Flowing Friendship

Those of the Sapphire Order understand the flows of Uisce, and how connected they truly are to life and every part of our beings. They know how to read these currents, and how to subtly manipulate and direct them to alter all manner of feelings and behaviors in an individual, and can even, for a time, inspire the belief of friendship within an individual.


Basic Effects: Moving subtly, directing the flows of Uisce, guiding the currents just slightly, encouraging them via different paths of minimal resistance, you alter the perceptive nature of how your target is reading the situation around themselves. They must make a Persona Defensive Test. If they fail, they are befriended by you, charmed into believing you mean them no harm, and that you are a dear and trusted friend. At the end of their turn every round, they attempt this Test again automatically. If they succeed, they take 1d6 psychic damage and 1d6 cold damage from battling through the effect, an unnatural chill washing over them.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You may affect a second target.

Tier III Effects: You may affect a third target.


Isabella smiled, watching the eyes of the first gnoll that had been charging at her and her companions. The creature's eyes had glazed over, and it gave her something she could only imagine to be its attempt at a smile, its canine jawed mouth not able to properly form such an expression. The beastman pounded its chest, pointed to her, and spoke, though Isabella could not speak its guttural animal-like tongue, she understood well enough. She nodded, and put on her best concerned and scared facial expression, watching wtih satisfaction as the gnoll turned and lunged spear first at one of its own.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 15, Tier II: 20, Tier III: 25
Related Discipline
Sapphire Order
Related School
Related Element
Uisce {Water}
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
1 action
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: 1 sapient creature you can see in range.


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