Eye-bite Grenade

A basic dangerous improvised explosive device, simple in construction, yet deviously brutal in how it works. Cruel, efficent, and brutal.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Craft DC: 13, Tier II; 18, Tier III; 23

Range: 60 feet

Duration: Instant

Basic Effects: 10 foot blast radius, Dangerous (1). A cloud of finely ground powder rips through the air, effecting vulnerable areas, getting into the eyes and lungs of your targets. All creatures must make a Fortitude Save. If critically failed, they take double damage and suffer the Blinded condition until they can get medical attention to clean their eyes. If failed, they take 1d10 Slashing and Piercing damage, and gain the Blinded condition, but can cleanse it by spending 2 actions to cleanse their eyes with a successful base DC 15 Medicine roll, though they need access to water to do this. If not the DC becomes 20 and it takes 3 actions. If successful, they merely take the damage. If critically successful they take no damage.

Rank II Effects: Increased blast radius to 15 feet, damage increases to 3d10

Rank III Effects: Damage increases to 5d10 initial damage, radius becomes 20 feet.
Item type
Weapon, Explosive
Raw materials & Components


  • 2 ounces Smokepowder

  • 1 ounce pine sap

  • 3 ounces of of finely ground up glass


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