Confusing Babble

A wild speech of inane ideas, crazy theories, absolutely insane rambling meant to throw off, confuse, or otherwise bamboozle those whom hear it.


Perform TN: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Performance Time: 2 actions

Duration: Maintained, up to 1 minute

Range: 30 feet

Target: Any two creatures within range

Base Effects: Your chosen targets must attempt Sagacity Defense Tests. If failed, they gain the Confused (1) condition and take 1d8 psychic damage. The confused condition lasts until the end of the performance's duration or until they make a successful Sagacity Defense Test.

Tier II Effects: You may effect up to three creatures in range, and they now are afflicted with Confused (2) condition.

Tier III Effects: You may effect up to four creatures in range and they now are afflicted with Confused (3) condition.


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