Discordant Rhythms

A song that can only be described as harsh and vile upon the ears. It invokes the imagination in terrible ways, especially to those whom slumber.


Perform TN: 15, Tier II; 20, Tier III; 25

Performance Time: 2 actions

Duration: Instant

Range: 30 feet

Target: Any and all creatures within 30 feet of you that can hear you.

Basic Effects: Purposely playing and singing in brutal, grinding, off key tones and tune, you grate and grind against the ears and minds of those whom can hear you. Any creature within range that can hear you must make a Sagacity Defense Test. Should they fail, they take 1d8 psychic damage and gain the Confused (1) condition. If successful they take half damage and are not subject to the condition. If a target is asleep, however, they instead take 2d6 psychic damage, and so long as they continue to slumber take an additonal 1d6 psychic damage every round that they slumber for. This damage occurs in the form of nightmares and night terrors and as such does not necessarily immediately wake the target.

Tier II Effects: Damages increase to 2d8, 4d6 and 2d6 respectively.

Tier III Effects: Damages increase to 3d8, 6d6, and 3d6 respectively.


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