Cleansing Aura

Empowering your own spiritual presence and energy, a Diamond Magister can summon forth a protective aura that they share with those close to them.


Base Effects: Weaving the various beams and flows of Diamond Manna, drawing a bunch of it within yourself, you shape that energy into the appropriate warding symbol, as you begin to glow with a slight white brilliance that falls over all around you, aiding you and your allies. For the duration, you and any allies in range are resistant to any form of possession, rolling against it with the Momentum, as well as able to shed one instance of any negative condition every round, and gaining 1d8 temporary wounds at the start of their turn every round.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You and any allies in range can shed up to two negative conditions, and gain 2d8 temporary wounds at the start of their turn every round.

Tier III Effects: You and any allies in range can shed up to three negative conditions, and gain 3d8 temporary wounds at the start of their turn every round


Evelyn felt the magick flowing through her body, as she empowered her own spiritual essence, willing the protective energy of her own spirit outwards from her body, over her companions, realizing the danger they were in as they entered the remains of the ruined village. She felt keenly the presences pushing against the Aether, felt keenly how weak and thin it was here, and she was well versed in what that could mean, especially when tracking and hunting a known heretic and apostate. "Be wary my friends." she warned her companions. "The Aether is thin here, weak and suffering. We may yet be accousted by more than just the heretic and her small cult of followers."
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 21, Tier II: 26, Tier III: 31
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
Self, 20 foot radius
Applied Restriction
Target: Affects any creature you consider an ally in range, along with yourself.


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