Healing Light

Spirit is the source of life after all. Nature has its role to play of course, but spirit, the energy of souls, the purest essence of life, that is where one can tangibly and definitively say life comes from. And the light of such pure energy, well its healing properties should not surprise.


Basic Effects: Weaving Meanma throughout your own body, empowering the symbol you make with some of your own essence, emit a brilliant white light that washes over all those nearby, as they feel the enhanced life energy wash over and through them. You take 3d6 fire damage, as this energy sears through you, and all creatures you deem non hostile heal for 2d10 wounds.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: You only take 2d6 fire damage, but heal all creatures you deem non hostile for 3d10 wounds

Tier III Effects: You only take 1d6 fire damage, but heal all creatures you deem non hostile for 4d10 wounds.


Hana felt the heat tearing through her, but accepted the light, feeling it burn, feeling her skin flare, almost like a bad sun burn, as the radiant healing energy pulsed free from her over her beaten and bloodied companions and over the unconscious but still breathing form of Annabella. She watched with great relief as her sister's eyes came open, the blood still pouring from the head wound she had suffered, but her mangled arm and torso beginning to mend from the wave of healing magick.

"Why, are you crying Hana, we won." Her stubborn sister rasped. "Or at least I assume we did, elsewise you wouldn't be healing me."

Hana swore, wiping her eyes. "Yes you big dumb oaf, why do you insist on running at the biggest beast every time. I thought that Tauri had killed you!"
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 17, Tier II: 22, Tier III: 27
Related Discipline
Diamond Order
Related School
Related Element
Meanma (Spirit)
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 actions
20 foot radius out from self
Applied Restriction
Target, Special: Only effects all creatures within the area you deem not hostile to you.


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