General Feats/Talents

Talents/Feats (the words are used interchangeably right now) are a variety of toolkit type abilities, passive effects, behaviors, unique tactics or other such features that are available to your character at various points in their progression and growth. They will have a plethora to choose from based on their Career and Focus choices as well, but here you will find a list of relatively general Talents that any character can choose to take whenever they acquire a Talent Point, provided they meet any prerequisites should the Talent have any.

Aethyr Sight: You can see into the Aethyr, the realm of manna, which overlays our own, seeing all about you the flowing currents and thrumming rivers of manna of every which color. This allows you to see spell forms and tell whenever anyone is attempting to cast Arcane Magick. You can kind of filter this out and see like normal at will.

Aethyric Feedback: You've learned to handle the flows of manna that would try to get out of control when spell casting goes wrong, and have learned one...unique way to discharge that energy to avoid the more dire consequences of failing a spell-weaving. When you trigger a Miscast event, you can simply choose to take elemental damage of the appropriate type to the spell-form you attempted to weave equal to its TN, applying any resistance you have as appropriate.

Ambidextrous: You are naturally quite comfortable fighting with either hand, and more so, fighting with both hands independently. You suffer no penalty to attack or attempt other actions (like a spell form) with your off hand. Furthermore, so long as you have a weapon in each hand, your Armor is increased by +1. Furthermore you may take two attack actions in one round before invoking any Multiple attack penalties, so long as you attack once with each weapon.

Appeasement: You know you are strong of faith, and respect that the gods are harsh but fair, and know the prices of fumbling in your faith. Instead of risking your diety's ire, if you ever trigger a Stumble of Faith when trying to call upon Divine Power, you may instead take untyped damage equal to 1/2 the Calling DC of the prayer you attempted.

Bold: You are a brave soul, an individual generally not given to feeling fear, and are often the first to take up a challenge. You ignore the first time any sort of Fear effect attempts to effect you. Furthermore, as an Action you may Embolden an ally who is within range to hear you, rousing their courage and removing the Fearful condition from them.

Bolster: You've been well trained to defend those around you, to protect your allies, and lift their spirits. As a reaction, you may step between an adjacent ally and an incoming attack. Furthermore if you have a shield equipped, any ally directly adjacent to you has +1 Armor.

Bravado: A braggart, a mouthpiece, a windbag, a cocky son of a siren. You happily wear all four and more, wielding raw confidence as a weapon. As an action, you may attempt an Intimidation skill roll against a target's Sagacity. If you succeed, they become demoralized, so any and all attacks by you or your allies against that target for the round have the Momentum. Furthermore this Talent grants increases your Charisma Attribute by 1.

Calm: You can just shake off the Fearful Condition at the cost of an action. Your Wisdom Attribute increases by 1.

Cat-Like Reflexes: You are blessed with natural quickness and agility, and have always been known to be quick off the draw, as one might say. You gain a bonus to your Dexterity Saves of +2. This becomes +4 at level 10 and +6 at level 20.

Clever: You always seem to be one step ahead, your brain works with a speed that seems almost impossible. You add your Intelligence Bonus to your roll when rolling Perception for Initiative as well as your Wisdom Bonus.

Combat Drilled: You have proper group fighting background and training. Maybe you were a soldier at some point, serving in the infantry. Whatever the reason you have training, and are well drilled in group fighting tactics. Whenever you are adjacent to at least one ally, both they and you have +2 to any attacks rolls against any foe in melee combat.

Combat Reflexes: You are used to fighting fast and furious, and having to react extremely rapidly to ever evolving situations. You may take a number of extra reactions/round of combat=1/2 your Dexterity Bonus. Requires 10th level and Step Aside Feat and an Agility of 18 or more

Danger Close!: It may worry your friends but you and explosive weapons or wide AOE magicks, or both, have a long and loving relationship. When you use any sort of explosive weapon or AOE spell, you can choose to not effect a number of targets within the area equal to your Intelligence Bonus. You also reduce the Dangerous weapon quality on all explosives by 1 (so if the weapon triggers Dangerous on a 1 and a 2, you now only triggers Dangerous on a 1).

Etiquette (Social Group): You know the habits, speech patterns, behaviors and how to communicate with a particular social group, like a guild, or a criminal organization, or even a religion or the Magisterium. Basically this can be any decently large organized group in setting. You always have get to roll social skill checks when interacting with someone within that group twice, taking the better roll.

Field Surgeon: You know your way around medicine and first aid kits better than most people. Whenever you use a First Aid Kit and a Medical skill check to heal someone, you heal them for 1d8/rank in the Medical Skill +2/rank in the Medical Skill (maximum of 4d8+8) instead of the normal 1d4+1/rank.

Echoing Spell-Form: You have learned how to balance maintained magicks, drawing in more manna, casting and weaving them with an added level of complexity, to disconnect yourself from the need to maintain them. When you cast a spell with a Maintain Duration, you may declare it an Echoing Spell-Form. If you do, the Casting DC of the spell is increased by 2. If you successfully cast it, you do not need to maintain it, and it is guaranteed to last for 1 minute. (So 6 rounds of combat GMs).

Exalted Prayers: You have memorized even the more complex parts of the scriptures used to call upon the divine favors of your diety, allowing you to avoid continuing the longer passages of some of the scriptures needed to maintain some of these miraculous powers. When you call upon a Prayer with a Maintain Duration, you may declare that you are engaging in an Exalted Prayer. If you do, the Calling DC of the power is increased by 2. If you successfully call upon it, you do not need to maintain it, and it is guaranteed to last for 1 minute (So 6 rounds of Combat for GMs)

Fleet Footed: Growing up, you were always quicker than those around you, and that hasn't changed. You increase your movement score by 5 feet and your Dexterity Attribute increases by 1.

Gunner: You've been around guns all your life, and seem to have a knack for them. You lower all Misfire and Dangerous traits by 1 on all Firearms, Engineering, and Chymech Weapons.

Keen Instincts: You are always at that edge of readiness, your instincts sound, your ability to jump to action, swift and razor fast. You always roll Initiative, when not Surprised, twice and take the best result.

Hardy: You are tougher than nails and are known for that fact. If you ever roll a 1 or 2 on when rolling for Wound increase upon level up, you automatically treat it as a 3, and Your Constitution Attribute increases by 1.

Linguist: You have a grasp of languages, the nuance of them and the structure, and you find figuring out roughly what's being said by ear. Whenever you hear someone speaking, or find something written in a language you don't speak or read, you roll your Intelligence Save and if you overcome a DC equal to the Intelligence Score+Level of the person speaking or the person who had wrote the document, you can understand what is being said or what you are attempting to read.

Manna Sensitivity: You were not born with Aethyr Sight, and yet you were arguably born with something just as useful, and in some ways preferred. You can feel whenever someone, or something, within 60 feet of you is touching Arcane Magick at will. This can detect magick items, mages, apostates, warlocks/witches, and magickal entities.

Melee Master: You are known for your mastery of a particular family of weaponry, a true grandmaster of your field. When you acquire this talent, you choose a family of melee weapons. When wielding a weapon of that family, you score a Critical Strike on a 19 and a 20. Furthermore any 1s or 2s you roll on damage dice are automatically counted as a 3.

Powerful Build: You are blessed with natural strength and muscle, you've always been quite strong and capable of feats of physical power. You roll all Strength Saves twice, taking the best result.

Rapid Reload: You are well practiced with most ranged weapons, especially those requiring regular reloading, and have gotten it down to a swift science. You reduce the number of actions to reload any Ranged Weapon by one. If a weapon has a Reload time of one action at base, it becomes a free action for you.

Reversal: Trained in the finer arts of melee combat, mastering the more complex kata of your particular art, be it sword, spear, mace, hammer, etc etc, you have learned the art of capitalizing on openings. As a reaction, if a creature attempts a melee attack against you and misses, you may declare and launch a counter attack with a single weapon. Requires Expert Training with the weapon family of the weapon being used

Savvy: You are well known for having a sharp mind, well studied and with a great understanding and retention rate. Any time you are trying to Recall Knowledge, that secret check should be rolled twice and the better result used so long as you are at least Trained in the appropriate skill or lore being used. Furthermore your Intelligence Attribute increases by 1.

Scrapper: You grew up rough and tumble, never afraid of a good scrap, nor with being outnumbered. You do not count as outnumbered or flanked unless there are at least three foes adjacent to you. Furthermore your Strength Attribute Increases by 1

Sharpshooter: You've trained all your life with your weapons of choice, and are known as a deadly shot, a master in your field. Pick a family of ranged weapons. When using any weapon of that family, you now crit on 19 or 20. You also treat any 1s or 2s you roll on damage dice with such weapons as a 3. Requires 10th level and at least Master proficiency with the chosen weapon family

Skilled: This general talent can be taken more than once. This talent allows you to add 1 skill to your list of profession available skills for the future, and gives you 1 skill progression to spend. You may choose any skill except for any Prayer or Spell-Weaving Skill.

Sniper: You are known for your ability to shoot incredible distances, having a sharp eye and an incredible talent for judging distances, wind, and the complex factors of how a projectile will behave over distance in your head rapidly. You multiply all range increments of all ranged weapons by 1.5 in your hands.

Step Aside: You may take an Extra Reaction every round. Your Dexterity Attribute also increases by 1.

Stout: You are blessed with a certain toughness and hardiness, a natural physical resilience beyond most people you know. You roll all Constitution Saves at +2. This becomes +4 at 10th level and +6 at 20th level.

Studious: You have always been well studied, a learned and well read individual with exceptional ability to retain information. You roll all Intelligence Saves at +2. This increases to +4 at 10th level and +6 at 20th level.

Swift Scripture: You are a veteran of many sermons, and know how to really whip up a crowd, but also how to quote scripture in its most effective shorthand forms whilst still being entirely correct. You reduce the calling time of all Prayers by 1 action, to a minimum of 1 action. Requires Expert in the Prayer (insert diety) skill

Swift Shooter: You have a reputation, and one well earned, for being one of the swiftest shots around. When wielding a ranged weapon, you count the range you threaten others around you to 30 feet, gaining access to a Reaction called Sieze the Moment. Sieze the moment allows you to make an attack of opportunity with that ranged weapon against any target that attempts to move through, or out of your threat range, or do something that requires intense focus like casting a spell.

Swift Weaver: You are well known among the field of magick as being someone who is exceedingly well versed in and skilled at rapidly weaving their spellforms. You reduce the casting time of all your spell-forms by 1 action, to a minimum of 1 action.

Trophy Hunter: You have earned the reputation for being something of a big game hunter, enjoying the challenge of fighting and hunting great beasts, and this reputation is very well earned. Whenever attacking a creature larger than you with any weapon, you roll twice and take the best result.

War-Mage: You were trained for this. For the wild whirling dangers of combat, insuring casting even when under direct duress, is something you do not struggle with. Any spell-form you are weaving that takes only 1 action or less time (so Reaction) to weave does not allow foes around you to React in any way (unless to attempt a Counter-Weave). This talent requires you to be at least 5th level and expert in Spell-Weaving (__) skill.

War-Priest: Walking the way of holy retribution, war, battle, valor, what have you, you have always been in the thick, in the fray, wielding faith as a weapon, a defense, and a protective force for your allies, and you are used to being surrounded by the storm of violence that is combat. Calling upon any prayer that takes only 1 action or less time (so Reaction) to call upon does not allow foes around you to React in any way (unless like the Counter-Prayer ability is being attempted). This talent requires you to be at least 5th level and Expert in Prayer (insert diety) skill.

Weapon-Master: You have been training all your life with one particular family of weapons, mastering them beyond what most ever would. You choose one family of weapons, and with that family of weapons you always roll twice and take the best result when attempting any action with the Attack type with one of those weapons. Furthermore you add your Intelligence Bonus to damage along with whatever other Attribute you would normally add. This feat requires you to be at least 10th level and Master rank with the weapon family in question.

Word-weaver: You have always had a certain flair with the spoken word, a certain instinctual comprehension of the finer skill and nuance of the dance of conversation. You gain +2 to Charisma Saves. This increases to +4 at 10th level and +6 at 20th level.

World-Wise: You have always had a deeper understanding of the world around you, a certain innate wisdom that is a core of whom you are. Some born of experience perhaps, others of study, still others of story. Yet that wealth of wisdom serves you well. You always roll Wisdom Saves at +2 and this increases to +4 at 10th level and +6 at 20th.

As always, this does not have to be a comprehensive list and workshopping is heavily encouraged between players and a GM if there is something you feel this list does not offer you that should be here!


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