Cleansing Light

Those of the Diamond Order are quite skilled at making possession difficult to near impossible, and that is a useful set of magicks to have. However they also can attempt to end possession, though not nearly as effective as those wielding divine power to end such states of affairs, for their forcible eviction merely causes the beast from the Void to abandon its host and manifest in a physical form.


Basic Effects: Weaving this spell-form, you direct it, a beam of brilliant diamond light flashing from on high to engulf the target creature. It must attempt an Agility Defensive Test. If it fails, it takes 4d6 radiant damage, and if the target is possessed, the creature possessing it must attempt a Persona Defensive Test, which if it fails, it is forcibly evicted from its host and made to manifest in an unoccupied space within ten feet in its appropriate physical form. Should it succeed, it merely takes half the damage itself, with no harm to the host. If the initial Agility Defensive Test is passed, the creature only takes half damage.

Voidbane: If the target is possessed and it happenes to be a Voidling that is possessing it, the creature is rolling against the momentum on the Persona Defensive Test.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase the Radiant Damage to 6d6.

Tier III Effects: You can target two creatures within range at once.


Jacob realized right away the strange man with the two vicious humming shortswords was not a mere mortal. "Prepare yourselves!" he called out to those allies whom could hear him, as he began to weave his spell-form. A bright light engulfed the man, the light so bright it seemed to melt away, burn away part of the man's essence, smoke rising from him, and he stopped fighting, falling to his knees, coughing and twitching. Grey and black smoke poured out from within him, out through his mouth and noses, and solidified into an ugly and terrifying creature, an ugly and horrifying visage of a beast from beyond, from the realm of nightmares. ten feet tall, with three legs, one eye, with barbed tentacles where one would expect arms to be. "The beast is revealed, steel your hearts and strike true, for it is vulnerable now!"
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 19, Tier II: 24, Tier III: 29
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A creature in range.


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