Detect Magick

One of the absolute simplest spell-forms in the arsenal of a Diamond Magister, yet perhaps one of the singularly most important they have, and a defining spell for not just the Diamond Order but for the entirety of the Magisterium. This spell-form makes those of the Diamond Order highly valued, for they do not just detect magick, as any Magister can do so, they all have Aether Sight, so they can all see when spell-forms are being weaved, and can see and generally identify the after effects, for a time. No this spellform lets them detect magick that hasn't been wielded yet, such as enchanted items that lie dormant among regular gear, inactive magick wards or symbols or glyphs, or even individuals with latent but as of yet unutilized magick potential. They can even identify which Primordial Essence someone with "The Touch" has with but a proper inspection utilizing this spell-form, no requirement for the testing ritual with manna gems required. This makes them ideal candidates for roving and moving amongst regular people, seeking out those born with the Touch.


Basic Effects: Weaving a simple spell-form, you hone your own supernatural senses, allowing your Aether Sight to incorporate itself into all five of your regular senses, and allowing that spectrum to bleed into the material realm, your eyesight to blend. You merely need take a few moments to check around you for magick, and even to tell what kind. Perhaps you smell smoke and ash around fire magick, or your skin feels damp and cool close to water magick. These sensory level indicators are your minimal first warnings, if you merely do nothing at all, and they let you know when you are near enchanted items, active magick glyphs or wards, people with the Touch, or of course manna gems.

However this merely identifies they are within the radius to which your detection extends. To garner more information, you must commit a few moments to focusing on this heightened sensitivity as noted below;

  • 1 Action: Informs direction

  • 2 Actions: Informs distance

  • 3 Actions: Informs exact objects/people etc etc, they seem to have a slight aura for the next minute that you can see.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase Radius to 90 feet

Tier III Effects: Increase Radius to 120 feet


Evelyn could sense the magick, and immediately could tell from the distance and direction the person she was sensing was in the orphanage. She moved through the streets, a swift left and then a right down an alley out into a small square. Ignoring on-lookers, she moved to the front door of the two two storey building, focusing more keenly, allowing the feelings to consume her senses before she entered. She moved past the front waiting area, flashing the sister at the desk her papers and writs, not bothering to stop, as she moved up the stairs. The smell of woodsmoke struck her nose, and she knew it was no fire, especially as she heard voices laughing harshly, and two children clearly picking on another one. "Sylvia Sweatcheeks, always so warm. She smells so gross, even pigs turn nose and run!"

The smell got a bit stronger as Evelyn opened the door to the large communal area of the orphanage, where two taller boys, one elf, and one a tantur, were picking on a straw haired little girl. She could only be about five or six, human, Evelyn was pretty sure, and she was glowing a noticeable red, almost cherry for how deep it was. Bits of orange flaired off of it, and Evelyn moved swiftly, grabbing a broom from the corner of the room, moving to the boys bullying the girl "Enough!" she barked, swatting at them with the broom. "Behave yourselves or I'll find the headmaster and get him to use his belt. Back to your studies both of you!" she barked.

The boys scurried away from the broom, knowing full well that Evelyn was basically a staff member as far as the Headmaster of the orphanage was concerned, and moved off, sulking at the ruining of their fun. They could not and did not know of course that Evelyn's interruption had likely just saved their lives and the lives of everyone in the building. She turned to the little girl, recognizing her immediately, for they had met only a week ago when she'd been brought in. "Little Amelie," she whispered, not as surprised as she may have thought she was going to be. Evelyn moved to the little girl, who's fists were white now, and sparks quite visibly were flairing and flickering around her in the Aether and the material realm. Eyeing her up and down, Evelyn noticed her face was swollen, her fingers bloody, and she had bruises about her arms, and neck. They'd beaten her, clearly, the signs of the fight all about the room. She'd likely gotten back to her feet right before Evelyn entered the room.

Evelyn carefully hugged the little girl then, despite the heat, and heard the soft, pained and angry sobbing "Shhh, its alright Amelie, please breath, please calm down, no one is going to bully or hurt you anymore. I'll take you away from this place, today, you have my word on that. Just please try and calm down. No good will come of what you feel coursing through you right now, please you need to believe me."
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 9, Tier II: 14, Tier III: 19
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
4 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 action
60 foot radius centered on self
Applied Restriction
Special: You are not constantly detecting magick when this spell-form is active, it does require a level of utilization as explained in the spell's description.


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