
Even more complex and delicate of a spell-form than making someone hypothermic is the idea of making them dehydrated, removing and drawing out the Sapphire Manna from within them. It is a terrifying thought, and one that those with an exceptional level of mastery over the magickal arts of Aquamancy can make reality.


Basic Effects: Drawing out the Uisce from the target in a most delicate fashion, you actually, in a strange twist, do not manifest an effect directly with this spell-form, in fact it is the removal of the manna you are simply displacing that causes the effect, instead of any shaping or effort on your part. Your target must make both a Power and an Intellect Defensive Test. Should they fail the Power Test, they take 3d6 fire damage and are afflicted with the Slow (1) condition. Should they fail the Intellect Test, they take 3d6 Psychic damage and are afflicted by the Confused (1) Condition. Success on either test means they do not get afflicted by the appropriate condition and take half damage of the appropriate type. This damage recurs each round until they have successfully made each test once or until the duration is up. They may attempt the tests they initially failed at the end of their turn each round.

Firestorm: If targeting a creature under the effect of the Ablaze condition, the fire damage becomes 3d10.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may target a second creature in range.

Tier III Effects: You may target a third creature in range.


Isabella noted the flash from the grenado, and saw one of the orcs running about, screaming in fury and agony, its body on fire. She immediately focused in, drawing upon her magickal talent. The screams of the creature became hoarse, its movements sluggish and almost fatigued, even as it continued to burn. Its head moved slowly, looking around, as if delirious. She watched in satisfaction as the Sapphire Manna bled free from the creature all across the Aether before her.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 24, Tier II: 29, Tier III: 34
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 Minute
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A single creature in range.


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