannot be woken or healed for the next hour in both cases (the critical failure can be stablized). If they succeed, they are gonna be able to grit their teeth and bear it for the hour, however they are immobilized with the pain, unable to move or leave whereever they are sitting or lying down, and they convulse and scream with agony. By the end of the hour they will be left with only 2 hit points per level. If they critically succeed, they are still immobilized from the pain, and let out moans and the occasional convulsion, but are actually mostly coherenet and conscious and lucid through the experience, ending the hour at 1/2 hp. Over the course of that hour their entire body seems to shed like a snake, the wet, sensitive skin and nerves solidifying into a new layer of dermis proper rapidly, however the mutative growth simply falls away, it does not regrow. Alternatively if the mutation removed something it grows back swiftly and completely in that hour.

Blast Oil Stim

Feat 6

Traits: Bomb, Stim, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bomber Chemist

This is an additional stim for the Bomber. For 1 action you add this volatile highly powerful oil to the powder of the bomb, letting it soak in, lowering its ignition temperature and raising its burn rate, effectively increasing drastically the force with which it will explode. The weapons gains +1 to its Dangerous quality, but also increases its radius by +10 feet and its damage by 2 dice of the size it rolls (so if its rolling d6s, add two more dice.)

I got the good 'stuff'

Feat 6

Traits: Medicine, Chemical, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Pharmacist Chemist who is at least Trained in Medicine

This feat taps into the side of being a pharmacist that most don't consider. You may not have the most technical knowledge of the human/humanoid/other creature anatomy. But you know a whole lot about chemicals and their medicinal uses, both above and below board. You gain the ability to use first aid without needing a medical kit and even to use the Medicine skill to roll Triage without Triage kits. You need to choose how many actions to spend on this, its a battle medicine type ability. For 1 action you heal 20+Intelligence Bonus+Chemist Level hitpoints for the target. Double that on a critical success, half it on a failure, 0 on a critical failure. For 2 actions its 40+Intelligence Bonus+Chemist level, and for 3 actions its 60+Intelligence Bonus+Chemist Level. However unless you critically succeed, the Medicine roll, the target gains the Confused (1) and Clumsy (1) and Stupified (1) conditions until your next turn, as your 'medicines' are volatile in nature. For Triage, the same rules apply, except that you are removing Wounded (1) for 1 action, Wounded (2) for two actions or Wounded (3) for three actions. Any given creature can only be the target of this ability 1/day, as it would be unprofessional to risk excessive exposure to such a potent mixture of that many chemicals more than once any 28 hours.

Swift Poisoning

Feat 6

Traits: Poison, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Toxicologist Chemist

1/turn as a free action you can apply any of your toxins to any weapon within reach of you to touch. You can do this at any point within your turn.

Balanced Chemistry:

Feat 8

Traits: Chemist, Chemical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

A chemist with this Feat can no longer roll 1s on their damage/healing dice for any of their concoctions, if they roll 1s they count as 2s.

Organic-Stress Reduction

Feat 8

Traits:Mutagen, Chemist, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer Chemist with Bio-Organic Shift Feat

Those who ingest your Mutagenic Compounds no longer need worry bout being overpowered as easily from mixing to many of them, you have managed to find a reagant that can be added to them to decrease the organic stress noticeably. The first Mutagenic Compound a target consumes, if it is Tier I, does not count towards the Toxicity risk. At 14th level Tier II mutagenic compounds gain this benefit and at 20th level Tier III mutagenic compounds gain this benefit.

Explosive Savant

Feat 8

Traits: Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bomber Chemist with the Controlled Chaos Feat

At Bomber really comes into their own with this feat. They no longer are beholden to the Dangerous Trait on their Tier I concoctions. At 14th level this extends to Tier II and at 20th level it extends to Tier III.

Potent Potions

Feat 8

Traits: Chemist, Medicine, Chemical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Pharmacist with Glorious Science! Feat.

The pharmacist gets to make a special kind of potion with daily preparations, reaching a new level of chemical understanding. These Potent Potions do not require a crafting roll, and they get to make a number of them equal to 1/2 their Intelligence Bonus (minimum 1). They are Tier I, and are made by selecting two formulae you know and combining their Tier I effects, having both occur in the same concoction. These can only be Tier I. At 16th level these are made at Tier II instead.

Potent Poisons

Feat 8

Traits: Poison, Chemical, Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Toxicologist Chemist with Glorious Science! Feat.

The Toxicologist gets to make a special kind of poison with daily preparations, reaching a new level of chemical understanding. These Potent Poisons do not require a crafting roll, and they get to make a number of them equal to 1/2 their Intelligence Bonus (minimum 1). They are Tier I, and are made by selecting two formulae you know and combining their Tier I effects, having both occur in the same concoction. These can only be Tier I. At 16th level these are made at Tier II instead.

Experimental Stims

Feat 10

Traits: Stim, Chemical, Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

A chemist creates a few stims amongst the doses they make every day during Daily Preparations that are a little more Potent than the rest. These make up an amount equal to your intelligence Bonus from among the number you get to make, and these must be prepared. These experimental stims combine the effects of any two stims you know, or alternatively are two of the same Stim to double up its effect. These Stims are quite potent however and anyone who takes one must make a Fortitude Save against your Class DC. If they score a critical success or a success they are fine. If they fail, they become Clumsy (1) and Stupified (1) until your next turn. If they critically fail, the Clumsy (1) lasts for 1 minute.

Painless Mutagens

Feat 10

Traits: Mutagen, Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer Chemist with Bio-Organic Shift Feat

You have delved deep into the secrets of Mutagenic Compounds and have truly found something amazing. You have managed to figure out a way to make them harmless. No longer do your Tier I mutagens have any Toxicity. This expands to include Tier II at 15th level and Tier III at 20th level.

Danger Close!

Feat 10

Traits: Bomb, Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick Access: Bomber Chemist with Controlled Chaos and Glorious Science! Feat.

You've had a true Eureka moment in your development of explosive devices, able to do more than just control chaos, you can now shape it! Whenever you utilize a Bomb, you may have its blast shape around and not encompass yourself and up to Intelligence Bonus creatures within the target spread of the device's explosion.

Reinforcing Salves

Feat 10

Traits: Chemist, Undead, Rare, Medicine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Pharmacist

Your potions can now be made as Reinforcing Salves, allowing them to affect creatures of the Construct type.

Corroding Poisons

Feat 10

Traits: Chemist, Undead, Poison, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Toxicologist

Your Poisons can now be made as Posi-Toxins, allowing them to affect creatures of the Construct typing.

Chemist's Fortitude

Feat 12

Traits: Chemist
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

At this point, so exposed to fumes, chemicals, and random explosions of corrosive and chemical fluids has the chemist been that they simply do not notice them anymore, their body seeming to just be unaffected. They are not subject to any conditons such as Sickened, or Persistent damage (poison) or Poisoned, or other such conditions when exposed to them via means with the Chemical (Alchemical) trait. They cannot take poison/acid damage from such sources as well.

Potent Mutagens

Feat 12

Traits: Mutagen, Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer Chemist with Glorious Science! Feat

The Bio-Engineer gets to make a special kind of mutagenic compound with daily preparations, reaching a new level of chemical understanding. These Potent Mutagens do not require a crafting roll, and they get to make a number of them equal to 1/2 their Intelligence Bonus (minimum 1). They are Tier I, and are made by selecting two formulae you know and combining their Tier I effects, having both occur in the same concoction. These can only be Tier I. At 18th level these are made at Tier II instead.

Potent Bombs

Feat 12

Traits: Bomb, Chemist, Rare
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bomber Chemist with Glorious Science! Feat

The Bomber gets to make a special kind of Bomb with daily preparations, reaching a new level of chemical understanding. These Potent Bombs do not require a crafting roll, and they get to make a number of them equal to 1/2 their Intelligence Bonus (minimum 1). They are Tier I, and are made by selecting two formulae you know and combining their Tier I effects, having both occur in the same concoction. These can only be Tier I. At 18th level these are made at Tier II instead.

Dual Discipline Study

Feat 14

Traits: Chemist, Chemical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist with Multi-Disciplinary Student Feat

You now may prepare batches of Tier I concoctions equal to your Intelligence Modifier from disciplines not your own who's formulae you happen to know during Daily Preparations.

Adjacent Skillset

Feat 14

Traits: Chemist, Skill
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

You may select a skill feat instead, representing some knowledge or skillful education or another you picked up adjacent to the study of chemistry at some point.

Revitalizing Stim

Feat 14

Traits: Divine, Chemist, Rare, Stim
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Pharmacist Chemist with Experimental Stims Feat

This is an additional stim for the Pharmacist and quite the unique one. It requires three actions, however if it works, its well worth it. The target must be dead. Applying the stim, you then roll a flat DC 1+1/round the target has been dead (minimum 2) check. So long as you succeed, the target begins coughing and gasping, their eyes opening with shock, air flooding their lungs as you return them to life and consciousness. They heal 2 hit points/Chemist Level, but do retain a Wounded (1) condition and are prone. However they are alive. This can only be attempted on someone once, as even if it failed and you tried again the sheer volume of the powerful chemicals in their blood stream would have them wake up only to perish of an immediate heart attack.

Flexible Chemistry

Feat 16

Traits: Chemist, Chemical
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

You no longer require the specific ingredients on any of your primary discipline's formulae, you simply need to have one ingredient in each category.

Shapeshifting Stim

Feat 16

Traits: Mutagen, Chemist, Rare
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bio-Engineer with Experimental Stims Feat

This is an additional stim option for the Bio-Engineer, and its quite the crowning achievement. An individual whom is under this Stim's effect for 1 hour completely polymorphs, utterly changes the person they are. They keep their mental faculities and knowledge and memories, but physically their body, shape, weight, gender, even their clothing change shape, form, and color into another individual whom you had in mind upon application. This Stim requires two actions, to utilize. The change does alter the 'patient's' physical stats to match those of the individual they have become.

Adjacent Studies

Feat 18

Traits: (Appropriate Profession), Chemist, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist

You may select a Feat from a different Profession of 8th level or less instead. You must meet the Access qualifications for the feat and you cannot pick a feat that requires a resource you do not have, nor that augments or runs off of an ability you do not possess (such as needing to 'be in a Fury).

Bomber's Blood Stim:

Feat 18

Traits: Stim, Chemist, Bomb, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Bomber Chemist with Experimental Stims Feat

This is an additional stim for the Bomber and they can only use it on themselves! For two actions they inject themselves with two highly volatile compounds, yet seem unaffected themself. For the next hour should the Bomber take damage from a melee attack from a weapon without reach, or take a melee attack of any kind from a unarmed strike, regardless if its a reach attack, if the attacker hits and deals damage, they take 3d6+1/2 the damage dealt in force damage from a sudden directed explosion that occurs as the Bomber's blood is drawn and contacts the air, the blast rippling forth from them like an eruption yet somehow not making the injury worse. This damage can also destroy melee weapons. At the end of the hour, so long as the Bomber was hit once, they are Fatigued (2) and only a rest will fix it, it cannot be removed by any means.

Masterpiece in Liquid Form

Feat 20

Traits: Chemist, Invention, Chemical, Rare
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Chemist, must have an Intelligence of 24 or more.

You have truly ascended to the title of legendary amongst the studies of your field. You and your GM need to sit down and work out a brand new Chemical Formula that now exists within setting, together. All three stages, the entire thing. It must be a chemical within your main field of study of course.

Death's Caress

Feat 20

Traits: Death, Chemist, Poison, Stim, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Toxicologist Chemist with Experimental Stims

This stim is also a melee touch attack however you roll your Intelligence and chemist Proficiency instead of any weapon proficiencies (so if your Master in Chemist, add that to the roll.) for the attack. On a critical hit, the target just simply dies, no save, no damage, no muss and no fuss. They are dead (or banished if an extra-planar entity). On a regular success, you deal 10 poison damage per your Chemist level and inflict Drained (2) upon the target. On a miss you still hit them, just fail to hit an artery or vein or whatever, but you still deal 5 poison damage per your Chemist level and inflict Drained (1) on the target. Only on a critical miss does the victim escape unscathed.

Cover image: Tulint Zittlidrosp by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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