
Whilst Foresight is more like a sixth sense that a Diamond Magister seems to tap in, a subtle gift from Spirit watching over them, those more powerful and committed in this Art of Arcanis can actually wield their power to, in a limited scope, see likely outcomes.


Basic Effects: Reaching into the flows of Meanma with your own mind whilst weaving a most complex spell-form, you focus on an upcoming event, be it a personal trial, a conflict, a war, or perhaps things as simple as a date, or a play at an amphitheatre. Regardless what it is, you can pierce the veil, and will see snippets of two diverging paths, two possible versions of how things will come to pass, and the outcome of the event. These diverging paths may split in a notable way, perhaps in a war, it is a key battle, a pivotable moment. In one, the city falls, in another they hold out for one more day, and reinforcements arrive. In others, they diverge perhaps in the smallest of ways, such as what seat you choose to take up in the amphitheatre. Regardless, you will also see other key snippets from how the event plays out, generally only one other moment that in some unknown way have a key role to play in how events end up.
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GM Note: This spell-form is meant for both player fun and shennanigans, but should also allow you to get in some fine foreshadowing and story telling setup sometimes. Do not fear it, just go with it, take your own notes if need be whilst you improve off the top, so you can bring the key moments to life in front of the players if they do end up on one of the 'paths' the spell shows.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You see two key snippets, and should from that be able to garner more information.

Tier III Effects: You see potentially three varied outcomes, adding another diverging path to your visions.


Evelyn moved swiftly, knowing she had little time, cursing as she remembered the snippets. A little girl, straw colored hair, crying, two boys beating her up, throwing her around mercilessly, the building dreary and run down, clearly in this squalid district of Tiate. This district of the city had not been updated with proper street names yet, so she had to think, where was the orphanage. She'd only seen the barest glances of buildings nearby in her visions, and she knew time was running out. The clocktower, it was south, and the sun had been setting to her....right in the vision. That would mean....Evelyn stood straight up then, realizing she knew where to go, and also knew time was short. Taking off running, she hoped she could make it in time to stop the orphan girl....Amelie, the name came to her as much as her visions had the night before when she had, on a whim, decided to divine about her visit to the orphanage. The directions she'd been given had been convoluted at best, and Evelyn had merely been trying to get an idea of her possible routes to the facility. She could not have known the horror of a possible outcome she would see when she wove her spell-form, but now that she was aware, she woudl do whatever she could to prevent it.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 24, Tier II: 29, Tier III: 44
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 hour
Applied Restriction
Special: This spell-form is a unique spell in how it will play out. Every Diamond Magister is well taught and trained to understand that what they see in these visions are just possible outcomes of the event in question they are trying to pierce the veil to look forward to. So the outcome should be taken as informative, but not gospel. What these visions oft show, however, are key things about the situation as it unfolds, providing useful contextual information.


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