Drowning Aura

Some of them Sapphire types...they seem friendly enough. Yet I swear I've seen one of em drown ten or more people just by their very presence!


Basic Effects: Weaving the currents of Uisce all about yourself, you manifest the Sapphire manna all about you, this thick brilliant blue haze, as thick as water. Any creature within range of you that you deem hostile must make a Toughness Defensive Test at the end of each of your turns whilst this spell form is active. If they fail, they take 6d6 cold damage and are afflicted with the Slow (1) condition. If they succeed they take half damage, still suffering the condition. All attacks attempted against you from within this AOE are at against the Momentum. Furthermore if the damage dealt to a target would bring them to 0 wounds, they immediately lose a death save, and so long as they remain in the area of effect they are rolling against the Momentum on any future Death saves.

Ice-Blooded: If a creature of Reptilian or Amphibious types or any creature with a vulnerability to cold (like a fire elemental) would be effected by this spell-form, they take an additional 2d6 damage cold damage from this spell-form every round.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase damage by 2d6, condition becomes Slow (2).

Tier III Effects: Increase radius by 20 feet.


"Suddenly, it was as if breathing were not an option, it was like we were underwater, as this thick blue energy just lapped forth from her, engulfing everything as she moved about the battlefield slowly, taking her time, felling the Skavi by the handful. The foul ratfolk never really had a chance. It was terrifying to witness though, I'll tell ya. Seeing anyone, even such fell creatures, drown in open air, it'll change a man."

An unnamed soldier in his cups, remembering a battle where a Sapphire Magister had been deployed with his battle group.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 29, Tier II: 34, Tier III: 39
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
Self, radius 20 feet


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