Fiochras {F-ah-o-kk-ra-ss}

The creatures of the Celestial Kingdoms are quite unique and interesting as a field of study, in part because though most definitely they belong within these tomes, they are intelligent and sapient, so much so that if one knows where to look, and whom to ask, and is very lucky, one can acquire writings authored by such entities. However amongst the lower ranks of the celestial entities, from the Kingdom of Atlas, realm of Feyheart the Eternal Traveler, the Fiochras are simpler entities than that. No tomes or lengthy papers authored by any such entity. They have a child like wonderment, a deep drive to wander and explore, and are amongst the most common to visit or be brought forth via prayer and holy ritual unto the Material Realm. Taking rudimentary humanoid shapes of pale yellow and sandy brown radiating a soft glow, though they seem to lack any obvious features or tone. However the eyes, like smiles and sparkles of pure starlight and child-like wonderment and curiosity. These creatures seem to radiate their natural curiosity and explorative nature, an essence, a presence that they seem to share with any creature they do not sense hostile intent from, sharing but a bit of their child-like wonder and joy of exploration and adventure, the essence of Atlas itself distilled as some sort of energy that exudes from them.

A brief explanation of Fiochras offered forth by one Markus Laflarin, famed scholar and theologian from northern Valewyr.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

There are many theories in regards to the Celestial Kingdoms and how the various creatures are 'born' such as it is. The reality is we merely have word of mouth from such creatures themselves, and religious belief to go upon. Generally speaking one cannot visit the Kingdoms alive and even those select few whom have died but been brought back to life have no memory of their brief time within them.

The prevailing stories of Atlas do suggest that Fiochras in particular have what some might define as a harrowing or sad origin. They are generally believed to be born of children taken from the world to soon, bold and brave children whom defied their elders, and proceeded to wander wild or dangerous places alone, only to suffer a fatal accident of some kind. Slipping from a cliff edge and falling to one's death, that sort of thing. This is not likely their only origin or means of coming into existence on Atlas of course, they are to numerous by most guesses for such a thing, one would hope.

Ecology and Habitats

Atlas is said to be a realm, a kingdom of ever changing terrain, a place that can be endlessly explored, for it is always changing, every new cycle presenting an entirely new geography. As such, Fiochras are not specialized for any sort of climate or biome, seeming at home in any and all. They need not breath air as we do, seeming to find such a thing unnecessary, though they are no undead creature. Fiochras are curious and explorative entities and when they do find themselves upon the Material Realm they exhibit this quality as they do upon Atlas and are always eager to travel, to see and experience the world and realm and new places. They rarely settle for long and will get quite ornery, like an unruly child, if made to stay in one place longer than a few days.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Celestial Entities of Atlas seem to have no needs as far as diet or nutrition are concerned, having no need to eat or drink, even when upon the Material Realm. This is not unique to Atlas, though it is not normal of all Celestial Entities either.


Fiochras are adventurous little entities, energetic, curious and explorative. They are easily excited by prospects of travel. On the rare instances one finds itself on the Material Realm, it generally is very willing to make friends with anyone who seems well traveled, though there is a bias for those whom are obviously of the Eternal Traveler's faith. They are also oft drawn to maps, charts, and any sort of navigational tools, seeming to take a very child-like wonderment and joy from such things.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

For the most part their facial features are rather non-descript, generally quite average in shape and structure for the form they take. Their eyes, however always stand out, seeming as if the purest of starlight.

Average Intelligence

Fiochras are notable for their intelligence and savvy nature. They seemingly have a sharp memory for directions and through their pleasant and friendly child-like demeanor there is a notable sharpness of mind at work as well.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fiochras seem to possess no heightened senses or any true extrasensory capabilities, however they have a knack for directions and exploration that can seem to border on supernatural to some. There is some truth to this of course, such is the nature of celestial entities. However upon the Realm of Atlas, they are considered normal and average, one of the many types of Blessed.
Fiochras Base Stat Sheet
Scientific Name
Celestias Atlas Exporia
Average Height
91 cms (3')
Average Weight
Unknown given though they take on a solid form upon the Material Realm, they seem to lack any....concrete physicality as a standard, seeming as if solid but also formed of radiance and energy, nothing more.
Average Physique
They oft present themselves as roughly humanoid in shape, though the species may vary, however this form and visage is notably malleable.

Cover image: Ever-curious Fiochras by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)


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May 28, 2024 17:46

This sounds really interesting. I think it would be a fascinating encounter, maybe a little frightening. I hope you find a pic that works. Maybe more than one would help illustrate these creatures? I just had to copy a paste a whole descriptive paragraph into Midjourney in order to get the right kind of pic, so :P Good luck!

May 28, 2024 23:42 by Keon Croucher

After tinkering with Midjourney prompting for a bit, trying a few different word choices and orders, I've settled on an image. Its not perfect, but its at least on brand and feels like it kinda fits some of the written description so it shall do.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
May 29, 2024 01:31

It definitely matches the childlike wonderment you mentioned. I captures the amorphousness that it has. So cute!

May 29, 2024 21:04 by Joella Kay

I think the image captures the intent of the text description quite well. Good choice!

May 29, 2024 21:06 by Keon Croucher

Thank you :)

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
May 30, 2024 00:45 by C. B. Ash

The image is just the perfect addition! Very very nice. At least for me, it seems like a match!