Hunter-Homebrew/PF2e Conversion mess thingy

The Hunter is meant to be the overlay/homebrew version of the Ranger for Pathfinder 2e. As always there will be notable differences, but ideally the concept here is this should be easy enough to either use whole sale with the changes to rules, or to alter the various feats and such listed here mildly to conform more fully to the base 2e rule set.

Of martial warriors, there are many kinds. Unlike those whom value regimented formations, heavy armor, or raw power, there are some whom value a more skilled and subtle approach. Stalking prey, ambushing their foes, engaging from range, baiting and luring traps. Tracking and skirmishing, never over committing, the game of cat and mouse, of hunter and prey. Hunters are those whom seek to master this balanced approach to battle and war. They utilize lighter armor, skirmishing tactics, and generally a mixed bag skill set, using ranged weapons to lead the way, but capable enough in melee combat as required as well. Some choose to work side by side with a beast of nature. This animal will often, but not always, be some sort of dominant predator species. Their unique partnership is one based on years of practice, and a primal empathic bond formed at a young age. Some are master trackers and trail-blazers, working best alone, mapping, scouting and clearing the way of hazards for larger groups. Others, uniquely, are tied in with the Magisterium, specializing in a very particular kind of hunting, that of apostates and other dangerous magickal elements, beings and creatures. Still others specialize uniquely in truly big and monstrous game, seeking their claim to fame in the most dangerous trophys and the largest and most dangerous prey. All Hunters come with their unique skill sets, but they all come from the same solid foundation. Skill, speed, subtlety, with enough competence and strength to hold their own when things go wrong. Survivalists and skirmishers, utilizing all manner of tricks and traps along with any other tactic and weapon that will get the job done.


Career Progression

Key Attribute: Strength of Dexterity

Wound Progression Dice: Hunters start play with 5+Constitution Bonus HP added to their racial wounds at 1st level and for every level they gain they increase their maximum wound total by 1d10+Toughness Boost.

Initial Proficiencies

Perception: Hunters start as Experts in Perception.

Saving Throws: Hunters start Expert in Reflex saves and in Fortitude as well as Trained in Power and Will Saves. They are untrained in Ego and Logic saves.

Skills: Hunters start Trained in Nature and Survival along with 4+Intelligence Skills.

Attacks: Hunters Start Trained in up to 3 families of Melee weapons of their choice, as well as a further 3 Ranged weapon families. They also choose 1 family of each type (Melee and Ranged) to start with Expert Proficiency.

Defenses: Trained in Unarmored Defense, Light Armor and Medium Armor.

Class DC: Start Trained in Hunter Class DC.

Progression Progress Table

Level Action Bonus Profession Abilities Skirmish Damage Dice Traps and Tricks/Rest
1 - Ancestry and Background, Attribute Growth, Favored Prey Talent, Hunting Discipline Selection, Hunter Talent, Snares and Traps 1d6 1
2 1 Mind of a Predator, Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 1d6 1
3 1 General Feat, Will Expertise 1d6 2
4 - Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 1d6 2
5 1 Attribute Growth, Ancestry Feat, Hunter's Bravado 2d6 3
6 1 Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 2d6 3
7 - General Feat, Natural Quickness, Natural Awareness 2d6 4
8 1 Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 2d6 4
9 1 Ancestry Feat, Hunter Expertise, Wylde Strength 3d6 5
10 - Attribute Growth, Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 3d6 5
11 1 General Feat, Warden's Endurance, Armor Expertise 3d6 6
12 1 Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 3d6 6
13 - Ancestry Feat, Favored Weapon Mastery 4d6 7
14 1 Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 4d6 7
15 1 Attribute Growth, General Feat, Lightning Reflexes, Hawk's Awareness, 4d6 8
16 - Hunter Feat, Skill Feat 4d6 8
17 1 Ancestry Feat, Masterful Hunter, Might of the Wylde 5d6 9
18 1 Hunter Feat, Skill Feat, Predator Mind 5d6 9
19 1 General Feat, Toughness of the Hunt 5d6 10
20 - Attribute Growth, Hunter Feat, Skill Feat, Hunter's Mastery 5d6 10

Hunter Base Features and Abilities

Ancestry and Background: At first level like any character a Hunter gains the base stats, boosts, bonuses and features of their Ancestry and Background, as well as selecting a first level Ancestry Feat.

Attribute Growth: Hunters are a bit different than many other professions and start play with 4 extra Attribute Points to spend. Outside this at level 5, 10, 15 and 20 you gain a further 4 attribute points to spend on any of your attributes you wish. Your Strength or Dexterity, whichever you choose to be your Key Attribute, also naturally increases by 1 on top of this and this growth to your Key Attribute ignores the tax rules on going above 18 in an attribute. These attribute points can send your scores above 18, though every point you wish to increase an attribute above 18 costs 2 attribute points, not 1.

Favored Prey: This is one of the Hunter's Key and defining abiities. At 1st level and then at 6th, 12th, and 18th you select a creature type, or two humanoid types (elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, halfmen, tanturs, etc) as their favored prey. Creature type options are; Animals, Animals Arcanium, Bestials, Constructs, Draconids, Elementals, Faellen Kindred, Greenskins, Joten, Monstrosities, Plants, Restless Dead, Saurus, Voidlings, and Wyrids. The Hunter gets +1 to attack and damage, as well any Saves and skill test directly engaging with or involving a creature of this type. This bonus increases to +2 for your first choice at 6th level and you select a second Favored Prey that you get the +1 against. At 12th level you select a third and the bonuses become +3, +2, and +1. At 18th level you select a fourth and final Favored Prey and the bonuses become +4, +3, +2, +1 respectively.

Skirmish Damage Dice: Hunters have a unique way of fighting, they are nimble and generally try to fight from sudden ambushes and swift movement, as well as trickery and traps. This die is extra damage they get to add to the damage for their traps and tricks if a creature is affected by them was unaware, or is surprised. They also add this to their damage on attacks if they catch a target with the Surprised condition, or so long as they have moved at least 10 feet since their last attack.

Traps and Tricks: Hunters get to utilize simple yet effective traps and tricks like baits, lures and snares. These are detailed under the Of Magick, Faith and Science category, however they will be under the sub category header of Traps and Tricks Unlike most magicks or magick adjacent type abilities, these are not a major profession feature. However they are useful tools to be sure. Unlike other professions, they do not pick new recipes or formulae. Nor do their Traps and Tricks have tiers. Hunter's Traps and Tricks have no real scaling except in their damage or effects, however their DC does scale with their Profession/Class DC. Otherwise however they are simple tricks and traps and you prepare the given number of a variety from the available list based on your level during your Daily Preparations. These utilize Thievery as a skill to hide them.

Hunting Discipline Selection: At 1st level, like any profession in Valerick, they have to select their...speciality, and for Hunters that is their hunting discipline. These of course would require a bit of adaptation and such however they ideally should be useable, or at least provide useable extra feats and homebrew options for the appropriate comparable class in base PF2e. Within Adventures to Valerick these are the four common specialties.


Amongst hunters there are those that prefer not to hunt entirely alone, understanding that in nature solo predators, whilst dangerous and often ferocious, are quite often not the most successful. Taking that knowledge and understanding to heart, raising and bonding with some sort of natural companion, a hunting partner of some sort, often, but not always, some kind of apex predator. Their bond with this companion shapes their tactics, craft and approach to life quite deeply, that creature becoming their best friend, as family even, and sharing a special, even empathic bond, and one that seems to have some sort of deep primal power within it, for such animals will live far beyond their ordinary lifespans, seeming to reach mid adulthood and just not aging into old age until their companion does so. Truly it is a remarkable bond, made more remarkable by the distinct lack of any direct magick presence about it. Whatever causes the phenomenon, Huntmasters are unique amongst their fellow Hunters in this bond with nature, the strength of it being more than any others due to this companionship bond.

Animal Companion Feat: A Huntmaster begins play with a boon companion, an animal that is just coming into adulthood. This companion starts with some base stats like one might expect based on what animal it is, and one will find many examples in the Animals chapter of the bestiary. However the creature will somewhat scale with the Hunter, scaling its maximum wound count every level of Hunter you gain at a rate qualified by the animal's codex. Furthermore whenever the hunter gains the Attribute Growths by level, the animal also gets Attribute Growths as well. Besides this based on the creature, there will be different abilities it grows into over time. Not every animal in the Bestiary will include the information for 'this creature as an animal companion' however if you and your GM wish to use one that such a section is not present, you can, you'll just need to work together to come up with its progression and ability growth scheme based on the creature's presented information.


Some hunters volunteer to hunt what can only be considered the most dangerous of prey, others are born into or orphaned and adopted into such a fold at a young age. Whatever the various methods that they end up in this position, those whom call themselves Mage-Slayers are unique amongst the hunting profession in choosing to hunt some of the most dangerous prey on Valerick. Apostates. Be they magisters gone rogue, sorcerers, or full blown witches or warlocks with pacts of power with Nightmares from the Void, a Mage-Slayer sees no real difference. They are all quarry, all prey, and all targets that must be eliminated. Those Hunters whom have been trained to walk this path are well equipped for such a task.

Manna Sensitivity: Selecting this Specialization at 1st level grants you the Manna Sensitivity General Feat.

Favored Prey: At first level, a Mage-Slayer must take two humanoids, or Fey, Magickal Beasts, or Voidlings as their favored prey. All later selections are free to be as you wish, but these first are significant, pointing out your baseline for training.


Amongst those of the hunting profession, some are master trailblazers and pathfinders, often working alone, ahead of their allies, acting as eyes and ears to flush areas for dangers, and to establish where safe routes are to travel. Natural hazards, monsters, opposing armed forces, there are a great many things a Scout is keeping alert for. Commonly found in the employ of the army, or as hired guides and mercenaries. Scouts are generally very well in tune with the lands they travel in as well, seeming to have an almost supernatural ability to locate things like drinkable water, settlements and other key landmarks.

Know Direction: A Scout can always know what direction they are traveling in by merely taking an Action to focus on the question, and observe their surroundings.

Find Water: A Scout can take one minute and focus their mind on their knowledge of topography and their memories of their surroundings that they've traveled through thus far, and any maps they've studied or seen. They can figure out the rough distance and direction of travel to the nearest naturally occuring source of drinkable water, such as a creek, brook, pond, natural spring or anything of that sort.

Trophy Hunter

Amongst hunters, there are always those whom do it for the thrill. The thrill of the risk and the danger, the thrill of the story, the bragging rights. These individuals often seek the biggest and most dangerous challenges when it comes to prey, seeing it as sort of a test of themselves. They are masters at engaging and fighting with creatures bigger than they are, regularly coming up with ways to overcome that disparity.

The Best Trophy's: Its in the name and job description. You acquire the Trophy Hunter General Feat

These are the Four Specialization Paths for the Hunter, their base benefits and a little lore blurb. Moving forward the rest of the base Hunter traits, abilities and benefits.

Hunter Feats: Starting at 1st Level and then at 2nd level and every even level thereafter, the Hunter selects a Feat of the appropriate level from below. Alternatively they can always select a lower level feat from a previous level if they so desire.

Skill Feats: Just as noted in PF2e, I may make some in the future for the additional skills I've made for Adventures in Valerick. You get one of these at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Mind of a Predator: At 2nd level you become Trained in Logic Saves.

General Feats: You can find additional Feats/Talents here that would fall into this category, along with the plethora of them that exist within Pathfinder 2nd Edition as a base game. You get one of these at 3rd level and every 4 levels after that as a Hunter.

Will Expertise: At 3rd level you become Expert Proficiency in Will Saves.

Hunter's Bravado: At 5th level you become Trained in Ego Saves.

Natural Quickness: At 7th level you become Master in Reflex Saves

Natural Awareness: At 7th level you become Master in Perception

Hunter Expertise: At 9th level you become Expert in Hunter DC.

Wylde Strength: At 9th level you become Expert in Power Saves

Warden's Endurance: At 11th level you become Master in Fortitude Saves.

Armor Expertise: At 11th level you become Expert Proficiency in Unarmored and Light armor as well as Medium Armor.

Favored Weapon Mastery: At 13th level you become Master Proficiency with the two weapon families you were previously Expert Proficiency with, and all other families you become Expert Proficiency with.

Lightning Reflexes: At 15th level you become Legendary in Reflex Saves

Hawk's Awareness: At 15th level you become Legendary in Perception

Masterful Hunter: At 17th level you become Master Proficiency in Hunter Profession/Class DC.

Predator Mind: At 18th level you become Expert in Logic Saves.

Toughness of the Hunt: At 19th level you become Legendary in Fortitude Saves.

Hunter's Mastery: At 20th level you become Master Proficiency in Unarmored Defense, and Light Armor

Hunter Feats

Mark the Prey

Feat 1

Traits: Primal, Hunter, Mental
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

A Hunter with this feat can declare a target their marked prey. Once declared they cannot alter or change this. They gain a +1 Circumstance bonus on all attack and skill rolls against the target, as well as any skill rolls to attempt to track or locate them (survival, intimidation, diplomacy, and deception in social situations). This becomes +2 at 10th level and +3 at 20th level. Furthermore regardless if the Hunter was moved since their last attack roll or not, the first attack they make against this target each round triggers their Skirmish damage if it hits. This ability lasts for 1 hour/2 Hunter levels (1 hour minimum). They can only use this ability 1/day. At 11th level they can use this ability 2/day.

Favored Environs

Feat 1

Traits: Hunter, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

When selecting this feat, the Hunter chooses a category of terrain from the following list; Arctic, Coastal, Desert/Plains, Forests, Jungles, Highlands/Mountains, Swamps/Marshes, Subterranean, and Urban. Hunters do not suffer from any naturally occuring environmental difficulties or reductions for movement (such as difficult terrain movement penalties. You still can't walk across magma or the like.) Furthermore a Hunter has a +1 circumstance bonus to Initiative and Armor Class when in their favored Environment. They also have this bonus on any Nature (or Society for Urban) rolls they make to Recall Knowledge or any Survival or Stealth checks they make whilst in that terrain. At 8th level they pick a second category of terrain from that list to have the bonus for, whilst increasing their first bonus to +2. Then at 16th level they select a third and final terrain type and now the bonuses become +3, +2, and +1.

Honed Reactions

Feat 2

Traits: Hunter, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

A Hunter with this feat gets to add their Dexerity Bonus to their Perception rolls for Initiative so long as they are not under the Surprised Condition.

Skirmish Training

Feat 2

Traits: Hunter, Animal, Common
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Huntmaster Hunter

A Huntmaster's animal companion also gains the Skirmish Damage Dice feature as it functions for the Hunter with all the same rules. But for both animal and hunter, they gain an additional method to trigger Skirmish Damage. If they attack a target whom was last successfully attacked by their partner, and hit, they trigger Skirmish Damage as well. They may each only utilize this method of triggering damage 1/round.

Resist the Touch

Feat 2

Traits: (Arcane, Occult), Hunter
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Slayer Hunter

A Mage-Slayer is familiar enough with the feel and the touch of the arcane or occult being brought to bear upon them to steel and ready themselves when they begin to feel that sensation. They gain +1 to all Saving Throws against any spell or supernatural ability with the Arcane or Occult trait. This becomes +2 at 8th level, and +3 at 14th level. At 20th level they become +4.

Point Man

Feat 2

Traits: Scout, Hunter
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Scout Hunter

A Scout with this feat gains +10 movement speed whenever they are in their Favored Environs.

The Bigger they Are

Feat 2

Traits: Trophy Hunting, Hunter
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Trophy Hunter

A Trophy Hunter is in their element hunting and fighting creatures bigger than they are. For each size category larger than you a creature is, you gain +1 on Survival rolls made to track it, as well as to attack rolls against it.

Skillful Hunter

Feat 4

Traits: Hunter, Skill
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

Upon selecting this Feat, a Hunter becomes Trained in two of the following skills; Athletics, Awareness, Craft (Trap-Making), Nature, Navigation (Any), Stealth, or Survival.

Quick Stepper

Feat 4

Traits: Skirmish, Hunter, Open
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

A Hunter with this feat has really embraced the idea of being a skirmisher. As a Single action they can make an attack roll, and so long as they hit, they trigger Skirmish Damage, they may, as part of that attack action, move up to half their movement speed as well.

Edge of Awareness

Feat 6

Traits: Hunter, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter with Honed Reaction Feat

Whenever the hunter should be caught off guard and gain the Surprised condition, they may roll a base DC 14 check (roll a flat d20, succeed on a 14 and up). If it succeeds they simply aren't surprised. If it fails, they are surprised and carry on as normal.

Shared Prey Instincts

Feat 6

Traits: Hunter, Animal, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Huntmaster Hunter

A Hunter with this feat has had some time with their companion and has had the chance to train and share knowledge and tactics with them, and this has crossed over well. The animal companion also counts as having the same Favored Prey's as the Hunter themself, with all the same benefits of the ability.

Spell Skirmish

Feat 6

Traits: Skirmish, Hunter, Arcane, Occult, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Slayer Hunter

A Mage-Slayer knows how to really utilize their strange inherent touch, even a little bit in the Aethyr. Whenever they land an attack that would trigger skirmish damage on a creature that they are aware is capable of casting Arcane or Occult magick, they can choose to apply the Skirmirsh Damage dealt as a direct negative to the target creature's next casting roll attempt instead of as damage.

Scout's Readiness

Feat 6

Traits: Initiative, Hunter
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Scout Hunter

A Hunter with this feat is always ready, always on edge. So long as they are not afflicted with the Surprised condition, upon having to roll Initiative, they may spend their Reaction for the first round of combat to increase their own Initiative by +1/6 Hunter levels and also granting themselves Quicken (1) Condition for the first round of combat.

Built to Scale

Feat 6

Traits: Trap, Hunter, Uncommon
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Trophy Hunter

Normally Hunter Traps and Trick are built to a scale to allow them to effect creatures in the range of Small size to Large size. Smaller than this window, the apparatus' simply won't work. Bigger than that they are simply not robust enough. However upon selecting this feat, a Hunter can choose up to 1/2 their level of their traps they make for Daily Preparations to instead construct To Scale. If they choose to build To Scale they build the trap in such a way where it effects Medium, Large and even up to Huge creatures. At 12th level they can scale this to be Large, Huge, and Enormous. At 18th level they can even scale this up to Huge, Enormous and Gargantuan sized creatures.

Hunter's Knowledge

Feat 8

Traits:Hunter, Lore
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter, Mark the Prey

A Hunter with this feat when it comes to any creature they may meet, is presumed to be at least Trained in the appropriate skill (Nature, Society, Religion, Arcane, Occult, or the appropriate Lore skill) for the purposes of Recall Knowledge. If the creature is within any of their Favored Prey families they instead treat it as Expert.

Lay of the Land

Feat 8

Traits: Hunter, Geography, Nature
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter, Favored Environs

A Hunter with this feat, they are incapable of critically failing Recall Knowledge or general Lore checks when trying to remember hazards of, identify features of, or otherwise as appropriate about geographical features, climate knowledge or natural (and supernatural) phenomena in any region who's basic geography falls into any of their Favored Environ types.

Positional Advantage

Feat 10

Traits: Hunter, Skirmish
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

The Hunter now triggers Skirmish damage if they have high ground when using a ranged weapon, or if they are in melee and have another ally even adjacent, not just flanking, but adjacent to the same foe they are attacking, as they utilize the advantages of positional control and awareness of the battlefield.

Hunter's Sense

Feat 10

Traits: Sense, Hunter, Perception
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

These feat grants the Hunter that extra sensitivity, that ability to just know and feel the presence of other creatures near them that are actively watching them and the like. How intune they are with their surroundings. For 1 action the Hunter can activate Hunter's Sense. For the next hour, they count concealment/hidden and the like as 1 step lower for the point of perception. Furthermore they automatically are aware if anything moves within 30 feet of them, even if they can't pinpoint it. They also gain either Tremorsense, Blindsense, Echolocation or Mindsense as an extra sense they possess though only out to an emanation of 20 feet.

Hunter's Rations

Feat 12

Traits: Hunter, Healing, Trap/Trick
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

A Hunter who takes this feat gains a unique choice of....'device' for their traps and tricks that they can add to the list of options. Hunter's Rations can take many forms. Specialized hard tack of differing recipes, seasoned jerky made with specialized herbs and oils and perhaps other magickal reagants. These are not full meals but do seem to provide revitalization when consumed. Taking an action to eat a dose of these heals the individual whom consumes them for 4d8+1/2 your Hunter level hit points, as well as immediately cleansing any persistent bleed damage.

Shared Initiative:

Feat 12

Traits: Animal, Hunter
Source: Adventures of Valerick
Access: Huntmaster with Skirmish Training

A Huntmaster and their animal companion, at this point, when the Huntmaster takes this feat, they and the Hunter act almost as one, taking their turns one after the other automatically, but getting to act at the highest initiative between the two.

Silencing Strike

Feat 12

Traits: Skirmish, Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Slayer Hunter, Requires Spell Skirmish

A Mage-Slayer at home with their craft, truly mastering it, they know exactly where and how to strike to limit and temporarily take away a mage or a magickal beast's capability to utilize its magick. Whenever a Mage-Slayer successfully triggers Skirmish Damage, if the target is capable of casting any sort of Arcane or Occult magick. At the cost of two actions, you can make a special attack against a target that is capable of casting any spells or using any spell-like or supernatural abilities that possess the Arcane or Occult traits. If it hits that target is Silenced for 1 round. If its a critical hit the target is Silenced for 1 minute.

Find Civilization

Feat 12

Traits: Scout, Hunter
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Scout with Lay of the Land Feat

A Scout is normally very well studied and well versed in maps of any region they end up visiting. They study maps in their off time, knowing they will travel to a great many places in such a profession. By taking 1 minute to focus and think a Scout can visualize and roughly pinpoint, how far they are, as well as know the exact direction to, the closest settlement.

The Harder they Fall

Feat 12

Traits: Hunter, Trophy Hunting
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Trophy Hunter with the Bigger they Are Feat.

A Trophy Hunter isn't just good at engaging with and striking such large foes, but also knows where to strike them for maximum effect. They have +1 to damage on attacks for every size category bigger than the Hunter that their target is.

Traceless Travel

Feat 14

Traits:Hunter, Geography
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter, with Favored Environs feat

A Hunter with this feat is a master of hunting within their favored environs. They are much harder to track in these environments, seeming to leave no real traces of their travel. When trying to track a Hunter within any of their favored environs, even if they are not trying to to hide their passage, the DC to track them is their Class DC, but treated as if they were Legendary Proficiency.

Patience and Swiftness

Feat 14

Traits: Movement, Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter, Mark the Prey

A Hunter is a master of patience and swiftness. If they have a Marked Prey, they gain a unique ability. By spending two actions, they may move up to their movement speed, and become hidden so long as they can obstruct line of sight with the creature, automatically. They must roll a Stealth check at the beginning of every round they wish to continue being patient as its known. They gain a unique interconnected reaction. Whenever their prey moves, they may sneak the same direction at a speed up to as far as the target moved. This does NOT consume their reaction and is a triggered response whilst being patient. They can trigger swiftness by spending their reaction for the round and this pre-emptively spends their first action of their next turn. If the have a ranged weapon equipped they may strike twice, but multiple attack penalty applies. If they are using a melee weapon they can strike twice if possible (unlikely) or they automatically and swiftly close distance and get to roll an attack. Any of these attack that hit apply their Skirmish Damage.

Supernatural Predator

Feat 16

Traits: Hunter, Rare, Divine
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter

You have learned to tap into something beyond the normal, beyond the mundane. When you have Mark the Prey active, you can pinpoint the location of your prey anywhere on the same plane as you. If you've never been where they have gone specifically at best you know a direction and exact distance by merely thinking about it for 1 minute. If it is somewhere you've been before, 1/day, you may spend 1 minute in a strange ritual, unsure of where you are finding the powers to wield this. At the end of the minute, you and up to four chosen targets teleport teleport to within 100 feet of your marked prey.

One with the Environment

Feat 18

Traits: Geography, Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter with Favored Environs Feat.

A Hunter's bonuses from Favored Environs become +4, +3, and +2 Respectively. Furthermore they count every other environment that isn't one of their chosen three biomes are forever at the base of counting as a +1 Favored Environment.

Prey on the Weak

Feat 18

Traits: Hunter, Animal, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Huntmaster with Shared Prey Feat

Eventually some of the natural predatory instinct has translated to the Huntmaster, and perhaps some of that higher understanding has transferred to their animal companion. Both Huntmaster and Animal can trigger Skirmish Damage upon targets that are suffering from any of the following conditions, in addition to the other methods by which they can trigger Skirmish Damage. The conditions for which this works are; Blinded, Confused, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Prone, Slow, or Stunned.

Overloading Strike

Feat 18

Traits: Mage-Slayer, Hunter, Rare, Arcane, Occult, Attack
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Slayer Hunter with the Spell Skirmish Feat

A Mage-Slayer has managed to really master their capabilities in a most dangerous and devastating way. By spending three actions you may make a singular attack with an equipped weapon against a target creature with the Arcane or Occult traits, or someone who can cast spells or utilize supernatural abilities that have Arcane or Occult Traits. this attack applies Skirmish Damage, and if it hits, the creature automatically suffers 2 Minor Miscast events, in addition to the damage you deal. If you score a critical hit, the creature instead suffers a Major Miscast event. The Hunter, even if they would be in range to be affected by the outcome of these miscasts, is simply not affected, and may choose up to three other creatures within 60 feet of them to also not be affected by these outcomes.

Scout's Map

Feat 18

Traits: Scout, Hunter, Geography, Divine, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Scout

By spending 10 minutes, a Scout can meditate, seeming to fall silent and into a torpor. However their hands with parchment and ink pens, move impossibly rapidly. You roll a either a Nature, Society, or the appropriate Navigation skill. This should be a secret check, rolled behind the GM screen. On a critical failure you believe the map you draw of your surroundings out to forty kms (20ish miles) in all directions is perfectly accurate however it should be heavily flawed. Not completely false or wrong but the distances, hazards and such should just be in the completely wrong place. On a failure there should only be a number of major mistakes equal to 10-your Intelligence Modifier. On a success, it should be mostly right with only 1 or 2 truly notable errors. On a critical success, it is a flawless, perfect map. You can only activate this ability as part of your Daily Preparations.

Speed versus Size

Feat 18

Traits: Hunter, Trophy Hunting, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Trophy Hunter

As someone used to hunting prey and fighting creatures much larger than you, you have mastered the true doctrine required to be successful. Speed is power. You may count any weapon as Agile, even if it lacks that trait, against creatures that are at least 1 size larger than you, and gain a special reaction you may take when attacked by a creature larger than you. You may roll a Reflex Save and instead substitute that result for your AC against the incoming attack should you so choose.

All Are Prey

Feat 20

Traits: Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Hunter with Mark the Prey and Hunter's Sense Feat

A Hunter's Favored Prey bonuses all increase by +1, and any creature outside the three chosen types they picked are now counted as Favored Prey of a base rank, meaning you have the base +1 bonus against all creatures where applicable.

Shared Environmental Training

Feat 20

Traits: Hunter, Animal, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Huntmaster

A Huntmaster's Animal Companion counts as having all the same Favored Environment Bonuses as the Hunter has, as over many weeks and months, and perhaps years together they have learned from the Hunter, becoming quite accustomed and comfortable in their Huntmaster's favored hunting grounds, even those that are not a natural environment for the creature.

Manna Fog

Feat 20

Traits: Arcane, Occult, Mage-Slayer, Hunter, Rare, Concentrate
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Mage-Slayer

This ability requires 2 actions to activate, and the Hunter must spend an action every round to keep it running. A Mage-Slayer can actually effect the Aethyr around them with their mere presence if they wish to. Within 30 feet of the Mage-Slayer any attempts to roll Spell-Weaving to use an magick tied to Arcane or Occult traditions are at a -5.

Memory Map

Feat 20

Traits: Mental, Scout, Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Scout

You have studied so many maps, and even some of the most odd and esoteric maps, including maps of the Planar Realms. As part of your daily preparations, you may spend 1 minute, and you become familiar with maps of the realm, plane, and region you are in, as if you had charts and maps in front of you are incapable of getting lost in this place, and know all the natural hazards and how to spot them, predict them, protect against them, and how to avoid them.

Big Game Legend

Feat 20

Traits: Trophy Hunter, Rare
Source: Adventures in Valerick
Access: Trophy Hunter

A Trophy Hunter has mastered the art of utilizing larger creatures' own strength against them. In addition to the boosts provided by their other abilities, they also get to utilize the target's own Strength Modifier as a bonus to their attack rolls and damage rolls, along with any other rolls they make to represent physical altercations with the creature such as attempts to trip it, disarm it, or things of that ilk.

Cover image: Vondiras Scavi-il by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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