Divine Pathfinding

And so it is not lightly I request this gift, the greatest of your boons. However we need guidance we need a path, for though I know our destination, I am lost. We have a destination, but not a route. So Feyheart, if it please you, provide me your expertise. Allow me to see the path, as clearly as I might my own feet.

Prayer of the Pathfinder


Basic Effects: For the duration, you will be shown an obvious path, a simple golden line of light to follow. This light is not visible to anyone or anything else, and this path will guide you as one on foot would need to be (so no trying to just say 'go straight over impossible obstructions) with the exception of bodies of water. It will account for any nearby ferry services or something of that ilk, or the nearest bridge, fjord or other safe area to cross.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Can last for 21 hours.

Tier III Effects: Can last for a full day.


As you finish praying, as you watch in front of you and down on the ground near your feet, the ground begins to glow faintly, a slight golden light, extending, a line. A path only you can see, only you can follow. A smile snakes across your lips instinctually, as you take the first step. Feyheart clearly favors your mission, and he will guide you.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 32, Tier II: 37, Tier III: 42
Related Discipline
Prayer (Feyheart)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 14 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: You must at least have a named location, even if you've never been there, to target and it must be on the same Plane of existence as you are currently.

Cover image: Divine Pathfinding by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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