Corroding Rains

Those of the Sapphire Order have a strange blend of concepts within their magicks, of course. Much of what they do is all about merely altering or shifting the current of Uisce as it is already behaving, instead of directly grabbing and reshaping the energy itself. This is a prime example of that.


Basic Effects: Weaving the flow of Uisce all about you, you energize it, altering it ever so slightly, guiding it through different branches to the same result. The rain all about you in range becomes more dangerous, corrosive, a skin peeling acidic and contaminated mess. Every round, all creatures in range take 1d6 poison damage, 1d6 cold damage, and 1d6 necrotic damage. Non magickal metal objects begin to corrode over the first minute, even beginning to rust. This applies to weapons and armor and other worn objects. Plant matter/plant creatures take no cold damage but double the amount of poison and necrotic damage taken.

Ice-Blooded: If creatures of a reptilian or amphibious type, or with a natural vulnerability to cold (such as a Fire Elemental) are subjected to the effects of this spell-form, the cold damage becomes 1d10 and they are afflicted with the Slow (1) condition.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase all damage instances by 1d6 or 1d10 as appropriate

Tier III Effects: Increase all damage instances by 1d6 or 1d10 as appropriate.


Elize let out a sight of relief, even as the rain began to fall, as she released the spell-form. All around them the foul yuan-ti began to react with panic, but also with lethargy, the biting cold of slowing their bodies even as the toxic and corroding qualities of the rain began eating at the metal objects they carried. The raiders hissed their displeasure, trying to retreat but doing so quite slowly, with no real ability to create distance.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 17, Tier II: 22, Tier III: 27
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
100 feet radius centered on you
Applied Restriction
Special: This spell-form does not require that you maintain it, unless you wish it to last more than 1 minute. You must declare this intention upon casting the spell-form. If you wish it to exceed 1 minute in duration then it becomes a maintained spell until you choose to release it or the weather clears up.

Target: Self, you are the center of the radius. You can insure the safety of yourself and up to three other targets from this spell-forms effects.

Special: You can only cast this spell-form if it is overcast or raining.


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