For we are the Brave!

An inspiring speech, one historically given at the battle of Reaver Pass deep in the Sargoz Mountains in Rohara. Given by a commander before what was to be a suicidal last stand, it is told that so inspired were the troops under his command that they not only held the beastmen horde at bay, they actually pushed them back entirely, finding a seemingly impossible victory.


Perform TN: 14, Tier II; 19, Tier III; 24

Performance Time: 2 actions

Duration: 1 minute

Range: 30 feet radius centered on you

Targets: Yourself and all other creatures in range you wish to effect.

Base Effects: You immediately remove any instance of the Frightened conditions from yourself and your chosen targets. Furthermore all those you effect gain 5 temporary hit points at the start of their turn for the duration of this performance. These do not stack but are merely refreshed every round. The targets also gain +2 to all rolls, including damage rolls.

Tier II Effects: Now is +4 to all rolls including damage rolls.

Tier III Effects: Now is +6 to all rolls including damage rolls.


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