Grenish Crawlers

A unique creature, and it is an animal, do not confuse the issue, though it may look like a plant. See those tangled briars and vines that seem to lead to roots? Those are not roots, and that thorn bush is not a thorn bush. Those are feeding spines, meant to absorb the rotting and putrefaction of the decay around them. They can 'uproot' and move, though slowly, seeming almost to crawl. They are not predators nor dangerous to the living however, for they cannot sense us. They possess no eyes, or ears, and though they can sense the presence of movement in general through the soil, they pay it no real heed unless something makes the mistake of trying to feed on them. Their spines and tangles are rich with the stench you can smell on the air, and indeed with a veritable chemical soup that will poison you and could give you any number of diseases or infection. However these strange creatures merely feed on rotting plant and animal matter, long dead. They actually are vital to the ecosystem of any bog or marshland and are not merely harmless, but helpful and important members of the ecological web of this biome.

Mochi the Naturalist explaining his preliminary findings to a fellow researcher out in the field in regards to Grenish Crawlers

Grenish Crawlers are seemingly almost an insectoid/plant hybrid, but in most ways of biology seem to lean towards plant, though interestingly they do seem to possess an insect's internal structures for feeding and the like. Yet they show greenery and by best guess do also feed of sunlight like many other plants. They are scavengers, primarly found in swampy or marshy regions that offer a temperate to sub=tropical climate. They do not do well in environments that experience extreme cold such as Suranth or most of the northern regions of Raechin or Depenwood, as examples. The reason for this is the very nature of such frigid winters slows the rates of decay of both plant and animal matter, and this means food would become scarce. Combine this with the extreme cold and the lack of sunlight, it is a climate not condusive to their survival.

Grenish Crawlers are quite unique in that they can eat anything. Much like vultures or other carrion feeding species, they can eat and break down almost anything. They are unaffected by illnesses, diseases or poisons, even Wiltleaf or other illnesses that would normally be exceedingly lethal to plants. This makes them a keystone species in many marsh and swamplands, as they clean up the more dangerous organic remains that might prove a danger, or upset the mineral balance of the waters in those marshes and swamplands.


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