False Identity

A wink, a small smile, a friendly demeanor. A charming wit and smooth tongue. The right outfit, the right look, and a simple confidence, that's all it would take. I ask not much, I bargain but a little. So with your blessing, Fateweaver, I shall play them all as a fiddle

The Conman's Blessing


Basic Effects: Upon successfully using this prayer, how you look seems to change. You can look male or female, you can alter hair and eye color, and clothing. You can change race, though gaining none of the racial talents, and they must be the same size category as you. You can change your height by 6 inches more or less, and alter your weight 10 pounds more or less. You can simply create a description, or have a proper full portrait of an individual and look like them, should they fall within the requirements.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may change size categories (and height and weight will change accordingly) in either direction by one step, allowing a wider variety of race options. You also only need to have seen someone within the last 14 hours to change into them, visually. You will still need to act the part convincingly.

Tier III Effects: You need only have seen the person before, no matter how long ago, to change into them. You will still need to act like them convincingly.


As you finish praying, you watch in the mirror as your body shifts. Your hair darkens, your eyes get much lighter, your clothing more dapper and official looking. Within mere moments a spitting image of Ambassador Evesong is staring back at you from the mirror. With a deep breath to calm the nerves, you scoop up the sealed gala invitation you'd swiped earlier that day. It was time to go to work.
Gestures & Ritual
Prayer TN: 23, Tier II: 28, Tier III: 33
Related Discipline
Prayer (Varis Tomain)
Effect Duration
Maintained up to 1 hour
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Target: Self


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