Huntmaster's Sign

A simple, yet diverse codified linguistic structure that was borne of the faith of the Bloodhound, but has seen a various simple dialects of sorts, less complex but of a solid structure and simple application, used by hunters and trappers all across Valerick.

Huntmaster's Sign is the progenitor language, still used to this day by those of the Church of the Bloodhound. It is a rather complex language of silence, comprised of hand signs, facial movements and hand gestures. Proper Huntmaster's Sign, the progenitor, the one used by those of the church, is robust and complex in its structure, moreso than many might first expect. It is an entire silent codex that the church uses for worship, for quiet communication when traveling or hunting, and even in direct prayer. Many of the Prayers, the Calls that those so blessed by the Bloodhound can call upon require no verbal utterance of any prayer or hymn, but are tied to structured phrases in this silent and physical langage, made gesturing above as if speaking to Boran.

This language very likely has helped give birth to a variety of 'Hunter Cants' across Valerick, the influences can be seen in the admittedly simpler gestures and structures, with strong roots shared with Huntmaster's Sign. These are also a little more practical in the mundane sense, often structured far more simply, with fewer words, less phrases, and limited motions required, as they are designed for basic but crucial communication between hunting parties and the like when stalking game. Huntmaster's Sign, whilst it possesses simplified slangs and dialects perhaps between groups or chapters when they are out on the hunt or exploring the wilderness, these dialects are unique between groups and are definitely watered down from the base structure's complexity meant for worship.


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