
Standing taller than their goblin cousins, hobgoblins are generally smattered about larger collected greenskin tribes, though one can come upon small tribes of the beasts all on their own. They stand closer to the height of a human, are a little more cunning and less disorganized than their goblin counterparts, and are notably stronger and tougher as well. Despite this however, their devotion to the Fell Powers, and most often to Iracundia, to Wrath as is the want of greenskins most commonly, is equally as zealous. So one would be well advised not to confuse their more organized behavior as more civil.

Basic Information


Hobgoblins are much bigger and stronger than their goblin cousins, generally of a similar height and weight to your average human. They have a much more pronounced skull structure, with wider set eyes and a less bulbous or pronounced nose. Their ears are as big as their goblin cousins, but seem more proportional due to their larger overall size. They have notably tougher hide as well, having an almost leather like skin that acts almost as a natural protective layer. Much like their smaller cousins, they seem to have a strange natural resistance to toxins and poisons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Though they are bigger, and denoted appropriately as a seperate species this does not mean there is any real change or difference in things such as reproduction when compared to their smaller cousins. In fact, though different subspecies, hobgoblins and goblins are capable of producing offspring and in truth, hobgoblins may be found in leadership positions of within larger goblin tribes, with hobgoblins getting special treatment and priviledge within tribal heirarchal structure in such cases, including when it comes to reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hobgoblins have much the same stages and growth as their goblin counterparts. However in most situations in larger mixed tribes, hobgoblin babies will get special preferential treatment. The best scraps and bits of food, the most food, the best bedding. They will be afforded every advantage, and a hobgoblin baby amongst smaller goblin siblings, will likely in its infancy kill and eat at least 1 or 2 of those baby goblins in the course of growing up and maturing.

Ecology and Habitats

Hobgoblins and Goblins share much of the same information, though hobgoblins more nomadic, and due to their natural skill and their ability to forcibly tame and control worgs and dire wolf mounts, they generally prefer lowlands regions, plains and hills in specific.


Hobgoblins are zealous raiders and warriors. They do not farm, they do not raise animals. They are primal, savage, violent raiders, with great fervor and zeal for honoring Iracundia, sustaining off of such activities and the spoils they take. Though the primary purpose of such raids is the violence itself, hobgoblins will raid and pillage with abandon as well. They are far more warlike than even their goblin cousins, and less concerned about numeric advantage, as they match up far more favorably with most peoples they would be making such incursions and conflicts against.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hobgoblins generally seem to be the upper crust of any goblin tribe, making up the leadership, the elite warriors/raiders, chiefs, and other such roles. Hobgoblins are rarely if ever born with any direct connection to the arcane or the void and as such a Hobgoblin blood shaman or the like are next to unheard of.

Facial characteristics

Hobgoblins have a more proportionate facial structure than their goblin kindred, with a properly sized head for their size, so similar to humans or elves. Their nose is less bulbous, the nostrils less flaired. They have noticeable incisors just sticking over their bottom lip from their top jaw. Their eyes are rather sharp in shape, looking angry and vicious, and are generally bloodshot.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hobgoblins and hobgoblin dominate tribes dominate the wilderness of the far flung hill-lands and grasslands all across Valerick, anywhere they can find and control populations of beasts like worgs or dire-wolves or other such dangerous predatory beasts they would use as mounts. Hobgoblins do not seem to have their own tribes, such that they are never found in a tribe without some number of common goblins within the tribal structure. This has led some to see them less as a seperate species and more as a genetic shift, a sort of subtype of the common goblin, something that can just occur naturally within a goblin population should food and resources be plentiful enough.

Average Intelligence

Hobgoblins are generally a little smarter than their common goblin kindred by any notable metric, and show a greater capability of organization (though they use it rarely enough). They show some proficency, across any given population, in a modest variety of skill sets and trades. They are generally not well spoken nor strong of conversational skills however, and much like their common goblin brethren they oft lack common sense.
Hobgoblin Raider Base Stat Sheet

Hobgoblin Worg Rider Base Stat Sheet
Average Height
1.2-1.8 meters (4'-6')
Average Weight
66-113 kgs (145-250 lbs)
Average Physique
Hobgoblins have a similar shape and muscle structure to fellow sapients such as dwarves and humans, and are of a similiar build. They show on average a strength at least equal to if not perhaps very slightly above the average human's, and a toughness and hardiness that falls between the two.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Hobgoblins generally show a similar greenish pigmentation to their skin that their common goblin cousins do, though it is generally a little more muted in tone, and darker in shade. Crude tattoos, scarification and other markings of a tribal nature or quasi-spiritual nature are common enough as well.


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