Entertainer-PF2e/Homebrew Hybrid thingy

Entertainer, Bard, I'm sure one can see where this is going and which class this Profession is meant to sort of emulate/overlay/provide some potential homebrew for with noted need for adjustements and such of course. Another of the kind of casters, and in PF2e they are definitely leaned into as more full casters than anything else. Within Valerick like the Chemist versus Alchemist there would be a lot of notable adjustments needed to go between base or Valerick Homebrew, but there should be some base compatibility at the very least. So with that addressed, let us introduce the Entertainer!

Of all the adventuring sorts, of all those whom end up making the claim to Exemplaris fame, perhaps none are so full of hot air, yet just as often so full of truth of their own exploits and those of their companions, than entertainers. Of course this does not refer to fools, jesters or simple performing troupes. No no, for on Valerick, there are those for whom entertaining, performing, is an art form with its own Primal power of a sort, seen as a divine gift not tied to any one of the Ascended but to all of them. The keepers of stories, songs, and communicative performances of voice and body, they seem to have a mystical ability to bring to life the lessons, stories and forgotten knowledge of these artistic renderings, utilizing them in unique ways to aid their allies, harm their foes, and alter the outcomes of the flows of fates in their own ways. They are not as overt as Chemists and their sciences. Nor as purely powerful as Magisters and their command of the arcane. Indeed nor are they as overwhelmingly strong in healing and caretaking as a Priest. However they blend a little bit of all these sorts of traits, with a lot of skill and knowledge to offer as well.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Charisma is the key attribute for the Entertainer unsurprisingly.

Hit Point Progression: Entertainers are not the toughest of sorts, but much like a chemist, for different reasons, they have some level of fitness, as one might expect anyone whom would travel the roads seeking for whatever reason to become known as an Exemplari. An Entertainer starts the game with 4+their Constitution Modifier to added to their maximum HP at first level and they add 1d8+Constitution Modifier every level after 1st to that total

Initial Proficiencies

Entertainers start play at first level with the following proficiencies.

Perception: Entertainers begin with Expert Proficiency in Perception

Saving Throws: Entertainers start play with Ego at Expert Proficiency, and with Will, Reflex and Logic Trained.

Skills: Entertainers begin play trained in Performance however they specify in one field of Performance. They also start Trained in Occultism as well 4+Intelligence Modifier other skills

Attacks: Trained with Melee (Basic Hand Weapons), Melee (Fencing), and Ranged (Crossbows) and Ranged (Firearms)

Defenses: Trained in Light Armor and Trained in Unarmored Defense

Class DC: Trained in Entertainer DC

Profession Progression Table

Level Action Bonus Profession Abilities Performances Known
1 - Ancestry and Background, Inspiration, Artistic Medium Package, Performances, Entertainer's Training 1
2 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat 1
3 1 General Feat, Alertness, Reflex Expertise 2
4 - Trick Shooter, Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat 2
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Expert of the Stage 3
6 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat, 'Break a Leg' 3
7 - General Feat, Steel Dancer 4
8 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat 4
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Expert Mind, Armored Expertise 5
10 - Attribute Growth, Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat 5
11 1 General Feat, Master Observer 6
12 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat, Master of the Stage 6
13 - Ancestry Feat, Dancing Blade 7
14 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat, Inflated Ego 7
15 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Stage Physique 8
16 - Entertainer Feat, Unshakeable Will 8
17 1 General Feat, Legend of the Stage 9
18 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat 9
19 - General Talent, Legendary Showmenship 10
20 1 Entertainer Feat, Skill Feat, Attribute Growth 10

Entertainer Basic Features and Abilities

This section like with all professions will detail the basics of the above table, explain the few shared abilities noted in the table, most of which will swiftly become clear are tied to saving throw, attack or defense or class DC proficiencies increasing. They will be listed by the level they are acquired, and will state the acquired level in their description.

Ancestry and Background: Like all Professions at 1st level the Entertainer gains the base benefits of their Ancestry, Heritage if they took one and their Background, as well as their first Ancestry Feat.

Inspiration: Entertainers are not merely just entertainers, for words, stories, the performative ego of the Humanoid/sapient spirit have very real power on Valerick. Entertainers are full of that power, often wielded in forms of little quips of wisdom, lessons from times past, from the stories, plays, songs and tall tales of bygone ages. They gain use of a special ability they may activate 1/round. They gain use of a special sort of supernatural power, something not quite magick, but definitely not 100% natural known as Gifting Inspiration. Their are a number of abilities that may be activated via this inherent ability that they will learn as they level up and take further feats. This ability is limited however, a number of times per day equal to the Entertainer's Charisma Modifier+Entertainer Level. At 1st level an Entertainer selects two of the following three options to have available for Gifting Inspiration. They cannot ever gift Inspiration to themselves unless a specific ability states they can do so;

  • Keep your Guard Up!
    Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer, Auditory
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Entertainer
    Cost: Reaction, 1 Inspiration

    Calling out to an ally you realize has let their guard drop, clearly a problem, as they are about to be assaulted, attacked or caught in a damage effect in some way. The ally must be within 60 feet of you and able to hear you. You grant them +1 Morale bonus to AC and Saving Throws until your next turn. At 10th level this becomes +2, at 20th it becomes +3.

  • Inspired Reserves
    Traits: Healing, Inspiration, Entertainer, Auditory
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Entertainer
    Cost: 1 Action, 1 Inspiration

    This can target yourself. Giving a rousing call to action, empowered words of encouragement, whatever the case may be, you press the strength of your ego upon the vitality of your target. They heal for 1d8+your Charisma Bonus. At 10th level this becomes 3d8+Charisma Bonus+1/2 Entertainer Level. At 20th level this becomes 5d8+Charisma Bonus+Entertainer Level.

  • Heroic Encouragement
    Traits: Auditory, Inspiration, Entertainer, Emotion
    Source: Adventures in Valerick
    Access: Entertainer
    Cost: 1 Action, 1 Inspiration

    You help keep an ally loose and focused, perhaps cracking an opportunely timed joke, or calling out a pointer, or maybe simply engaging in a bit of friendly banter. Whatever it is picks up their morale, cutting through the stress of the moment. Your ally gains +1 to attack and damage rolls for 1 round. At 10th level it becomes +2, at 20th level it becomes +3

Artistic Medium Selection: At first level like all professions, an Entertainer selects their subclass, their specialization, which is called their Artistic Medium. They have four options like most other professions, and each of these options grant access to specific feat options as they level up, and also grant immediate effects at 1st level, which will be noted here.


Quoting soliquoies from famous works, re-enacting speeches from heroes and military officers of reknown, putting forth the bravado of characters from myth and legend, an Actor seems able to wield their ego and personality via the art of well enactment, pretending to be someone they are not, be that vocally or even physically. Actors have extreme confidence, seemingly able to fit into any situation with but a short while to prepare.

Performances: An Actor chooses all their Performances from 1st level, from the Enanctments family of options detailed within the Gifts of Performances Section under the Magick and Faith Chapter. They become Tier I (Trained) in the Perform (Acting) Skill as a bonus skill progression.

Skills: An Actor starts play with Deception and Diplomacy Trained


The movement of the body can have its own power, its own passion, and a Dancer is exactly that, their ego and personality expressing itself via the performative art of dance, exerting the will of their own strength of personality upon reality. Smooth, a balance of flow and function, performative and power.

Performances: A Dancer chooses all their Performances from 1st level, from the Dances family of options detailed within the Performances chapter under Magick and Faith. They become Tier I (Trained) in the Perform (Dance) Skill as a bonus skill progression.

Dancer's Steps:
Traits: Entertainer, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration, Free Action

By declaring that you are activating this ability, so long as you are taking some sort of action with the Movement Trait first for your turn, for this round your actions with the Movement trait are incapable of provoking reaction strikes, attacks of opportunity or any sort of reaction that would allow someone to strike at you, as you simply move to fluidly and gracefully, seeming to dance all about the battlefield.


A performer whom sees anything and everything small enough to fit in one hand as a prop and a weapon, showing amazing mastery control and capabilities. Perhaps the most directly combative performative art, jugglers are generally also death defying performers, loving to work with others, showing off their ability to keep multiple objects aloft, and also their accuracy by utilizing volunteers and just barely missing them with a multitude of dangerous thrown objects.

Performances: A Juggler chooses all their Performances, starting at 1st level, from the Tossing Tricks family of options detailed within the Performances chapter under Magick and Faith. They become Tier I (Trained) in the Perform (Juggling) Skill as a bonus skill progression.

Throw Anything:
Traits: Common, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler Entertainer

Upon selecting this Medium, the Entertainer counts as trained in a unique Ranged family, that of (Thrown). This progresses to Expert at 5th level, Master at 12th and Legendary at 18th. They count any improvised or melee weapon they can wield in one hand as having the Thrown weapon trait with a range increment of 20 feet.


The classic Entertainer that many think of, the musician, singer or instrument, those whom wield the power and presence of their ego and charisma via musical means. Epic ballads, swift paced tavern ditties, funerary dirges and more, songs have a power within them, a unique 'magick' of a kind, one that Musicians tap into with skill and to great effect.

Performances: A Musician chooses their Performances from 1st level on, from the Songs and Ballads family of options detailed within the Performances chapter under Magick and Faith. They become Tier I (Trained) in the Perform (Singing) or Perform (Instrument of Choice) Skill as a bonus skill progression.

Turn up the Volume!
Traits: Entertainer, Auditory
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Musician Entertainer

A Musician, whilst having Auditory traits on many of their abilities, is unique in that they do not necessarily need to be able to see their targets. Any performance, inspiration ability or class feat that would normally require they can visibly confirm the target that also has the Auditory Trait, so long as they can reasonably use their hearing to know the target is close enough to be affected (which if they can hear the target it likely), they can target them.

These are the four Artistic Medium Paths for the Entertainer, their base benefits and a small Lore blurb. Moving forward the rest of the base Entertainer features, abilities and traits.

Entertainer's Training: As noted in their Paths, the Entertainer has access to four distinct forms of their sort of 'magic' of sorts. They do not have a Tradition nor do they wield magick in the traditional sense, however this specializtion is important. They become trained in this performative art, both in the fashion some would recognize as spell attacks and spell DC. This advances to Expert at 8th, and Master at 16th.

Entertainer Feats: Starting at 2nd level and every even level after that the Entertainer gains a new profession/class feat.

Skill Feats: At 2nd level and every 2 levels after you get a new skill feat.

General Feats: At 3rd level and every four levels after that you gain a new General Feat.

Alertness: At 3rd level an Entertainer is Expert in Perception

Reflex Expertise: At 3rd level an Entertainer gains Expert in Reflex Saves.

Trick Shooter: At 4th level Entertainers become Expert Proficiency with the Ranged (Crossbows) and Ranged (Firearms) families.

Attribute Growth: At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (other than 19th when you get it a level early) you gain 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Charisma Attribute also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Expert of the Stage: At 5th level your Class DC proficiency becomes Expert.

'Break a Leg': At 6th level you become Trained in Fortitude Saves.

Steel Dancer: At 7th level an Entertainer gains Expert Proficiency with Melee (Fencing) family weapons.

Expert Mind: At 9th level they become Expert in Logic and Will Saves

Armored Expertise: At 9th level they become Expert Proficiency with Light Armors

Master Observer: At 11th level they become Master Proficiency in Perception.

Master of the Stage: At 12th level they become Master in Entertainer Class DC.

Dancing Blade: At 13th level they become Master Proficiency with Melee (Fencing) weapon family.

Inflated Ego: At 14th level they become Master Proficiency in Ego Saves.

Stage Physique: At 15th level an Entertainer becomes Trained in Power Saves.

Unshakeable Will: At 16th level an Entertainer becomes Master in Will Saves.

Legend of the Stage: At 17th level an Entertainer becomes Legendary in Entertainer DC as well as in Perception.

Legendary Showmanship: At 19th level an Entertainer automatically becomes Legendary in Performance if they are not already as well as becoming Legendary in Ego Saves.

Entertainer Feats

This is not meant to be an extensive list, and is meant as homebrew ramblings for some sort of weird Pathfinder 2e adjacent thing with resource systems for professions/classes, entirely different structure for 'magick and more. However since the base operating system, the base skeleton is PF2e, in theory with perhaps some needed tweaking and twisting the idea is overlay/homebrew compatibility. In this case the Entertainer is very much in the vein of the Bard.

Eternal Student

Feat 2

Traits: Mental, Entertainer, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer

An Entertainer with this Feat, during their daily preparations, may select a number of specific Lore (not one of the listed ones or the simple Lore skill, things like Lore (Mythology) or something) skills to have Trained that day equal to their Intelligence Modifier. These can be swapped and reset every time you rest and go through Daily Preparations, and these cannot advance any specified Lore skills you have to higher proficiencies they can only be used to be Trained in specified Lores you are untrained in.

Irritating Insult:

Feat 2

Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer, Auditory or Visual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer

This feat grants the Entertainers the specialized Irritating Insult Reaction. By spending a use of their Inspiration as a reaction the Entertainer can yell out to or make some sort of rude and crude gesture in the direction of a creature within 60 feet that is attempting an attack roll, skill check or saving throw. This sudden noise, aggressive, challenging, demeaning, as well as the sudden hand movements perhaps, inflict a -2 to the target's roll. At 8th level it becomes -4 and at 16th level it becomes -6. This cannot be used to react to Spell-Weaving and Prayer checks

One Voice, Many Accents:

Feat 2

Traits: Vocal, Acting, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Actor Entertainer

You are naturally gifted with accents and the slangs and dialogue patterns that they can present. So long as you've been hearing how an accent sounds in conversation with some regularity you can imitate it more or less flawlessly.

Move your Body

Feat 2

Traits: Inspiration, Dance, Entertainer, Concentrate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer Entertainer
Cost: 1 Use of Inspiration and 1 Action

This ability can only be utilized 1/round, needing your focus and commitment to the effort. However you grab a hold of an allied creature adjacent to you and guide them through a little energetic dance, whatever that might look like for you, something energetic and fun and high paced. For two rounds, the creature you do this to is Quickened (1). However they also cannot gain the benefits of this ability again for 1 minute.

Reactive Toss

Feat 2

Traits: Attack, Juggling, Entertainer, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration (optional) and Reaction

This reaction provides the Juggler with the ability to make a thrown weapon attack of opportunity whenever a creature tries to use the Stride action or any other action with the Movement trait that is not a Step, within 20 feet of them, provided that they both have a throwable weapon or object in hand and can see the creature. They make this attack roll, as with any tossing weapon. They may spend a use of Inspiration to make this attack roll with their Performance skill instead of via normal means.

Healing Tune

Feat 2

Traits: Healing, Inspiration, Entertainer, Ritual
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Musician Entertainer
Cost: 2 Inspiration and 1 minute

Whenever you and your allies decide to take the Regroup Activity (short rest/refocus whatever you wish to call it), you may spend a use of Inspiration to increase the effects of any healing from medical treatment or spells that you and your allies gain by 1d8. This increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 12th level and 4d8 at 18th level. This does require your full commitment, you cannot partake in any other tasks, needing to continue playing the soft, loving melody for yourself and your companions until any medical treatments and such are finished.

Powerful Presence:

Feat 4

Traits: Entertainer, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration, and 1 Action

Putting on a show of some kind, showing off confidence and power, really leaning into it, you draw upon your own ego, tapping into it in a unique and strange way not unlike magick, yet most certainly not detectable in any way as magick. However it does seem to provide some sort of protective warding. For 1 minute you cannot utilize this power again, however for that 1 minute you add your Charisma Modifier to your AC as a Deflection Bonus.

Linguistic Performer

Feat 4

Traits: Language, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer with Eternal Student Feat

The Entertainer is well traveled and with that and being a weaver of stories, tales, and other performative arts, they've picked up a thing here and there. They select a new Language that they now speak. At Levels 9, 14 and 19 they learn another language.

Interruptive Blabber

Feat 6

Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer and have the Irritating Insult ability.
Cost: 1 Inspiration, whilst using the Irritating Insult ability

You may use this as a sort of alternative to Irritating Insult, you can now effect Prayer and Spell-Weaving skill rolls.

Echoing Performances

Feat 6

Traits: Composition, Manipulate, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer

When utilizing a Performance (one of their spells) that has the Concentrate requirement, they may increase its Perform DC (at all Tiers) by 2. If they do so and successfully complete the Performance, its benefits will last for 1/2 their Charisma Modifier rounds even if they decide to stop concentrating, so long as that wouldn't exceed its maximum duration. They cannot activate the same performance a second time or it wipes out the echoing effect.

Stage Voice

Feat 6

Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer, Acting
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Actor Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration

The actor is well versed in a key tenet of the performative art of the stage. The Stage Voice. When they are preparing to utilize a Performance (spell) they may as a Free action spend 1 Inspiration and increase the Perform DCs of their performance by 1. They increase the range or area of effect of the Performance by 1/2 its base range/area of effect. (so if it has a 60 foot range, it becomes 90 feet.)

Fancy Footwork

Feat 6

Traits: Dance, Entertainer
Source:Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer Entertainer

A Dancer is naturally and perhaps expectedly quite nimble and capable, and are generally swifter to react than most. So long as they are not afflicted with the Surprised condition, they may roll Performance instead of Perception for initiative if they choose to.

Distracting Toss

Feat 6

Traits: Juggle, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler Entertainer
Trigger: Being not surprised and being told to roll for Initiative and being able to see clearly the foes.

Juggling is a discipline of focus, instinct and dexterity and you have all three. So long as you are not surprised, and can see a creature you would consider a foe within 60 feet of you, you may have this ability trigger. Roll a throwing attack against the target, who counts as flat footed. If you hit, you do no damage but do apply a -2 to their Initiative. At 10th level this becomes -4 and at 14th level it becomes -6.

Clarifying Melody

Feat 6

Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer, Music
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access:Musician Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration and 1 action

Playing a brief echoing tune, a strangely calming melody and calmness, you aid your allies and yourself. Anyone you call an ally within 60 feet who can hear you may reduce 1 condition they are suffering with the Mental or Emotion trait. On top of this, you and your allies gain +2 to Will Saves and Ego Saves until your next turn.


Feat 8

Traits: Mental, Entertainer, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer with the Eternal Student Feat

Becoming more well versed in the ways of the world, when you make your selections for Eternal Student, three of the chosen Lore skills become Expert Proficiency instead of Trained.

Ego Strikes

Feat 8

Traits: Mental, Inspiration, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer
Cost: 2 uses of Inspiration, 2 actions

Activating this ability, you push your ego and performative nature out in waves, via words, dance, music, masterful juggling, whatever your means. You create an aura around yourself for the round, its emanation radius is 20 feet. Any allies and yourself get a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma Modifier.

The Value of Comedic Timing

Feat 10

Traits: Uncommon, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer
Trigger: Roll a Critical Failure on a Performance roll.

You have learned the value of comedic timing, able to turn the worst of failures, at least once in a while, into a successful showing. The first time each day that you critically fail a Performance Roll, you get a normal success instead.

Fitting in is the best camoflogue

Feat 10

Traits: Acting, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Actor Entertainer

An actor quickly learns the stage and showmanship, but they also swiftly learn how to blend in, and the value of that skill. When trying to Hide or Sneak in urban areas (villages, towns, cities) with foot traffic and people around, you may use your Performance Skill instead.

Dance of the Stars

Feat 10

Traits: Dance, Entertainer, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration, 1 minute

This ability is used after your Daily Preparations before you start your day and you may affect yourself and creatures up to an amount equal to your Charisma Modifier, though they must follow your lead in the dance. Every creature who took part gains one Star mark upon them. (this is effectively a hero point for PF2e folks). This Star Mark must be used upon a skill check however.

Long Tosser

Feat 10

Traits: Juggling, Entertainer, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler Entertainer

A Juggler with this feat doubles the range on all thrown attacks and Tossing Tricks.


Feat 10

Traits: Music, Entertainer, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Musician Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration, Reaction

By spending 1 Inspiration, you may attempt a Performance Roll as a reaction to anyone attempting to cast or call any sort of magick (Divine, Arcane, Occult, Primal Tradition). If you overcome their Spell Save DC, you counter the spell or prayer. If they rolled a critical success on the cast, you would merely make it a normal cast unless you to critically succeeded. Failure and Critical Failure both simply fail to counter.

Linguistic Study

Feat 12

Traits: Entertainer, Uncommon, Language
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer, Linguistic Performer Feat

You may roll a Logic Save to understand written words even of languages you do not speak, the DCs established by what languages you do know and how rare the language is to find in writing.


Feat 12

Traits: Intelligence, Skill, Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer, Intelligence of 20 or more.

A travelling Entertainer learns all manner of skills and abilities at least a little to aide in their performative arts. They count as Trained with all skills other than Lore skills (and Prayer and Spell-Weaving). From here on out (so levels 14, 16, 18 and 20) they can if they wish, select a Skill Feat instead of a new Entertainer Feat.

Student of the World

Feat 14

Traits: Entertainer, Rare, Mental
Source: Adventurers in Valerick
Access: Entertainer, with the Studious Feat

When you select your Lore skills with the Eternal Student Feat, as you did with Studious, you now select two of the three skills you'd make Expert, and they become Master Proficiency.

Stay the Reaper

Feat 14

Traits: Inspiration, Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer
Cost: 3 Inspiration, 1 Action

By spending the Inspiration and the action, you can grasp the hand (range is touch) of a fallen and dying comrade, giving a heartfelt and rousing, and potentially tear jerking speech. So long as they are not dead, they lose all dying conditions (they become Wounded conditions) and they become unconscious, but stable.

Master of Disguise

Feat 16

Traits: Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer

When trying to craft a disguise you may roll Performance instead of any other skill.

Acting is Deception made art

Feat 16

Traits: Entertainer, Acting
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Actor, Entertainer

As an actor you understand a fundamental truth of the art of deception. Its just acting with a different name. You may roll Performance for Deception checks.

Dancer's Momentum

Feat 16

Traits: Dance, Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer, Entertainer

As a Dancer, you are constantly in motion, always flowing, always moving, and this momentum is rather permanently a feature of how you move. You gain +10 feet base movement speed, you gain the Fortune trait on Reflex Saves, and you gain +2 to any saves against any effects that are attempting to inflict you with paralyzed, immobilized, slow, restrained or grappled. Your AC counts as 2 higher against attacks that can inflict such statuses as well.

Always Juggling

Feat 16

Traits: Juggling, Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler, Entertainer

Eventually, a Juggler becomes so good at what they do that they can just be doing it rather naturally and intuitively. You can have up to 4 objects counted as in hand all at once. They must be single-handed objects not two handed objects, those objects count as 2 towards the count. You simply are constantly juggling them.

Selective Auditory

Feat 16

Traits: Music, Entertainer, Rare, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Musician Entertainer
Cost: 2 Inspiration, 1 Action

By activating this ability, you insure your next Performance has a unique, seemingly magick effect, though in truth it is merely the force of your own ego. Your next performance gains the Selective Auditory trait to replace the Auditory trait. You may select up to Charisma Modifier targets whom simply hear nothing even though they are in range.

Skillful Expertise

Feat 18

Traits: Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer with Jack-of-all-Trades Feat

With this feat, the benefit of Jack-of-all-Trades now makes you Expert proficiency instead of Trained

The World is my Stage

Feat 18

Traits: Entertainer, Actor, Rare, Inspiration
Source: Adventurers in Valerick
Access: Actor Entertainer
Cost: 1 Inspiration

At the cost of 1 Inspiration, you may replace any Diplomacy, Deception, Bribery or Intimidation roll with a Performance roll.

Life is a Dance

Feat 18

Traits: Dance, Entertainer, Rare, Inspiration
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Dancer Entertainer
Cost: 2 Inspiration, maintained costs 2 Inspiration each round

To a Dancer understands that all life is a dance, and the dance never truly ends, it merely shifts in tempo. Activating this ability makes you Quickened (1). You must pay the upkeep at the beginning of every round, and you cannot release the ability the same round you activate it. You also suffer no effects of difficult Terrain when under this effect.

Impossible Throws

Feat 18

Traits: Juggler, Rare, Entertainer
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Juggler Entertainer

A Juggler has truly mastered the skill of juggling. They now triple, instead of double, all throwing and Tossing Trick ranges.

The Song of Life

Feat 18

Traits: Music, Entertainer, Inspiration, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Musician Entertainer
Cost: 5 Inspiration, 1 minute

Playing an ancient song, something once well known, but now long forgotten, you project your own ego as a beacon, trying to guide the soul of a recently fallen individual back to their body. This can only work on a body that has been dead for a day or less. The GM should roll a secret Performance Check, the DC=10+1/hour the target has been dead.
Show spoiler
GM ONLY: On a critical failure the body becomes a meat puppet for a Voidling that gets the memories and knowledge of the deceased individual to tap into. They will naturally attempt to pretend they have returned to life hence secret check. On a Failure the ability doesn't work and this cannot be attempted on this individual again. On a success, they return to life, but are wounded (3) and unconscious. On a critical Success, they heal for hp equal to double your Entertainer level and awaken with no Wounded conditions.

Legendary Study

Feat 20

Traits: Entertainer, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer with the Student of the World Feat

Now upon daily preparations of the two skills from Eternal Student you pick to be Master, one is now Legendary.

Performer of Tongues

Feat 20

Traits: Entertainer, Rare, Language
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Entertainer with Linguistic Study Feat

You are a true master of language, able to entertain crowds across the realms and the world. You count as knowing all languages.

Cover image: Fredwick Rumster by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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